~ . RICHMOND ’ Singer/songvvriter will perform at The Daily Bread, 10 am — 12 pm. FMI: Torr . MONTPELIER - Genders R Us - Social/sup~ - .WillistOn, 2 'franmorav@aol.cOm or call 8029519012 I WEDNESDAY 4 ‘BURLINGTON — VT CARES - Recovery - ; Support Group for HIV+ folks. Ongoing, SUNDAY1 BURLINGTON -, Dignity VT —A Monthly Gathering and Women's Liturgy. Group for g/l/b/t Catholics and friends and I allies,‘ will hold its monthly gathering and a Women's Liturgy (open to all) at the Bishop Booth Conference Center Chapel at Rock Point, Burlington, from 4 to 6 pm. FMI: 802-655-6706, 802-658- 6 4436 Or Dignityvermont@aOl.com. To . I a e-mail it tocalendar@mountainpridemedia.org or write ‘us at: PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. april 2001 OITM - 27 announce an event for our monthly calendar, iai — Tom Bisson Concert ” vtcares5@sove sun man was wed ihurs Fri . 802-7_48- A9061, - seconds '_nday of every In nth at the Vwhat’sAnew. at RA.'_U.1.25‘and;t_ First Unitarian Universalist Aociety, 152 1 upcoming events. . V Pearl Stre . Services are”frorirI 11‘ am to dess ertsare welcome fadd Bisson, 24 Hubbard Park Drive Montpelier, VT 05602. tOmbisson@song writer.net' .. , ‘ ’ do www.dreamwater.com/tombisson sr IOHNSBURY - VT CARES — Volunteer. Training. Information and training sej§—. sions for folks interested in volunteering Youth submissions the ‘zine, Reac Free Pizza 2nd and 4th Friday with Vermont CARES. Twonights, 5:30 .O 8:30 pm. FMI contactzf Penni, Program - month; Location: XandO A tright Vermont's Youth Space) 109 S.‘.Wi‘nooski Specialist, at vtcares5@sover.net TUESDAY3 802-748-9061, port Group for Transgender Folks. 6:00 pm at TG North. Call before attending first time. FMI:,800-649-2437 or 802-863- 2437 ,‘ WILLISTON — CRONES - Gal Talk/Planning session. No fooling. At your discretion, be prepared to engage in April Foolish things. Bring potluck to share and your own beverage. Activities can also include A x~country. ski/snowshoe on a trail a few blocks away, should snow continue to cooperate, and/or jamming on a collec- tion of musical instruments (feel free to bring your Own ‘as well). All at Fran’s in pm. FMI: confidential, open to anyone living with HIV/AIDS who is in recovery. 361 Pearl St. (Verrnont'CARES office), 5:30 pm. Please call before attending first time, or to arrange for transportation or childcare- FMI: Kara at 800-649-2437 or 802-863- 2437, or Lee G at 802-862-5447 _ BURLINGTON - OITM Staff Meeting. The staff meeting will not be held at the OITM office in Richmond this month. We will ’ have a social potluck for staff and any- one else who would like to attend, share ideas, and meet new people. Contact Kerry'Duggan for more details: 802-951- ' .9570, or kcduggan@zoo.uvm.edu. ' THURSDAY 5 MIDDLEBURY — Addison County Social Group - Social Gathering. Everyone wel- “come. We're usually downstairs in the ‘ ‘bar section and usually have a rainbow I flag on the table,,8 pm untilwe all go home. FMI: contact Barb at dozetOs@sover.net or 802-388-8298. ST IOHNSBURY — VT "CARES - Volunteer Training; Information and training ses- sions for folks interested in volunteering _with'VermOnt CARES. Two—nights, 5230- , 8:30 pm. FMI: Contact Penni, Program I VGSA members and friends for dinner ‘ Alix Olsen and folksinger Ellis will be per- Ave, ‘ Suite 20 Entrance A 2 BURLINGTON -“VGSA ~' Sip and Dine. loin out in Burlington. Meet at 135 Pearl at out. BURLINGTON — Outright _VermontA- Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, ques- tioning, and allied youth ages 22&' Under. 7 to 8:30 pm. Location: XandO' (Outright Vermont’s Youth Space). 