18 | Out in the Mountains lFebruary»2001 What Makes a Family BY JADE WOLFE Movie Premiere January 22 9 PM Lifetime Channel Viewing What Makes a Family is a wise investment of your time. It is the fact-based story of a gay couple’s life as they ‘wed’, have a child and try to cope with all that ensues. The birth mother portrayed by Cherrie Jones, contracts sys- temic lupus. Ms. Jones deliv- ers a solid performance as the loving, yet dying mother. Brooke Shields is equally impressive as her partner. Together, they provide a healthy, nurturing environment for their daughter, Heather. This movie palatably presents the everyday stressors unique to gay life. There are the ini- tially supportive parents of the birth mother contrasted by the “how dare you come into our home and throw this into our faces...” reaction by her part- ner’s parents. After the birth, there are warm glimpses of the community support of caring friends. The tempo shifts dras- tically as one woman is diag- nosed with lupus, struggling with the symptoms and effects of treatment. Within a short time, she grows too ill to work UVM Lane Series spring events 2/9/01 8 2/14/01 Terra Nova Consort 2/21/01 2/23/01 Andres Staier, harpsichord 3/9/01 Sarband - medieval music 3/10/01 3/14/01 "Grieg Piano Trio 3/17/01 3/30/01 4/4/01 Adam Neiman, piano 4/8/01 The Concord Ensemble 4/25/01 Katia Skanavi, piano .\a"e .5 xl‘ 5 91 E TI 3~ 51 «O . 451:: a A \‘’O London City Opera in Carmen Turtle Island String Quartet, jazz Ravenshead, with Rinde Eckert Sharon Shannon/Karan Casey Teatro Lirico D’Europa - Aida ,1, Tickets/ Information www.uvm.edu/~dceweb/lane/ 802-656-4455 CONTEMPORARY DENTALCARE P.C. LAUREN J. SHANARD D.D.S. Providing the finest quality dental care availabl_e, in a warm and relaxed environment. 75 TALcoTT ROAD,sSU|TE 60 WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495 802.878.9888 and prepares her daughter for her untimely death. It is the child, Heather, who explains to her other parent that “God needs another angel in heav- en”, suspecting her mother has passed away. Both child and remaining parent experience the grief of their loss. However, unexpectedly, the maternal grandparents quietly file for custody. What follows is the reactions of the surviving parent, child, grandparents and the Florida legal system. The distinctive, underlying message of What Makes a Family is a reminder of the many life challenges facing anyone who has ever lost a loved one, gone through a debilitating illness, struggled with a child custody case or tried to honor family relation- ships. Hopefully, those watch- ing will be impacted by how much we, as human beings, have in common. And, perhaps by widening this common ground, some of the unneces- sary fears regarding Gays and Lesbians will be dispelled. February 2001 | Out in the Mountains |18 Basically, this is the hope of producers: Barbra Streisand, Cis Corman, Whoopi Goldberg (also co-starring as attorney, Terry Harrison), Craig Zadan and Neil Meron. This may not be the easiest movie to see. It is however, one of the best for me, a former family counselor, to have expe- rienced. While we all lead individual lives, life itself pre- sents challenges‘ that cross defined lifestyles. What Makes A Family creates another opportunity to appreciate, not Mhalhur andlfidl Real Antiques P.0. Box 17 Gary Taylor I-'itzwiliam, NH 03447 Robert Camara on Route 12, 3 miles south of junction of 12& 119 Open seven days a week 10 am to 5 pm 603-585-6688 Auctioneers License No. 2410 so much our differences, but rather what we have in com- mon. Experiences of loving each other, mourning our loss- es and trying to live beyond grief and discord are chal- lenges of family life. This movie celebrates the ability of that family life to survive beyond those challenges. Jade Wolfe lives in Williston. NC RN Memou. CENTER Dr. Mara Vijups ' Dr. Erin Rhoades NMC RURAL HEALTH SERVICES Specializing in Family Practice Caring for patients of all ages 5 W A NT 0 N 868-2454 A L B U R G 797-4414 ENOSBURG 933-5831