__‘_,,..¢... 24 Out in the Mountains March 2001 calenolanmarch THURSDAY 1 MIDDLEBURY - Addison County Social Group - Social Gathering. Everyone welcome. We're usually downstairs in the bar section and usually have a rainbow flag on the table. 8 pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb at dozetos@sover.net, or 388-8298. BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting. 5:30-6:45 pm. All those 22 or under are invited to plan upcoming Outright activities and events. Please bring any submis- sions for the ‘zine, Reaching Out. Free Pizza 2nd & 4th Fridaysof the month. Location: XandO (Outright Vermont’s Youth Space) 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance. BURLINGTON - VGSA - Sip and Dine. Join VGSA members and friends for dinner out in Burlington. Meet at 135 Pearl at 6:30 pm, then decide on where to dine out. BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7-8:30 pm. Free and confidential. Open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgen- der, questioning, and allied youth ages 22 & Under. Location: XandO (Outright Vermont's Youth Space) 109» S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance. RICHMOND - OITM Staff Meeting. 6:30pm. Above the Daily Bread in Richmond. All are wel- —come. a “ ““ SATURDAY 3 Towanda - Cross Country Skiing. Women's Outdoor group goes to Blueberry Hill cross country ski center. Call Diane at 802-862- 4175. ESSEX - Vermont CARES/NECI - Live & Silent Auction and Dessert Reception. Join us for an evening of fine arts, crafts, enticing food & ' music, good company, and more. 7:30-11:30 pm at The Inn at Essex. Tickets $15 per person, $120 for book«of ten. FMI: Kendall, Development Coordinator, at 800- 649-2437, 863-2437,or kendall @ vtcares.org SUNDAY 4 BURLINGTON - Dignity VT - Monthly Liturgy and Meeting. Group for g/I/b/t Catholics and friends/allies will hold its monthly liturgy and gathering from 4-6 pm at the Bishop Booth Conference Center Chapel at Rock Point on Institute Road. , FMI: 802-658.- 4436, 655-6706 or Dignityvermont@ao|.com. TUESDAY 6 BURLINGTON — The Elder Art Program — Beginner Art Classes. 1-3 pm. The Elder Art Program, a non-profit membership-run arts organization for those age 55 and older is having the following winter class: BEGINNING: Learn‘ pencil, charcoal, and oil pastel. At the Firehouse Gallery, next to Burlington City Hall. This 8-week course is taught by artist & educa- tor Mark Montalban. Includes all materials and an opportunity to place your work in an exhibit. Cost is $76 for beginning,‘ $64-$90 watercolor. This program will help with transportation. FMI: 802-865- WEDNESDAY 7 BURLINGTON - Vermont CARES - Recovery Support Group. 5:30 pm. Group for HlV+ folks. Ongoing, confidential, and open to anyone living with HIV/AIDS who is in recovery. 361 Pearl St. (Vermont CARES office). Please call before attending first time or to arrange for transportation or childcare. FMI: Kara at 800-649- 2437, or 863-2437. THURSDAY 8 BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? - Questioning and Coming Out Meeting. Friday, March 2 listing for more information. BURLINGTON - VGSA - Sip and Dine. 6:30 pm. See Friday, March 2 listing for more information. BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7-8:30 pm. See Friday, March 2 listing for more information. SATURDAY 10 RUTLAND - Baroness Marina's - Twisted Drag Prom. 6 pm. Join Baroness I Marina and The eo A’n>Abs'olutely EqD,U_I_0t‘1_S_-Silent‘AUECIIBUAOUU -after‘-dinner‘ A 7166, Burlington City Arts. MONTPELIER - Gende_rs R Us - Social/support Group for Transgender Folks. 6 pm at TG North. Call before‘ attending first time. FMI: 800-649-2437, or 863- 2437. SOUTH BURLINGTON - The Elder Art Program - Watercolor Classes. 9:30-11:30 am.. The Elder Art Program, a non-profit membership-run arts organization for those age 55 and older is hav- ing the following winter class: WATERCOLOR: learn new tech- niques. At the O'Brien Civic Center, South Burlington. This.8-5 week course is taught by artist & educator Mark Montalban. Includes all materials and an . opportunity to place your work in an exhibit. Cost is $64-$90. This program will help with transporta- tion. FMI: 802-879-0685, or 434- 8155. Support Group.