april 2001 O|Tl‘1 - 29 The Definitive Directory for Essential Resources add orilupdate your listing, e-mailus atso-urce@mour1tainpridemediaorg Domestic Violence 1-800228 Burlington VT 05402 * 863- Bisi-:xUAL Ross Laffan Rutland Regional Medical _ POB 176 * 767-3697 7395 Center, 05701 7273 B0th_5ld0S NOW r0ssL@sover.net Sexual Assault 1800489-7273 St. Albans Vermont women's Health 50050/0f0055.‘00 35000 * 55' "°""5b""V Women's Crisis Center Robe” 251520: M-D 5 Center P05 55 W‘0‘5t0“ VT 05405 Dmah Ye‘°'5“e POB 933 Brattleboro vT 05302 524-9553 « 336 North Ave Burlington VT 879-1147 (Laurie) 01’ 453-2094 yessne@kingcon.com 2574364: 2 Crest Road, 05478 05401 * 363-1 (Alex) * 0b1l?ldida@t?gt7Eh‘:l1:lnet Shoreham d 24 Hr. Hotllrlel 254_6954 St. Johnsbury WWW-37185 "'3-Com V 0 ' lames A. P6 en Com rehensive Care Clinic sidesnow ‘ 2431 Rte. 74 1-: * 879-2001 W333 Helping Batmed 751-70603 SERVICES ]1m@middlebury.net POB 1535 Burllngton W. 05402 Northeast Vt Regional Hospital Hofllnes South Hero ' ‘ Hospital Drive, 05819 CIVIL UNION Shelly Colblll 658-1996 Windsor Vermont (800) 882-2437 802-372-3402 Women's Rape Crisis Center Leahy Hitchcock clinic N“ (300) 7529437 OI-‘I-‘ICIANTS 5hmyco,bm@ao)_com POB 92 * Burlington VT 05402 674.2193 NY State (800) 541-2437 ____’ lusiiees Of the Peace 5*°‘"° 8540555 . BLT Health Network for MA (017) 5224050 Barre joy pagan 24 Hr. l-lotlme: 863-1236 womyn lmlng womyn ME (800) 851 2437 * _ . . National (800) 342-2437 ' POB 1508 253 7776 Health Pr ders List for W Scott Brimblecombe T fig ." 0V1 l Nauonaln-y (300) 243.7839 413 E Cobble Hill Rd. Pztervsi leenmson HEALTH 2351274311, Cambridge, vT 05444 Teen llolllm l800l 234_TEEN 479-0287 ' . ' sbe@t0gether.net PS0 27ll* 4573755 Almhohcs Anonymous Dawnland Center (Native 9Ir1gl§&° w Aware“ 0°“5°" \0ll]@tI 50150055 005005500’ VT Amemanl POB 608 St lohnsbu vT Ron Savageau 05 cl 00055 ll 3026534221 * P03 5653i 119 Barre St., Montpelier VT, 5 05819 * 5485149 0' POB 314 Bi“ 5“ H5 .55 * 05402 05601 * 229-0601 537-3344 904 Beach H10 Rd- 5253856 Thur, 7pm * St. Paul's Cathedral Newport office - p03 70 55 ND5 C0mm|1!1iRi;¥ RGSOIHCB bhadash@sover.net ‘ ’ Network (ACO ) Brandon . . Concord, NH Seymour Lane, Newport VT , _ loyce Heath Willlamstown 603.357.4300 0585 5 578 Hartford,Wh1te River lct. 13 Marble St. * 5”“ Y ‘3°”1d. * Wed. 7=30Pm 800690-9679 or 802-334-7894 VT» 05001 a°f}m@Va"eY-net jheath@sover.net 98_5_GrandV‘eW Rd 4334134 First Congregational Church, N. He tltls S“ on Groups 802-295-3777 300316-2220 Burlington "."""“°" Main & Washington St. 00 . 