28 [ Out in the-Mountain‘s |March 2001 UVM Lane Series spring events Mr. Les 3. Frank Your Guidance Counselor for Life Hey Mr. Frank, I've been dating this woman for almo _ ’ . along great except she is really in the closet. ‘l’ ,_ ays» been totai- . ly out, and i feel like a complete hypocrite wher_i__l don’t.say anything when she introduces me to people as her friend. . She never wantsto do any}-’ ’ c“tfi"9/W°°d Sham" 5ha”"°” thing like go to movies or out to dinner because people would see us togethersand .....- 2/24/01 Chris wood 3, Andy cutting, they might think we're lesbians. Well, hello, we are! I don't know—whethergto Celtic fiddle/Vocals/button g break upand find a woman who's as out as I am, or shut up and continue spend-_ .; accordion ing time in the closet with my girlfriend. . _ L ' _ _ . _ Melissa, Bennington 3/9/01 La Nef - medieval/Sephardic music g . . . Dear Melissa, ; 3/10/01 Ravenshead an original opera with y 9 H y y I d U I - ’ M ut reaction is to te ou to cut our osses an move on. n ess your cur’-_ V. i ‘ the Paul Drescher E"-Semble and rent girlfriend has a plan to gradually become more open, you're going to becone ‘_ Rlnde ECkei't tinually faced with theissues you struggle with now. She's putting you in a diffi-' 3/14/01 Grieg Pia"° “'0 §‘i‘.'§J§°.?I§‘?J.‘o?§ ?...?¥'?i.‘i.§"i€“’§o3a§§n22.f3§d°l‘i.§‘.“i¥£‘ei§‘ei?.li;i.L'2 ‘$525 12:2 3/17/01 St. Patrick's Day Celebration with ready for that. A ’ Sharon Shannon/Kara“ Casey I Let hder knowdhow you're feeligg and g‘ivet ht: a clgance to think about what he g_ : _ _ I _ ' c osete ness is oing to you, an certain y o erse . _ . M ' . " N 3/ 30/ 01 Teatio W150 D Europa ' Aid" ’ if she's not willing to give at least a little, then, I'd say you need to leave your: ’ 4/4/01 Adam Neiman, piano ' girlfriend in the closet and get on with your life. .A V " ; 4/8/01 The Concord Ensemble Hey Mr. Frank, ’ A _ A . . . I ’ ' b I l ik b h‘ ' h b ‘ b ' 4/25/01 Kama Skanaw’ mam 7: me Egg’; tlg1i(r;iiP