2-OITM apri1.2001 Proposed Presbyterian AmendmeritDefeated*i' BY ‘CI,-ISUCVK FRANKLIN" » The proposed amendment to 3* the national Presbyterian Book of Order that would have pro- hibited the blessing of same- sex couples has been soundly defeated. _ _ A i As of March 20, the vote was 67 yes and 92 no, with 92 per cent of the church’s 159, presbyteries having cast their vote. In order to pass, the amendment would A _have requiredat least 87 voting yes, no longer a possibility. A ~ The Rev. MichaeljBr_own, Eco-pastor of Christ:-, Church 7 Presbyterian in Burlington, said that his congregation was glad about the voting results. “Whatever the complexities of the voting are, the fact is that this proposal has been turned back, at least for now,” he said.‘ “And in certain ways it real- ly does feel like a victory of sorts, although we are remind- ed that we are still left with a situation‘ in which "blessing and celebrating holy unions is K 4 "4l _ g 802-863-2300‘ -FLOWE /6”. (l-// J¢"(lJ()7l.) ,0/BE gARTl’l nxssovsg ~ ,,¢/ml 7, g% EASTER \ b,¢,,,/., ,5 350 Dorset Street ° South Burlington 0 Vermont 05403 www.vivaldiflowers.com Hours: 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Mon-Fri 0 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Sat " ‘ _}~._,x‘- “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” For over'I0 years, Cloud 9 Caterers has been bringing creative, customized menus to the table. Cloud 9 boasts an extensive variety of signature menu items that take advantage. of produce unique to Vermont. W also feature lavis/2 custom cakes and desserts created by our Pastry Chef Patty Berringer. Whether the event you’re planning is a civil celebration for 300, or dinner for 6...call Sarah Moran at Cloud 9 Caterers: Phone (802) 65537370 Fax (802) 655-7765 ‘ Email salncloud9@aol.com CivilUnionGuide.com ‘T’ Lodging n Caterers I Florists I Clergy much more ‘barely tolerated’ than‘ encouraged by our denomination,” said Brown. “GLBT folks-who seek the "support of the church are still asked to abide with a ‘separate but equal. . .but separate’ sort of acknowledgement of the com- mitments they make in loving and intentionalrelationships.” “This, in and of itself, is a grievous thing,” he stated. .For more information and analysis on the amendment and the national vote, go to the web at www.presbyweb.com. (Sofie 6/e5\/g\ We otter a tine selection ot wedding and civil union invitations and social announcements. Our lznowledgeahle and triendly staff is ready to assist you eve? aspect of your We ding ensemljle. Scrililales talee you trom engagement announcements to thanle you notes with no detail letl: unattended. 96 Cburcb (Shea! ‘Bur/inglon, ‘Uemzonf ((309) 663-9004 — ‘Fax (502) (363-9006 e-maxi scrbb/.sof@ 430/. com -Virginia Woolf CLOUD 9 CATERERS VERMONT ' Post and beam cape , with natural rustic character. Built for the outdoor enthusiast, this bright and open . home is situated on four beautiful acres North Professionals nimrrmu , yOt\1I:hnI.llH'4n|ul (802) 655-3333 X30 me, ’i:C'iAffti5; Vermont's Comprehensive Civil Union Guide Ceremony Sites - Photographers - Musicians Health Brochures on Hold For the past several months, health depart- ment officials have, refused to distribute all of the gay and lesbian safer sex brochures that had previously been available for years. The decision comes on the heels of last sum- mer's Outright Vermont protests about the brochures they were distributing, which were previously available free of charge from the health department. Amid political pressure from unidentified organizations, the health department decided to halt the distributionof the gay and lesbian safer sex brochures around the time of last year’s November election. All brochures in question were approved by a community panel in the mid 1990’s, according to Lawrence Garrett, who worked at the health department until this past February. Health department officials are currently reviewing all brochures for approval. According to officials, the records of earlier review panels A were lost, and the materials need to be reviewed again. Only the gay and lesbian brochures, however, are not being distributed at this time. Renewed Faith Tunbridge Quality Ales has found a way to stay in business by reorganizing, contrary to what was reported by OITM in January. OITM spoke with Liz Trott, co-owner of the brewery along with her partner Janice Moran, on the eveof the first batch of beer to be brewed by Shipyard Brewery in Portland, Maine. Trott was there to oversee the brewing and provide quality . control. at Trott said that a private investor had made it possible for them to contract with Shipyard to brew three of their beers, including the long- 7 awaited Vermont, Pride. She expects these beers, A including Telernark Ale and Covered Bridge IPA, to be availableto consumers in Vermont by mid- A April. ,_ " She also said that Tunbridge expects to con- »:tract with others who want them to brewprivate label: beers at their home brewery in South ‘ Royalton. “I’ve' beenpretty scared. This is either going to V.‘ work or not.‘ But I,'wouldn't be doing it if I didn’t ‘ thinkit, had a good chance of. flying,” said Trott, ship, the Vermont Democratic Party created the David W. Curtis Leadership Awards. Awards are , presented to individuals who have- demonstrat- ed a dedication to the values of the Democratic Party,_particularly with regard to upholding the legal, social, economic, and political rights of the 3 underrepresented. ~ Th Jlverjmont Democratic Party honorediI,Rep’;.:,»‘i'i ~ B,i11 .L3Ipp.ér,ttstorehisisrrcourage 2-and leadershiri 0' .:iVi.l‘ Union" Debajteisfét the .DaiVid:~=W:' . = .. Vv éfship Awards 0”‘ F6b.Uia‘YYi.323; fat 3‘ i..Capitol’., Plaza -'on_Sta:te Street in Mo_n‘tpelie‘i‘€T"_ : __ , frhf.e,i éWaids"are'pfesented in ,memory of ;David 1- 3:? ,W.,_Cu_r_tis,§ Chair of the _Ve'rmont Democratic Party _‘ , y»._‘..fromf19.97,until 'his'd'eathl in 1999. Throughout " his .'entijre."professional and public care'er,7D_avid:. fought for the legal rights of the poor,‘ gay‘ men 3 . , a,,nd__lesbia,ns, and women,:in‘ Verrnont.—arid ’ around the country. A ' . — ' ’ ‘V ’ I C ‘ _ L In recognition of his achievements and leader-