00 - - - AIDS Services for the 1100 ll it 8782180 VA Hospital White River Ict. VT Marc Awodey Ilm Mccu g Hanover, Mary Chaffee RN MOnadn0Ck RegOn 406 Colchester Ave. * 865-9603 independent Officiants Thursdays, 6:30pm 296_5l9l (800) 639-7903 A -W’ ’aW°d0V@t°3eth0"“et B|l|‘ii|1810|1 00500-0050 505000000 Medical hepccmary@hotmail.com AIDS Project of Southern Calais Bill Cleary Center * W°m9“ °"1Y- . . Vermont Olillia Gal’ Former Catholic Priest K°°“°i "H Mgntpeher & Burlmgton VT Brattleboro 223-3858 * 08ay@e1taViSte~Com 72A N. Prospect St. * 8624659 *6°3'35743°° * 53;’; -k - @ l POB 1486, 67 Main st., 4th www_ogayweddmg5_com bClearl,4l2@aol_Com 5at, 7—8:30pm Call for loca— - crlszern ao .com floor’ 05302 East Montpelier Ferrisburgh t1°n- . 2548263 or 2544444 1 David Grundy lanlce perry Manchester. NH 0 For people of all colors baap@5overlrlet 476-4300 * ddgrundy@aol.c0m lpakaga1@a0l_c0lll Sun, 7:30pm . 179 South Winooski Ave. Bennington Hancock Hartford UU Church, 669 Union St. POB 5003 * Burlington VT 108 Ulllorl Sr #3’ v-l- 05201 * 802 767 0034 Pat Cook ?/l7Jst’l‘C;lElay,S"75530pm 58257821631 * fax 864 2632 Alice Mazur 44758007 - - PO Box 478 1 2 . . . ‘ ' ‘ Hartford mSpallp@l,lOrmall_C0m Nashua Unitarian Church 1mani@together.net B%'gl‘3“1‘§‘é")°6“ Pat Cook Huntington Anonymous HIV Lesbian Cancer Support Group 05201 ’ PO BOX 4715 1 G10 Daley Tesfinycounseling Sites 7 660-8386 4424481 or (300) 845.2437 otmai ‘Com * Weh0W1@junO.C0rn Ba"-e.Montpe|ier Men's Pro'ect Hinesburs Randolph Berlin Health Center POB 5248, Burlinlgton vT 05402 °‘;,’§,'l‘l’,{,‘f,’?‘l’8l,“‘l‘,‘l"§6§‘i‘§,‘f6‘E,""‘°‘ Mary Huriie Rev: Shannon L Duke 3714342 - 802-863-2437 or 800-649-2437 Brarflegoro. 2578860 ':l05t27 5 4525940 0535“ Mmister RD #4» 59)‘ 1370 North Star Holistic Health Care Burlington:'8474594 D3: l')"l§:::l 5§°l‘l‘:l1:l5e‘fg:l‘:5t'“0t'°°m 05502 RR2 Bo*x 3255, Morrisville VT Rutland: 747-1831 65 Delloale Rd. * 434_38ll Amy lo Gllllns Bemmgton Family Practice — 05661 888-2858 st. lohnsbury. 751-7603 ' Lyndonville 0 t,emom@togethemet ASSOC * 44-,-_ll9l Sexual Compulsives Comprehensive Women 5 Bob Dixon. 140 Hospital Drive, 05201 A“°"Ym°“5 P’°3"5’“ . . . . POB 1222 * 626-3323 Brattleboro Upper Valley 12—step group For women living with or at risk EBDixon@t0gether.net ENDING VIOLENCE Complellenslve Cale Clllllc I Brian 439-6532 * f0r HIV/A105 Manchester center Addison County Women ln 2578860 frogg1e@together.net Amy at 800-649-2437 Cynthia Kiiburn Crisis B lllebom Memollal Ho-S llal Tribal Remedies (ALANA Franklin/Grand isle AIDS Task Ki1bum'S C01’1Vei1ie0C€ SW9 POB 67, Middlebury VT 05753 grgelmonl Avenue 05301 0 Community Organization) Force Rtes. 11 & 30 * 362-2559 3884205 Burlington ’ 8 Williston * Brattleboro VT Kara at 800-649-2437 Cy_nthia@kilburn.C0m - to Women in Community Health Center * National momflon for M'0‘"°0"" Abuse and-Rape Emergencies) 8646309 * 617 Riverside Ave Twin State Network Pe°P1e With A195 Michael 00”” PO Box 307 Hardwick VT 05843 suite 200 05401 " womens Network, Sex Positive (202) 898-0414 . 