MS HEALTH National Prescription Audit"-‘ data for Pr telse Inhibitors, 1/00-12/O0. RACEPT and Ago ron are registered trademarks of Agouron‘ Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Copyright C 2001, Agouron Pharmaceuticals,!nc. All rights reserved. ‘f-V01 136-CC A - A —A When choosing plan V's .,mportant'to consider what ‘willfha,ve in the future. Studies show CEPT early on leaves you with choices t for later. Ask your doctor about with VlRACEPT.y nelfinavlr nfiesylate tablets and oral powder T is indicated in combination with antiretroviral agents for the treat- 1‘ HIV infection. The most common ct of VIRACEPT is diarrhea, which ally be controlled with o\‘/er-the- treatments. Some prescription néprescription drugs and sup- 'nts should not be taken with CEPT,\so talk to your ‘doctor first. ’ me people, protease inhibitors een associated with the onset rsening of diabetes mellitus yperglycemia,~change.s in be y fat, and increased bleeding 'n‘h_emophiliacs.r rmation; call toll .88—V|vRA'CEPT or visit iraceptcofm. ‘ i