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SINGLES CONNECTION _ GAY EVENTS SWINGERS’ CLUB Sign in for single Sign in for gay Sign in for group events, meetings & events, meetings 8. meetings, events & newsletters newsletters newsletters MONDFIY Buy two movies, get the third free! TUESDAYS Spend $ 200+, get a deluxe vacation for 2 - includes free deluxe hotel accommodation packages for 2! weonesonvs Buy 2 ovos & getthe aid FREE ViDeO EXPFGSS 215 MAIN ST. WINODSKI 654-3651 “A FUN PLACE TO SHOP FOR THE DISCRIMINATING ADULT" and Sell Real Antiques P.0. Box 17 I-'_itzwiliam, NH 03447 are on Route 12, 3 miles south ofjunction of 12& 119 Open seven days a week 10 am to 5 pm 603-585-6688 Auctioneer’s License No. 2410, _ Gary Taylor Robert Camara relationship as you do into your workouts. ‘ Mr. Les 3. Frank , Your Guidance Counselor for Life Hey Mr. Frank, . . My girlfriend thinks we should get together with my ex-girlfriend for a threesome. My ex and I are still friends, and my current girlfriend says she really wants to do it, and that t it wouldn't change the way anyfiof us deal with each other. I ’m not so sure it would be that harmless or if it would be a good idea from any perspective. My girlfriend says I'm over-analyzing it, and that it's just sex. What do you think? * Signed, Three May Be A Crowd, Northampton Dear Three, Would you be fine with the idea of a three-way if the jam in the sand- wich wasn't your ex-girlfriend? If you have an aversion to sex between more than two people at a time, in general, then you should tell your girlfriend that and nix her suggestion. _ i Has the idea already been pitched to your ex? If so and she's for it, you may find yourself in a two-against-one situation. You may be afraid that, if you decline, they will explore some one-on-one without you. No matter what your girlfriend says, sex does change the way two people relate to each other. Often those changes are positive but, plenty of times, it's like opening Pandora's box. And once that box is open, it can't be closed, again. Hey Mr. Frank, My lover and I converted our two-car garage into a gym with all the lat- est equipment. We also put in a hot tub, steam room and double shower. It's like going to a fancy health club without having to leave our house. The problem is, our friends have started to come over and work out at our place, too. Some of them have even brought friends! My lover doesn't mind. He calls it "our very own cruisey gay gym. ” If this was a porno film, it would be sort of hot, but this is every day. Other guys are having sex in our gym like it was a bathhouse, and I'm the one who has to clean up after them. V And my partner has been working out a lot with other guys when I'm at work. We put the gym in so we could work out together not with other peo- ple. a I wish we'd never spent the money to do it. How can I salvage the situ- ation? Signed, ]im with the gym, St. [ohnsbury Dear Jim, First of all, anyone who is having sex in your gym should be cleaning up their own damn mess! ° Are you more upset about the friends coming and treating your spe- cial place like a bathhouse or is the problem that your partner may be doing squat thrusts with other people? Perhaps you and your partner could set hours when it's all right for friends to come over and work out as a group. Make them scheduled social gatherings. Have them chip in for your water and electric bills, too, if they are using your facilities frequently enough. You should also plan specific times to work out with your partner. Give each other the same respect you'd give to any other workout buddies, in terms of rescheduling or starting earlier or running late. . If the crux of the matter is actual or pot'ential‘infidelity, tell him that and ask if he can understand how you'd feel that way. He may get defensive, whether he's pumping someone else’s iron or not. You might want to consider, in advance, what your responses would be to either a ”yes, I'm wrestling Matt” or ”no, and I'm hurt and angry that you don't trust me" retort from him. V ‘ , You and your partner should put as much time and energy into your Mr. Les 3. Frank "offers guidance counseling to people of all ages. He’s also laundry supervisor for a very sweaty Greco-Roman wrestling club. Send your questions and requests for guidance to: HeyMrFrank@aol.com.