1 Day: 443-5559 Eve: 3884290 Zllloul Holllne, 8024725463 colchestér - R0500” 00050“ '5 MSM NHIVT HIV lnformauorl .,... , . m0llnicl<@middlebury.edu ' F .l- H lth Retreat; Network on WWW 5 Middiesex 5500500 w°m0"5.50M005 am‘ Y 55 POB 3 Cavendish VT 05142- h d ~h- loarlrl Flanagan POB 828, MontpelierVT 05601 655-2055 03 » wvvw.dartmout .e u/ ivnetl 302.355.2619 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 311 Malietts Biixvenue 0‘2’6_7807 * Rutland County AIDS Network Montpelier Burlington Police Department 1 :0“:5v‘l.’l’:e55' 05 Mal,goc@mallltds_rlel dam Mat)’ Kathryn at 775-5384 Barney Bloom Community Based Police Health Center lnc moutrlgdu/~hlVnet/0rg'5w5n1 Vermont CARES 25 Summer St. * 229-5049 Officer 6842275 ' ' Vermont Center for Contact office in your area for "°"""°"‘ 000050505 001 Laware Box 185 Hill Street 05828 Inde endent living HM “P00” 9'00” i"f°’”’5' 0100 0' 501000500 05857058 Hardwiek 5 Citigens with disabilities work- 00"‘ 5 . . 808 Hi—Acres Road, Coventry New Beginnings women’; Health Center mg together for dl-gm-ry l-nde_ www.vtcares.org * 800649- 33457907 5 5 5“PP°n "472-3300 pendence and civil riglits. 2457 05m5“°’@‘°3eth5"“'5t 5 Main St: Sptingfield VT 05155 Hi h Street PO Box 535 05843 Montpelier 5“'"'‘‘‘°'‘ 1 North Troy 885-2368 Island Ponli ' ' ' 11 East St 05602 P05 5245' 05402 E0; 5‘ 0000000 24 Hr-’H°t1i“5’ 8852050 Health Center 800639-155,22 voice & TTY ' :00l'24l3l7 05 (000)'0492437 e era Terrace, Box 7 * ll an 02032551281548“ in to 0l5"h5@‘°3e‘h'5'~“e‘ » po Box 517 ivlorrisville VT Middlebury ' 167 Main St Ste. 207 05301 M°"‘P°“°" “"7 P'5i“"°"' 05661 ' open Door Clinic 888-266-1573 ' 3° 55'” 55" 05002 $000 5' 0050"‘ Business (802) 888-2584 388-0137 254-6851 voice & TTY §f0;‘5l°0 b 9 Main St. * 454—8552 5 * _ . - 0 "5 "W kgoslant@hotmail.com Same'5ex Dmnesfic 8‘ Sexual :2:0:l:5' 05753 258 2651 fax PO Box 503, 05819 P“"‘°V vmlence Subcommwe vr Nortfieast Kingdom Health 532 Main St 05201 748005‘ Alan Blood 31 Elmwood Ave, Burlington Center 888_266_157;l - Vermont Deaf AIDS Project 7 Small Meadows Farm 05401 . 334-5008 ' 4470574 or 442-1876 voice POB 172, Brattleboro VT 05302 5875017 * E“e"f@5°Ve’=“et Take Back 0;‘; Eggs 30 Coventry Street, 05855 442-1878 TTY * 4424052 fax .800-257-1123 * fax 257-2013 carol E_ Westlllg m0l0r5l?ll5el0nleclu/-rcurllslae Putney k_ M D www.vc1l.org * vcil@vc1l.org (TTY) 800-253-0195 l 134 Fred Houghton Rd. ellall Th°ma5 H05 ”‘5- - - Vermont Dept. _of Health, Verailntlilnt ggplfrmnent Of 387-2152 * westing@sover.net k 38775581 0ffice_of Minority Health He N 0813111 Richmond Vermont Networ Against Main St, PO BOX 247, 05346 5-ervmg the ALANA’ GLBT’ 108 Cherry St, lngrld Clclloskl Domestic Violence an Sexual ‘ Rutland _ l l Refugee and Immigrant popula- PCB 70. Burlington 05402 434_2%l AS3311“ h Comprehensive Care Clinic 0-ans of VT 863-7245 .,: :4 :‘ Rochester WVVW-V_"adV5a-t°9e‘ °"°°m 747-1831 108 Cherry st., POB 70