‘1n2'.\ . x'.;:-‘’ _‘l"‘--‘'' ’ .: .=\.I\.* IN’ sol Out In the Mountains |Marcni2oo1i good stands, bed jumpers, or head information on employment in vibes appreciated. . C co_ and heart games. GM romantic the Burlington area. He #1, 12 (03/01) I. has lots of love for the right years electro—mechanical tech- Bn'nTTl'zBono! VT mature guy. Tired of being nician» experience. He #2, cur— _ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT alone, want someone toaspend rently enrolled in college level sewlces offered course in computer network- V Massage has been Called lng_ can someone correspond a necessity disguised as a luxu- with us and “take us under your Y)’ — €XP6fi€T1C€ P6306- wlng” - not financially - and Integrative Massage: Licensed help us become part of your massage therapist with 8 years community. E-ma’il bill_lind— experience (Swedish: Pelaritya ley'@yanoo_oom_ Any help and neuromuscular, connective tis- sue & sports modalities). References available. Outcalls only. Call Rod Cain, LMT, toll life with. Clean non-drinkers, willing to travel. Write: PO Box 116, Orford, NH 03777 (03/01) DANCE TO LATEST CLUB MUSIC FRIDAY 8: SATURDAY LEVI-LEATHER LAST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH OPEN AT 8PM WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY ‘‘ 940 US RT. 5. BETWEEN EIXITS 3&4 OFF I-91 wwvmtogethe:-.netI~cattleco 802-254-9830 Curbside WE'RE U051’ WAKING u 9 wrn-I THAT WAS FuM,ToI~'\... DREN AND HIS New Youue FRIEND. . , - . wouw You MAYBE _:= - ‘ - , LIKETO 6E1'T‘o_ ‘ "‘\ Gemetz AGNN BE - Fo RE 1-_ LEAVE FOR CALIFoI7.Nuv=\ ’? V Gay male couple desires to relocate to VT. Seeking by Robert Kirby S u Re I WOULD. crusr Dor~I'T 1 GET A (5009 MORNING lass? limited time, Special Introductory Rate of $35 if new to the area. “The best massage I ever got was from Rod.” - Steven Kopstein.(03/01) V Tarot Readings. Ether is the omnipresence from which knowledge springs. Life, Love, Money, and Health. Find out what your future has in store. Call 802-434-7711 (03/01) .___..—L AN, YOU'RE com, :n)$T THE WAY You A0.E--- BEHDFS, WI’-Io t.ouLI7 ELAME You FOR BEING UP- TIGHT AFTEIL ALL THAT NATHAN GUY rut You maoueu? V Disc Jockey Service. Need a DJ for your Civil Union ceremony or party celebration? Call the Sound Factory DJ Company. We are one of Vermont’s only gay—owned and operated DJ services, with over 10 years of experience. The Sound Factory is very excited and motivated to serve Vermont’s gay, lesbian, bisexu- al and transgender community. Call us today at 802-878-4499 YEAH, YOU'RE AWE some. 21- HEY, CAN I HAVE some MORE CEREAL? OF CoUP4E ,’ WAIT, You HAVE A LITTLE SOMETHING on ‘rook He ‘.5 Nor R€Au.