10 | Out in the Mountains |March 2001 CROW’S CAWS by crow cohen st Freedom I was invited to a 60’s party initial attemptito collect tick- any women with take—cliarge A recently. (That’s l960’s, not 60 ets. They said dollars weren’t energy. year olds, although that would as important as freedom even Equally disturbing was the have been a gas as well.) The though the producers were assumption that a free-for—all = hostess had a copy of going to lose money bigtime. freedom. There’s something Woodstock, the1970 documen— Occasionally they warned delicious about free-for-all’s — S O C I A L I. Y . . . . . . . . tary of the biggest hippie festi- about some “bad acid” (mean- a rare occurrence in my middle R E 5 P O N 5 ' V 5 Val in the world. I was mes- ing poorlyimanufactured LSD) age. The level of trust at ’ F I N A N c I A L merized. going around, not because it Woodstock will never be dupli- 5. During the 60’s,1was anAir was illegal, but because you ‘cated. Oh, they tell me that S E R V ' C E 5 Force wife so I never really might end up on a bad trip. global surfing on the internet 7 s I N c E rocked out until years later. I Better you should do the “good feels like a virtual free-for-all, 1 9 8 5 do remember when our pilot stuff.” but it doesn’t come close to husbands and us repressed The most phenomenal immersing yourself outdoors wives had a60’s costume party aspect of that happening was amongst hundreds of thou- back then that was pretty the lack of violence. I’m sure sands of humans knowing pathetic when I think about it. there were ugly incidents that somehow you’ll get food, We were playing dress-up went unreported, - but there water and care even if the place . , while hippies in the streets weren’t any large-scale break— becomes an officially designat- CONTEMPORARY DEN-I-ALCARE p_c_ were protesting our husband’s outs of hostility. Most of the ed disaster area. (One local ....u'<.-'.l;.......'V \. ~»~. -x. ~\ . \ —». x ‘» ~\ careers. Iknew something was lyrics to the songs as far as I resident said he had to eat 9 LAUREN J- SHANARD D-D-S. off, but I didn’t have the sup- could tell were about romance, cornflakes for three days » port or courage to speak up. civil rights, and peace. because he couldn’t get out to ‘>11 Providing the finest quality dental care available, My hippie era took place My nostalgia was troubling. buy food.) D In 3 Warm and relaxed e”VlF0nm9"t- when I nagged my husband out There was something seductive But immediate gratification .i ' of the Air Force, moved drawing me in that felt danger- is not freedom. On the con- _i. 75 TALCOTTROAD,‘ SUITE 60 toVermont, and subsequently ous. The most glaring problem trary, immediate gratification ‘ ® W||_|_|s1'oN, V|_=_nMoN1' 05495 came out as a lesbian feminist was the invisibility of powerful breeds addiction, attention 8023783838 in the late 70’s. We weren’t so women. Nine years after deficiency, consumerism, much about beadsvand flowers Woodstock when I went to the depression, and cynicism as flannel shirts and shitkick— Michigan Women’s Music among other modern ills. E 802_650_,3395 if ers, but we still did headbands, Festival in 1979, a gathering of Freedom is about rigorous hon- _ . _ ‘ free love, and as for me any- merely 10,000 women, I was esty, discipline, morality and Diane Felicio, way, smoked plenty of pot. As bowled over by the butch responsibility. Freedom is .......... ........ ., ..................................................................... .. a matter of fact, most about clear-headedness, Con‘ ‘ '"°d"t°' feminists evolved from the hip- running the sound system, and fronting fear, and setting limits. Trying to Work it out and getting nowhere; pies.’ g driving the shuttle vehicles. A Freedom is the willingness to _ _ ' I admit, while watching new species was emerging in be unpopular, tolerant, consis- .C0flfl1Ct M71 b6 Pl'0dllCf1V€- - Woodstockl felt those longings my midst that I had never seen tent, and more often than not, Iused to feel whenlwas anAir before in such large numbers delaying immediate gratifica- separation - divorce’- employee relations - consumer disputes _ Force wife. I can’t picture a all gathered in one place. tion for the greater good. . gathering like that ever hap- Not only were the muscled Freedom’s a pisser. It’s not _ pening again. A few years ago butches impressive — so were always fun in the short-run. Janet l-a"9d°'“« M- D'V- . ~ when they hadaGrateful Dead the regal fat women draping Too bad the Woodstockers Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy concert in Franklin County, the their bodies lovingly with mag- never learned that. If they had, PGS1-oral Counseling psdhfre:ke:l) 0]:l't A:/hen tge Elf(‘;Cell:t((13l(;th and the clzlrystlall they woufldn’t have let this ea ea‘ s ro e own t e e ec e emmes wit si ' nation 0 ours be run by Individuals & Couples fence to enter. At Woodstock, scarves wrapped around their Neanderthals like Bush, or _ they made an announcement wispy bodies. Most exciting of worse — by insidious multi- River Road Pufne VT 05346 from the sta ethat it was obvi- all, we were dis la in our national cor orations. , . Y. . g p y g p 802 387 5547 ous they couldn’t control the prodigious talents as musi- Mud se,ason’s coming. Let’s ' ' influx so they were going to cians, writers, healers, visual all have amud slinging party — make the festival free after an and martial artists. literally. Let’s slip and slide In Woodstock I mostly saw and cover each other with gop. male pelvises thrusting around Then, after we’ve had our fun, "practice limited on stage while vague-eyed let’s debate about freedom — ' to male clientele woman wanderedtarpurrild looll]<— tallong with love, the greatest of * mg passive or os . er apst e uman p easures. ;; I‘ . creators of this documentary g V‘ = 1l:o|reeu:l‘,ouI. dldI1’t have the pOlltlCS t0 film I E,‘ William’Coil, NCMT I l—| "N _ . 5 g g , - _ E 0 testing I _ : . 802-658-239 . = i I ‘ E 800-830-502(5). E2: - 'B°"°il"‘°l 9?’-5"‘-“"."e.."?'-_”“’l"5‘ . Q3 knowing your 5 ,: ' g I HIV status H,€lPi’19i.P€,OPl€ with . ‘difficult to treat ' D_ T f , ' ’ 3 =; i V. . 5W€C.llSl'l NlClSSClg€ U) o s:'eP(;;IIr:l:Ilnd l,_H_C:_r,,e, . conditrons; V A I ' . 1 |- . . 7”" W7 '1 V . I. Headaches/Fatigue, -é :::'::sIng Pei: . ‘Til/IJ Dysfunction .: LEON D. “LEE" RAMEV, LMT, NCTMB 2 » E t'H,§°,;,m°“r 6-’ an ‘ 'N“mbfi,°SS!Ti¥{8‘i“% j}. NATIONALLY CERTIFIED Ii-.i THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE & BODYWORK ’ I V « ’ , , » ‘ ' Repetmve Stram Inluries ;: NAT’L CERT, # 15-5067-OO - MEMBER FSMTA C H V . Chiropractic adjustive t6ChI1iqu€S Coupled With ;-, ll 9"“°“' ' : therapeutic massage, exercise and nutrition for a :; _ AIDS Hotline ' N ._ , .V . holistic approach to your health. ‘ Mlddl€bUl"Y. I-800-882-Mos V. V V _:,;, ‘80 Colchester Avenue‘, Burlin on‘ Across from Fletcher Allen Hospit & UVM ‘ F f3‘?2,2...3.9,3'5..3?3. .