109 ‘S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207."PleAasAe'use ‘ Center St. Entrance A »\ SATURDAY 7 BURLINGTON — Performance and Coffee House ~ Alix Olsen and Ellis. Slam poet forming for a night of entertainment and social activism. Through their work, both performers use ventertainmentv as a~)- V°hmtée' Tram“? ml April 3 and 5'10“) means to support the empOwerment_'of the disenfranchised. Christie Wright" Patterson Rotunda‘, UVM campus, 8 Performance and coffeehouse are free for both students and cornrrfunity mem—’ bers.‘ Sponsored by Wornyn;0rganizing.. for Ra_dical Change, the UVM _Women_’s . Center, and the Free to Be: GLBTA. 'FMI_:_: UVM Women's Center at,8O'A2-656-7892. -- ELMORE - Fried Green Tomatoes - Easter Eggstravaganza. zWe like.’ tradition. we 7 love jelly beans. We crave parties. Satisfy your Easter urges atthe thirdannual Eggstravaganza in Eggmoreat 2 pm. Hippity-hop over and see what Susan and Trina will pull out of a hat this year. ' And bring a potluck dish to share with your fellow bunnies. FMI: 802-888-5196‘ or starrsue@aol.com A MIDDLEBURY ~ Pink Triangle Series — Film: Aimee & jaguar. 7 pm at the Daria Auditorium, Middlebury College. Based’ on a true story, Aimee & jaguar shows the love‘ between a Jewish woman and a German housewife in Berlin during WWII in spite of the dangers of persecution . and the -nightly bombing -raids. Free. 7 SUNDAY8. BURLINGTON - Interweave‘-, Potluck and Service. For GLBT and__ friends, 12:30 pm; 8 5:30 to 6:45 Also, please bring any ‘ ' “Paragraph .0175, the new documentary by f ,A—-- Pleaée . uS~e..=- Cefiter St. Jeffrey Friedman, .exarnines.__the,_persecu; 6:30 pm, then decide on where to dine ‘ Group. Free and confidential. Open to" .A .Building "(Herrick Aud.). Free. FMI: llu— wEoNtsoAr1‘1 (BURLINGTON - HIV+ Support Group. it BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2?0 : Community — Vonoeeforemeemad$etca$$%QL§§e £§ 6 V service, tI§e potluck, or both. FMI: John FMI. I . 802?-soo-RUi_2(7, Byer atlA8,02-644-2080 Or. kttp://home thecenter@ru12.or,gOr§/vvvvuru12.or A : All are W915 CAS"LETON — Gay affd Lesbian ?FiIm ' I L ' Series. 7 pm at the Séafford Aca ' -Buildin (He ‘ck Audi ‘ gaes Series . p . the Dana Middlebury‘ College. the Academy Award—winniing produc- ' _ . ing/directing team, Rob Epstein and ' ' AAAA A. JNGTON»/:,-/R-;eI:1~2:-?»—=ii.Questioning=ar Com ng Out Support Group. -Group for 1 lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and quest_io_ning . 7 adults 23 and up. 2nd and 4th Thursdays. of the month, 6:30 to 8 pm at the Peace &. Justice Center, 21 . church, st-.', 3‘ ' Burlington. The group is Open, ongoing, freeeof-charge and co—facilitated by sup I portive health professionals and peers. A FMI: §02'-860-RU12 6- V) ' 7" thecer1ter@ru12.org ' CASTLE'l'ON.- Gay and Lesbian 1 Series. 7pm’ at the Stafford’Ac:',aVdl ‘ Building (Herrick Aud); Free. FM . , via.stanak@castl'etOn.edu or ,‘802;468¢ 6 1637’, . . , . _ MIDDLEBURYA-N Addison County ~ A ._ Group ‘- Social Gathering. Everyone",wel—>.l come. We're’ . usually downstairs V in '-r the I bar sectionand usually have a rainbow ' flagon the table. 8 pm untilwe a,l,lvgo_ home. FMI; Barbat dozetos@sover 1 1' 6 L802-388-8298., . _. . FRI DAY? 13 ‘ . BURLINGTON ;- Outright Vermont .. Plannirig Committee ,Meeting.'A * ._ 6:45 See‘April;'6[listing..foAr V information. . _ E A ' , BURLINGTON j~ vc;sA; ip and Din To A VGSA"members:.and friendsfor din ' out in Burlington. Meet 'a_At'- 135 Pear 6:30 pm, then decide on where t dine.’ out._-' j . BURLINGTON —‘0utright Vermont, Pe _A A Social/Support Meeting "Friday _NightA