, ._7__..._.._?.4—- Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance Hanover NH 03755 V (603) 646-3636 Free to Be: GLBTA at UVM B-163 Billings Center, UVM, Burlington VT 05405 Faculty Advisor: (802) 656-2058 www.uvm.edu/"lbgtqa free2b@zoo.uvm.edu Goddard G/L/B Alliance Goddard College Plainfield VT 05667 Keene State College.Pride Keene State College, Keene NH 03431 * kscpride@hotmail.com wcb.keene.edu/%7Ekscpride Johnson State College GSA GLBQAA, c/o Student Association Johnson VT 05656 repstadr@mail.jsc.vsc.edu Landmark Gay] Lesbian] Bisexual Alliance Landmark College, Putney VT 05346 * 387-6752 L don State Colle e Ga - Sxlgight Alliance g Y c/o Office of Student Activities, Lyndon State College Lyndonville VT 05851 626-6200 LSCGSA@hotmail.com www.angelfire.com/vt/lscgsa Marlboro Pride Marlboro College 802-258-9232 cconrad@marlboro.edu Middlebury 0 en Queer Alliance p Drawer 8, Middlebury College, Middlebury VT 05753-6033 moqa@panther.middlebury.edu www.middlebury.edu/ ' moqa One in Ten-Castleton State ' College Castleton VT 05735 President: Stacie Rose 468-1826 Advisor:Becky.Eno@castleton.ed u . . St Michael's College ALLY Group Student Resource Center, Winooski Park, Colchester VT 05446‘ Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 or Laura Crain 654-2388 - The Alliance at VT Law School South Royalton VT 05068 Dan Stafford, Chair dstaffor@vermontlaw.edu Greg Johnson, Advisor 763-8303 X2284 gJohnson@vermontlaw.edu wvvw.vermo ntlaw.edu/ " alliance Vermont Technical College - lambda Randolph Center VT 05061 « Mary Mulhern * 728-1270 www.vtc.vsc.edu/clubs/lambda SUPPORT Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group . Keene NH Shawn, 800-639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning ’ Support Group for lgbtq Adults For adults age 23 and up 2nd & 4th Thursdays * 6:30 pm at Peace & Justice Center 21 Church St, Burlington FMI RU12? Community 802- 860-7812 * thecenter@ru12.org Friends in Adoption 44 South St. * POB 1228, Middletown Springs VT 05757 235-2373 VI‘ Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays NE Regional Director Peggy Gage * 12 Lincoln St., Exeter NH 03833 * 603-772- ' 2113 * NortheastRD@pflag.org Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner * 23 Birchwood, Burlington VT 05401 * 863- 4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 Southwest VT Area 442-5557 * North Country NH, POB 3, Jefferson NH 03583 * 603-536-5522 Straight Spouses of GLBT Partners Keene ‘NH * IFMI Ja-ne -Harris 413-625-6033 aharris@valinet.com Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents Meeting info: 8026586045 ' for Women 40 & o TRANSGENDER Genders R Us Social group for transgender folks . POB 5248 * Burlington VT 05402 * FMI Yolanda 800-649- 2437 or 863-2437 from 3-5 pm Tuesdays lntematlonal Foundation for Gender Education Po Box 540229 * Waltham MA 02454-0229 ' (781) 899-2212 * Fax: (781) 899- 5703 * www.ifge.org Transgender Radical Action, Networking & Support POB 5687, Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 * transvt2@aol.com WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area POB 6345 * Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart underground flying society POB 746, Lebanon NH 03766 www.barney.org/amelias/index aufs@quest—net.com ' ‘Burlington Women's Council POB 058 Burlington VT 05402 CRONFS (For women over 40) . 143 Rollin Irish Rd., Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Women's discus- sion group Wendy * 802-877-3653 Fried Green Tomatoes VT Women '5 Social Group POB 150, Elmore VT 05657 888-5196 Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication POB 1688, Demorest GA 30535- 1688 * 706-776-3959 *.Mary C. Davidson * goldentred@aol.com Huntington Open Women's Land 434-3953 Lesbian Social/Suplport Group der Brattleboro * 254-7345 MOB New England BDSM and kinky social organi- zation for women who play with women BostonMob@aol.com www.mobnewengland.org (617)598-1061 X1209 Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main st., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury 05819 * 748- 8645 _ Woman Centered , 5 School Ave., Montpelier VT 05602 229-6202 * womanctr@sover.net www.womancentered.org - Women's lnfomiation Service 79 Hanover St., Lebanon NH 03766 * 603-448-5922 24 Hr. Hotline: 603-448-5525 Women of the Woods 101 Harris Hill, Worcester VT 05682 * 229-0109 leapnmom@aol.com Yourn Central Vermont 0U'l'RIGHT (800) GLB-CHAT or 452-2428 Creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell * 748-8645 Gay Stiaiglit Alliances in Vermont igh Schools: _ Bellows Free Academy South Main St., St. Albans VT 05488 * 527-7576 Gail Grismore homepages.together.net/ ‘ ekeny on/gsa/bfa/home Brattleboro UHS - Prism Fairground Rd., Brattleboro VT 05301 257-0356 - Tracy Binet 2570361 - Andrea Carlson Cabot School POB 98, Cabot VT 05647 563-2289 - Charlie Wanzer Champlain Valley Union Hs - 3 Box 160, I-Vlinesburg VT 05461 482-7182 - Meg Howard Manchester High School Student Contact: Byron Brown TofuRights@AOL.com Middlebury Junior UHS Charles Ave.,'Middlebury VT 05753 * Howard Giles Middlebury UHs - GAIGHT april 2001 01TH - 31 Charles St., Middlebury VT 05753 382-1117 * 382-1115 Susan Webb & Rebecca Reimers Missisquoi Valley Union HS . RR2, Box 268, Swanton VT 05488 2girls@together.net 868-7311 x109 * Paula Bowen Montpelier High School Maureen Dwyer Mount Anthony Union Hs - 1 Students for Diversity Bennington * 447-7511 x279 Lisa Moore Putney School GBSA Elm Lea Farm, Putney VT 05346 Rose Johnson * 387-2044 Rose_Johnson@pegasusput- ney.com Rutland High School 22 Straton Rd., Rutland VT 05701 773-1955 * Karen McGurl www.vermontel.com/ " bishop/gs a South Burlington H5 550 Dorset St:, S. Burlington VT 05403-6296 * Karen Grace Spaulding Union Hs Ayers St., Barre * Judith Lindner jlindshs@spaulding.k12.vt.us St. Johnsbury High School Andra Hibbert andracorin@aol.com U-32 High School RD2 , Montpelier VT 05602 229-0321 * Ellen Cooke Gay/Lesbian Educalion And Resource Network POB 113, Norwich VT 05055 802-296-3858 or 802-649-5297 North Country GLBTS Alliance Littleton NH , LB 1-800-4440418 X419 xcountry.allen@usa.net. Outright Vermont Serving youth 22 and under POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 or 800-GLB-CHAT info@outrightvt.org www.ourightvt.org Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Youth Alliance FMl:Outright Vermont at 800-GLB-CHAT Community Compass continued from page twenty-six $17,000 and had a great time too. Thank you to Verizon Wireless for their sponsorship, as well as great goodie bags that bidders got to take home (love those Etch-a-Sketch key I chainsl). Thanks to the great people at the Inn at Essex for all of their support and scrumptious desserts. Special thanks to Ethan Merrill from Merrill Auction House for his fabulous auc- tioneering abilities. Thank you to all of the volunteers that solicited, helped set up, or worked the night of the auc- tion. But most especially, thank you to all of the wonder- ful individuals and businesses that donated items, as well as to everyone who came and made it an amazing night. It was truly a night to remember. Hope to see you all there next yean Vermonl Coalilion For lesbian and Gav RlQl\l! ' On April 25, 2001, the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights will hold Visibility Day at the State House from 8:30 am to 2 pm in the Card Room (the area just before the cafeteria.) We invite all GLBT organizations and individuals to come to the State House and meet with legislators on issues that con- cern you. This year VCLGR is oppos- ing two bills — H.266 and H.259. Kurt Wright of Burlington introduced H. 266, Citizens Initiative. We oppose this because we haveseen what happens in states that have this law - our community becomes a target. To date, the bill has not been taken up in House Local Government. H.259 was introduced by our “friend,” Nancy Sheltra. This bill proposes to prohibit an employee of a school district from encouraging, promoting or sanctioning homosexual conduct. We also oppose any bill that would alter civil unions and the marriage laws. VCLGR is also planning to hold a Multi-Cultural Conference this summer with other diverse organizations. VCLGR believes that we should all be working together to end the discrimination against minority groups. We hope that you can all come to the State house on Visibility Day to show our commitment to our issues. For more information, contact Virginia Renfrew at 802-496- 4333, or e-mail renfrew@sover.net. Vermonl lreedom lo Marrv Task Force April 26 is the one-year anniversary of the signing of Act 91, Vermont’s Civil Union Law, and July 1 will mark the one-year anniversary of the law taking effect. The back- lash has been challenging, and we continue to explore new ways for increasing the extent to which gay men and les- bians, same-sex couples and families, are understood, accepted, and embraced as part of the fabric of our society. How to do that, too, is a chal- lenge, particularly with a state tired of hurt, tired of conflict, tired of crises, tired of winter, and just plain tired. But under- lying all of this is the enor- mous advance that civil union represents. VFMTF is making plans to commemorate and celebrate the one-year anniver- sary of the civil union law sometime this spring. We invite you to join with us in the advance planning, or to keep your eyes open for word as the time rolls around. If you’re interested, please contact us at coord@vtfreetomarry.org, or call 802-388-2633. Vermonl Gav Social Allernalives VGSA recently held a “Follies Show” at the Saint John’s Club in Burlington. It was a night of amateur enter- tainment and a fundraiser for the Vermont Respite House. Thank you to all the perform- ers and the volunteers that helped to make the night such a huge ..:ccess. Look for the Second Annual Follies Show next year. The steering committee is already looking ahead to sum- mer and working on plans for the Sunset Cruise on Lake Champlain that takes place the Friday night of Pride Weekend. The latest details will be in the April VGSA newsletter. Tickets will go on_ - sale the first week of May. , VGSA also has weekly and V monthly events for everyone in the GLBT community. In” April we will hold our annual Easter Bonnet Party . with - prizes for the best bonnet. The , first Monday is always video ' night at the Multigenerational Center. Every Friday is Sip and Dine (Wine and Dine, first Fri.), and this will be the last month of Indoor Volleyball (looking to move outside in May). Visit our website for a complete cal- endar of events. www.vgsa.com McClure _