‘I so BAD, 301’ THANIG. You THINK IJM 3; RA'rI-lap. DATE HIM op. Anon‘ HIM‘? WW2» Dykzs Towatch OutE‘or byA1isI>nBechde1 I-IE)’. CONGRATS ON GETTING C£R‘I1o|2AI>.| |N’mAT UNION CARBUNCLE CASE. ; . Cl.ARICE.N0II-I yuuvzz REALLY GONNA El-\NvlHIL£,oN THE HOME You (‘AN PLAY WITHTHE SILLY PIIT17 WHEN wE‘RE DONE WITH YOUR SPELLING HoMEvJoIzI<. COME ON, FOCUS- DON'T smy Too ' —~ , LATE. you BEEN LOOKING ~* A um: PEAKED. p @]'<9sIznAI>5 IIER ADRENAI. GLANDS ARE SPENT le -=“$.‘~ %T- ELECTION PANDE/“ONIUM . ' @79Erz'HA1>s IT'S OF DR. CAUGARI PERIMBNOPAUSE. . ‘- " * ‘ ©?.’,/I*éIEé‘*' .,i 0' IS HAVING »<:§{f_"’/4,o,.;,,,# AHAP~l>TIME /‘ gs §'3I;g;.~y,;0 . r- HEALING AND - \ so {S'\‘2()C)]‘I'_~l1\ll.‘rL»l|D1-g']l(I\;1 MDVNG ON. | ..»......_;,. ., SOUNDS LIKE DEPRESSION. r BBFIER 6NE'7oU My ,SPECIAL SELECTIVE SEROTONIN R£UP* TAKE INHIBITOR SALON CUT. ,\\,\ -—‘». you’LL BE so GOR‘ ' caous, SHI-I'LL FEEL LIKE sue’; SEEN ON PAXIL FOR THE PASTTWO MT 5. cLARic£? GoOD.)’OU'RE STILL THERE. LIs1'Er~I,w£'v£ HAD A SLIGHTMISHAP HERE, AND I HA\/ETD come DO\nIN‘IbkIN FOR AN EMERGENC)’ HAIRCUT. way ‘ DoN‘T we MEETYOU row. DINNER ? I WISH I'D THOUGHT OF SILL)’ PuT1'y. You wouwvs l.os‘fTHIS , MuIJ.E_‘r A DECADE Ace. >‘ OH, oI'OU'(ZE ALREADY PAVING Ar mvs same was ow FOE ’I'HE NINE. IT HOW YO.) (‘AN WORK HON CAN you BE INVOLVED wrru A AD @uIb Fvossskzf/AE:I£;I:5>§ noewr FEEL RIGHT. ‘ ITOFF. my um: ULT 5°“ ' ~-=—~-A " ‘ STILL ASKTHAT? 5.?” r . I g I I,_‘. I/III’ I ._ '\\ ,, 7 5 ’ HAVING A KID IsN'r WHAT MAKES YOU A Sow:-r.MEs I wow M0, M0‘; MORE ADULT? 1'0 - DER In’/~II MISSIIJG AN NIGHT WHILE WE'RE PLUMBING ESSENTIAL STM;-E OF’ THE DEPTHS OF HUMAN SEX- ADULTHKJD BY NOT U/IL RESPONSE, ‘I"HE>"LL BE %lN6 A PARENT. SCRAPING SPAGI-IET‘rIoS OFF l'&'4 v:,;,~_Vm ‘ ' I DON'T EVEN‘ HAVE A GRIP ON LIF£'S IAPELS. we Go‘I‘rA car MY ALTTOGEIHER. WM)’ DO you STA‘) wrru Ms? ' r CoULDN'1'AFR2RI> A mp EVEN IF xv/ANTED 0N5. I:Ar~l BARILLY SUPPORT M‘/SELF. '*: = 7 wow. sue AND Dolzis MUST HAVE, LIKE, HAD ‘THEM.’ GOD.’ THE‘! USED 11: BE Ree- ULAR D‘/KES, Tusr LIKE us. Now LDOKAT ‘mm! IzcsI>oMsIaL.=., CAPABLE, MATURE . HEY. ‘THAT’: ARIADNC - FURTVIANGLER. wHEI2E'D SHE GET 1'MasE cHII.DI2EN.? wE NEED THESE FANC)’ IMPoI?rEr> ouves 1‘oo.‘rH£y'I2£ A CLNTPIBUTION ! SEIZING LIFE 87’ I ,..., " i\I\III_rE\:\imIu1I£. A\‘-._-hlkq‘ I‘ '"”m'II./5. N J "I/I free at 866-554-4324. For a l