November Moon , Written & Directed by Alexandra Von Grote REVIEWED BY BARNEY _ TINA November Moon, a war movie with subtitles, left me lukewarm; it is worth viewing while the weather is uninvit- ing. Although potentially a rich tale of a Jewish lesbian who flees Hitler’s Germany, falls in love with a French woman, and hides out after assaulting a Nazi, it is ultimate- ly more thought provoking than moving. The film is most notable for skill in what it does not show. There are no scenes of concen- tration camps, or pools of flow- ing blood, or massive battle charges, or theatrical misun- derstanding between lovers. Wartime abuses emerge in full scope with the use of screams, scars, the motion of falling d e a d , and brief views of the void following a loved one’s death. Post-traumatic reliving emerges through a vivid night- mare sequence in which senso- ry recall stands in for the asso- ciated overt violence. Survival rises as a central theme. The confusion of war is a constant backdrop, mirrored by ambiguities in the film. There are few discrete markers of time or place beyond the _ obvious - of threatened or occupied territory in World War II. The muddle reflects the numbing tumult and unpre- dictability that the residents endure. Each person is in vari- ous degrees of hiding or pre- tense. The love scenes are scarce, brief, and desperate. This paucity of romance may again reflect the grimness of war, but leaves the viewer with little relational context. Characters are barely sketched, revealed instead through their actions. The ambiguity of loyalty, betrayal, and treason appears throughout. Duty to State, or to martial “law”, is at odds with compassionate awareness of another’s humanity. Each person knows, or thinks they know of the other, and bal- ances self-interest with morali- ty. Characters vary in their resultant equations and actions. “Good” and “bad” appear appropriately murky in the context of war. The role of the “news”paper, conscripted by the propaganda machine, provides another take on pretense. Under direction of the military, a writer shapes public opinion through fanning fearand is" initially insulated from any fallout. Prejudice is seen to be, in part, a political construct, and one with deadly consequences. In the context of current attempts to restrict GLBTQ rights, November Moon pro- vides a sobering message of the impact of prejudice in an interpersonal context. November Moon is available from WolfeVideo on May 1. 0 april 2001 OlTl‘1 -25 a full scrvite salon I508 Church St - 802.864.2088 ractic lmBody Healthcarc Fletcheri , , ‘ " ("3-"Z?:?',.._. . Pie-in-the-Sky Farm Bed & Breakfast ~ Dwinell Road Marshfield, VT 05658 (802) 426-3777 fax: 1-802-426-4090 welcome ieins .com Come celebrate your Civil Union or other special event with us at F'ie-in- the-Sky -- a quiet country retreat outside of Montpelier, Vermont. Suite or room available by reservation for the day, week, or weekend, on Channel 14 CHERIE AND YOLANDA Channel 15 Tuesdays and Sundays at 10 pm, Saturdays at 12 am Adelphia 1 IN THE LIFE Vermont Public Television Building Safe Havens April 16 11:30 pm St. Johnsbury WVTB Channel 20 Rutland_WVER Channel 28 Burlington WETK Channel 33 Windsor WVTA‘ Channel 41 Manchester W36AX Channel 36 Bennington 'W53AS Channel 53 This month’s episode includes the story Women in Art where lesbian artist/author Harmony Hammond discusses her book, Lesbian Art in America. In A Different Kind of Camp, activist Jamie Nabozny is the featured. speaker at the “Common Threads” Youth Empowerment Newp Project. The Lens of lohn Dugdale focuses on the work of an I-{IV-positive photographer who has lost 80% of his eye- sight. NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE VT STATE HOUSE Barre Channel 7 Wednesday 7 pm and Thursday 9 am & 12 pm Burlin on Channel 15 and 17 Check ocal listings Colchester Channel 15 Monday 10:30 am, Wednesday 710 pm, and Thursday 7:30 pm Manchester Channel 15 Check . local listings Middlebury Channel 15 Monday 11 :30 am, and Thursday 11:30 am & 9:30 pm Montpelier Channel. 15 Wednesday 7 pm, and Thursday 1pm ‘Call 802-442-8868 for air Monday through Friday 2 pm and 7 pm Norwich Check local listings Richmond Channel 3 Monday 8 pm Rutland Channel 15 Check local listings St. Albans Channel 10 Check local listings St. lohnsb Channel 7 Check local istings Waitsfield Channel 44 Monday through Friday 12 pm & 5pm THE VERMONT RAINBOW CONNECTION Burlington Channel 15 Friday 9 pm Adelphia Barre Channel 7, 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 8:30 pm Helicon Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls, NY days/times CA-TV Brattleboro Channel 8 Call 802-257-0888 for air days] times BCTV Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford Channel 15 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 8 pm WENO Middlebury, East Middlebury, Weybridge Call 802-388-3062 for air days/ times M CTV Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph Channel 15 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:30 pm Adelphia Richmond, Jericho, Underhill Channel 3 Call 802- 434-2550 for air days/times MMCTV Woodstock, Plymouth, Ludlow Channel 13 Friday .9 pm Adelphia