' QrIc;.orner@eThANGheen .com — to schedule your event. (05/O1) Workshops/Classes] Courses Offered V Learn The Exciting Art and Sport of TaeKwonDo. Fifth-degree black belt and _ WEEK5 Le‘r=1'. Nomads LEFT TO Do , former national team member New Bur wmr. " ‘ . Gordon White‘ teaches the Art I EZRA“ pf-’F\\ . and Olympic Sport of Tooagnzav I /‘t j’ l TaeKwonDo at the Blue Wave ' 0 TaeKwonDo School on Main T,’ I~ ’ Street in Downtown ' r( . Burlington. Children, Adult, /» ,,,'2.,°f§f3p_K . _ Beginner, and Advanced class- _ V ’ T / es available. Located at 182 l _V Main Street Burlington (3rd 1 /// floor, above Nectars Restaurant entrance between Muddy Waters and Old Gold.) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 4 to 8 pm. Saturday, 11 am to 3 pm. FMI: Call 802- 658-3359, ' or e-mail info@bluewavetl NATURALLY, HEM-2 II4 THE €L€\l€NTH Hook I've M61’ SOME. 0N6, THIS sweef Bov NAME? T01;/\. poN--r Ge‘-r t-:x<.n-21>, HE'S zrus-r A FLING, Bur HE'S cure Ado $'PlP~IT€D AND PRDBABLY trus-r UUHAT THE Docrofi. ORDERED. THAT'S eaosaaur HIM iiby Robert Kirby Bur lT'LL BE HARD To LEAVE IN A WAY, Too . ALRKGHT, : AI'\ Mo-r MR. PoPuLAk , AND 1'. woN'T BE THE 60:51’ ot-' HONOK ATA LOT OF Gowc, AWAY PART|E$,BUT s-ru.i_. MAYOK GNUANI > A MNUTE? ‘NE SHOULD The Lobby: Where you get stood up. rm !!'v§'r wA'i'riNe For MY ea k 8o~n=ne:u>.. sunnou , , . iz N\AC,'|'h€Y _\ \ All -- ‘ Hotel (a floor plan) The Bar: Where you dread having Where you doubly dread having to return to. eI~iC.O|'iher@e1"hangreen.Com _ Tim, Carlos and Jason Chang are together again. They are throwing themselves a party. *-xx Grooms and a Funeral lit the party, a quack clergyman called Reverend Jerald Justice conducts a made up ceremong. ¢AN“‘°“‘*"k' §3°‘* Carlos's Grandma, Dofia fiivarez, is in from lllexico DF. She is a hit underinformed.. R£Au.Y , TA Lx, .. \ I 1:39;’ BAUISE V LL ' ‘ ‘“v“‘ The Mezzanine: Where you try and get your mind off him by partaking in a variety of boring activities. Opposf Th! NEW E:-TERIE ’S , Liquor horns! / 3: srissvss ‘f ~ . .,i :.a We‘! - .«°‘~ _ ,,. iv‘ A‘ ,9 [1 .Siuc.L¢ at ‘ I « - s-3339 n . '’__‘’T‘"_..‘'‘! .. ..-to; The Pool-Spa: Where you get chased around by other guests who resent your disinterest 8 don't min telling you so. V *1 21- MTIER Mac. AM: Too Much-I M Unle Junior Soprano couldn't have planned a more perfect shaliedown. lists» To the BoYs= You REGBSTEF Pol! ‘III! ENGAGEMERTSEE, TIIEN You Reese-srsr For 11.: we ovnu. DouBlE$ Th! TAKE. a95o,1'M sure You ‘***.§‘;'&:.'.‘.‘f.~s‘i.‘:'. 1 A A HAS GOTTA ‘fill l;\iil,\’. .9 . .~.U,,.,,,; Sadly, comprehension ti deliverance arrive for Dona fllvarez Jason corners Ethan by the ' punch howl. Hisses a warns ing. The two of them trick- ed secretlu a while back. :r'us1 KEEP Your B|6_MOVTH . - SHu1'Ab0uT|1'.,oI