-6:30-8 pm. New group for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and questioning adults, 23 and up. 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the Peace & Justice Center, 21 Church‘St., Burlington. The group is open, ongoing, free- of-charge and co-facilitated by supportive health professionals and peers. FMI: 802-860-RU12, or e-mail thecenter@ ru12.org. MIDDLEBURY - Addison County Social Group - Social Gathering. 8 pm. Everyone welcome. We're usually downstairs in the bar sec- tion and usually have a rainbow flag on the table. 8 pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb at doze- tos@sover.net,‘ or 802-388-8298. FRIDAY 9 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Yb Dte¢_m 900 Productions Barony of all Vermont for lnvestitures II at The Holiday Inn, 411 So. Main St., Rutland. Reservations: 802-775-1911. Doors open at 6 pm - Show starts at 7 pm. Tickets $20 in advance. $25 at the door. FMI: 802-785-2060. E-mail mar1'nadelamer@yahoo.com, or baronyofaI|vem1ont@yahoo.com . Proceeds to benefit Adornment ll Celebration under the Sea: Discovery of Atlantis, August 10- 12, 2001. SOUTH ROYALTON - Out in the Valley - Bar Nite at Crossroad's Bar, 8 pm - 1 am. Every second Saturday of the month. For direc- tions, e-mail dan@outintheval- ley.org. SUNDAY 11 Towanda - Cross Country Skiing. Women's Outdoor group does the 5:30-6:45 pm. See‘ To announce your event for our monthly calendar e-mail ca|endar@mountainpridemedia.org or write PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477 Catamount Trail in Central VT. FMI: Sally at 802-878-3953. BURLINGTON — National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association — Brunch. 11 am at the Five Spice Cafe on Church Street. Contact Barbara at 802-388-2735, or bar- bara@abovefo|d.com to RSVP, so we can reserve enough space. No charge other than the cost of your meal. The NLGJA works within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of lesbian and gay issues and opposes news- room bias toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and all other minorities. The national organization’s Web site is www.nlgja.org. Anyone who sup- ports the mission of NLGJA is invited to attend events or join the organization. BURLINGTON - Interweave - Potluck and Service. For GLBT and friends, 12:30 pm, second Sunday of every month at the First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl Street. Services are from 11 am to 12 pm. Potluck at 12:30 pm. Come for the service, the potluck, or both. FMI: John Byer at 802- 644-2080 or http://homepagestogether.net/~fir stuu/. All are welcome. TUESDAY 13 BURLINGTON - The Elder Art Program - Beginner Art Classes. 1 to 3pm. See Tuesday, March 6 listing for more information. BURLINGTON - Genders R US - Support Group. 6 pm. Support group for transgender folks at Vermont CARES, 361 Pearl St. "can Efefo"re "attending first time?” FMI: 800-649-2437, or 863-2437. SOUTH BURLINGTON - The Elder Art Program - Watercolor Classes. 9:30 to 11:30 am. See Tuesday, March 6 listing for more information. WEDNESDAY 14 BURLINGTON - H|V+ Support Group. 5:30 pm. Ongoing, confi- dential, and open to anyone living with HIV/AIDS. 361 Pearl St. (Vermont CARES office). Please call before attending first time, or to arrange transportation or child- care. FMI: Kara at 800-649-2437, or 802-863-2437. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS - Online Staff Meeting. 6:30 pm. Access the MPM meeting room at www.mountainpridemedia.org. THURSDAY 15 MIDDLEBURY - Addison County Social Group - Social Gathering. 8 pm. Everyone welcome. We’re usually downstairs in the bar sec- tion and usually have a rainbow flag on the table. 8 pm until we all For more detailed listings, check out our Web site coilendon wwwmountainpridemedia.org/events