J‘ 24 | Out in the Mountains [February 2001 milestones To Siiookiims, Thank you for the 5+ wonderful years with you, the love of my life! I Can't wait until we arrive in Sydney later this month! All my love always, 9 Pooh Bear Linda Markin and Marie LaPre Grabon of Hardwick celebrated their 2151 anniversary with a civil union on December 2. They are grateful that so many loving friends and family from across the country attended the wintertime event. Many tears and laughter were shared at the People Barn in Greensboro where Judge Barb Zander officiated. Marie and Linda were surprised an event that "simply recognized our common humanity” could hold so much meaning for them per- sonally. They look forward to that future day when iustice prevails in every state. Queerer than a society section. Cheaper than those other papers. (In fact, it’s free.) Write up your announcement in 100 words or less, please. (We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity.) Then do one of the following: email it to mi|estones@mountainpridemedia.org . mail it to OITM Milestones, PO Box 1078, Richmon_d,VT Q5477- l_ 078 fax it to 802-434-7046 802-453-6677 "fax 802-453-6685 dlescoe@together.net PO Box 42 42 Trillium Lane Starksboro, VT 05487 he ’ Investmen Adviser “epresentatlve ‘ of, and securities oIIere_d-through ' - Tower Square Securities, Inc.‘ . ’ ' Member‘NASD/SIPC ‘Not affiliated with Choice Financial Senrices ViDeO EXPKGSS FREE MEMBERSHIP!!! Adult Movies, Ma azines, Toys, Latex, Lingerie, Gag Gifts, ards and much more!!! SINGLES CONNECTION GAY EVENTS S\MNGERS' CLUB Sign in for single Sign in for gay Sign in for group events, meetings & events, meetings 8 meetings,’ events & newsletters newsletters newsletters MONDRY Buy two movies, get the third free! TUEsDF_tYS Spend $ 20Cl+,’get a deluxe vacation for 2 - includes free deluxe_hotel accommodation packages for 2! WEDNESDFIYS Buy 2 DVDs &;get the 3"“ FREE THURSDRYS Buy 3 magazine packs & get the 4”‘ FREE 0 Fri., Sat., Sun., - Buy three movies, get the 4”‘ freej "A FUN PLACE TO SHOP 0 FOR THE DISCFIIMINATING ADULT" ViDeO EXP!‘-'e$$ 215 MAIN WINDOSKIISS4-:3B5’l‘i Benae Fran Kl I n exwfire Gregg <§.°l'i’a»mi'“f,3 Monday-Saturday 9-9 Sunday 11-5 518 Shelhurne Road Next to Mall 189 852-0646 www.benlrank|in.baweh.com Get meant; 0" join our Craft club! Compass continued from page nineteen Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force In 2001, Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force will con- tinue to focus on its mission of public education regarding the rightness of, and need for, full equality for same-sex couples. While the Vermonters for Civil Union Legislative Defense Fund (VCULDF) will focus on the challenges of the 2001 leg- islative session, VFMTF’s emphasis will continue to be on reaching Vermonters in all walks of life, telling our sto- ries, putting a human face on the unfamiliar. The political side is only one part of the struggle. Widespread popular support is equally critical to the goal of achieving and sustain- ing equal rights. We have lots of ideas for increasing public support in 2001, many of which boil down, in one way or another, to four simple words: neigh- bors talking with neighbors. No centralized design can bring the kind of understand- ing required; local interaction is the only way. More than ever, you can make a differ- ence. If you’d like to work with us, or you’ve been work- ing with us and taken a break, please give us a call at 388- 2633 or send us an email at coord@vtfreetomarry.org to let us know of your new or renewed interest. We’ll be in touch! Fag Hag continued from page fourteen Now that I was aware of that however, I took little steps for- ward, a few trips back, and more steps toward coming out as I am. I began to listen to my intuitive voice and let her speak for me. I began to wear. what I wanted, even if it . clashed. I identified how I felt and said it. I breathed deeply and worked through ‘the fear of ‘ letting people see the real me. It was inspiring and surprising- ly easy. I am out, and now I am looking for others who are out here too. Despite that many of my out friends are gay, I am confident that there are straight people who have consciously come out too. It is unfortunate Over 200,000 book, music, video & DVD titles Over 2,000 periodicals 30% discount on Borders best-sellers; BORDERS’ 29 CHURCH STREET MARKETPLACE ° BURLINGTON -' 802-865-271 1 B d B tCDt'tl ,$i2.99 d ’ Muttliiw-Sul\ll(i0Y Airfef: es M ‘I elsd. . B Ian’ UIP Mo”day_Samrd 9um_“pm es ensu/e‘ us!-c see ‘ion in uring on I yanpnpm ay Suniliiy ‘tum-911"‘ Over 500 music listening stations to preview CD5 Sunday 9am-9pm that coming out has been assigned a gay label. If straight people do not consider the need to come out, it is because heterosexisin is still the norm, making gayness deviant by de facto prejudice. While any intelligent, compas- sionate person understands this prejudice is- ridiculous, hetero- sexism is the status quo. So, my friends, there is only one way to change that. Come out. Sky DeMuro-Miller is a recent college graduate searching for some illusion called The Real World. When not ruminating on her hon- orary gay status, she busies herself with photography and painting. She lives in Burlington. c To learn I j more about: 2 0 HIV testing 3:: 0 Benefits of (D knowing your $ HIV status I ‘ Q. - Treatment, (/3 support and .9 counseling § options II: _ _; Coll Vermont AIDS Hotline HEALTHY l-800-882-AIDS VER.\l()NTERS