, YIELD 6 | Out in the Mountains iFebruary 2001 7- letters: IIITM, I'll liox 178, illciunnnil, VT H5477-I078 III‘ EIlllliI'®nIlIIInlI|n|ll'|IlEliIell|I.tII'|l Out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. Although we will with- hold names from printing upon request, the letter must be accom- panied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. ity. the masthead. Outright Vermont Correction Recently, the State Department of Education moved a $12,000 grant from Outright Vermont’s school- based programs to the Department’s Safe and Healthy School’s Division. Along with this move of financial resources, implications have been made that Outright is no longer conducting workshops and trainings for school staff, faculty, and students on issues of sexual orientation and gen- der identity. . Our Safe Schools Program still exists. We will continue to do programs in Vermont schools on the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgender youth. More than ever, our work with the staff, faculty, and students of Vermont’s schools is critical to creating a safer and more positive leam— ing environment for all stu- dents. This past year, we have seen a rise in anti-gay related inci- dents in schools. More students are being harassed more open- ly. Teachers are also finding themselves targets of homo- phobic slurs and harassment. We know this because we hear from the youth in your schools every week at our drop-in and at our support groups. Teachers have even become the focus of harassment because they tried to stop some of the anti-gay slurs flying around in their classes and hallways. We know this is not the type of atmosphere you want pre- sent in your schools and com- munities. We have spent eleven years supporting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth who felt isolated, harassed, and even persecuted in their own schools and communities. We desperately need to continue this work: it is good work and THE ,5 CLEAN SOCIALLY RESPONSIVE FINANCIAL SERVICES SINCE 1985 We reserve the right to edit for space and clar- Letters are also subject to the editorial policy stated in it saves lives! That is why Outright Vermont was created and that is why we still exist today. To that end, we pledge to continue our Safe Schools Program. We will provide as many staff and faculty train- ings and classroom presenta- tions as our staff and resources will allow. We will continue to be a safe harbor for gay, les- bian, bisexual and transgender youth and for all youth who desire to see an end of homo- phobia in our society. We will continue to be a stalwart sup- porter of all those educators who are also working to end homophobia in their schools and in their communities. If you have any questions about our programs, or you wish to schedule a staff/faculty training or general presentation at your school, organization or place of employment, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) or info@outrightvt.org. Sue Wilson Educational Development Coordinator I Events Activities Advocacy Education Networking Buyer's CO—Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754 Sarah Harrington, a Realtor dedicated to our community! - Mountain Pride Media - Board Member ’99, ’00 ° Pride Committee - Silent Auction ’98, ’99, ’00 - Rainbow Business Association - President ’98 Call Sarah if you ’re buying or selling your home. Rlimi-X §.2::l'.£.'2£€§§i2';El3 553 Roosevelt Highway. Colchester. VT 05446 (802)655-3333 X30 TUTIN THE MOUNTAINS established in 1986 EDITOR IN CHIEF Jason Whipple‘ ediior@mounlainpridemedia.org ART DIRECTOR Stephanie Siebert ari@mountainpridemedia.org A&E EDITOR Larissa Thompson CLASSIFIED Sandy Reeks classifieds@mountainpridemedia.org CALENDAR Sandy Reeks calendar@mountainpridemediaorg SOURCE EDITOR Carolyn Ashby source@mouniainpridemedia.org .COl.UMNI$T$: Crow Cohen. ‘Charles Emond, Rev. Christine Leslie V . . Canrkrsuroks: Sky D'eMuro-Miller, Chuck Franklin, *.Eliiabeth Hane, Elliott Mafos, Tim Miller, Salmonella Pez, j‘l'.OTlSSC.1 Thompson, Jade Wolfe ; (J'4,RTO0NI$T5: Alison Bechdel, Robert Kirby, Eric Orner A office MANAGER Ania-‘R rrsmo MANAGER dsioimountainpridemedia.org : ,‘N2inoNAi ADVERTISING REPRESENTA r/vs Rivéndell Marketing Company, Inc 212-242-6863 Carolyn Ashby Jim Peirie i802) 434-5237 AINVPRIVDE MEDIA /gt oraprascroas Rioniiinin .*‘ririu Muzlizu Bumett, Brian Cote, Sarah Harrington, Pam Kinniburgh, ’Bennetttaw. Kevin McAteer, Ernest McLeod, Roland Palmer, Jim ’ ‘T . 1 Petrie, Carrie Rampp, Richard Slappey earth the Mounrains was founded in 1986 with start-up money.frorn the Hoymarket People's Fund. Mountain Pride "edidfs current funding sources include the Chicago Resource ,_ jcenter, Green Mountain Fund for Popular Struggle, Gill Foundation, Haymarket People's Fund, Physicians Computer Company, Samara Foundation of Vermont, and individual pri- » . vote donations. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of Out in the Mountains is to serve as a voice for K? esbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source of information, insight, and affirmation. We also see OITM as a ‘vehicle for the celebration of the culture and diversity of the les- bian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. EDITORIAL POLICY We will consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily repre- sent those of Our/'n the Mountains. This paper cannot and will not endorse any candidates or actions of public officials on issues of importance to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered persons. We reserve the right not to publish any material deemed to be overtly racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, 3' ‘ ageist, classist, xenophobic, or homophobic. Wrilers’.guidelines are available on request. All materials sub- mi_tted_musi include a name and a contact number. However, withinijhe pages of the newspaper, articles may appear anony- _.rnously§Up‘on request, and strict confidentially will be observed. ’ Out the Mountains l|SSN i081-5562) is published on the lost , H fursdvay of -each month by Mountain Pride Media, inc. It is printed by" BD Press.-The newspaper‘ maintains offices at 39 ‘ _ I I V ‘ Bridge Street in Richmond, Vermont. ~ 5 -The subscription rate is $23.,per year ' _’ within the United States of America; v ‘ 1 @2000, Out in ihemouniains , Out}in»th,e§.i.Mountains ,.RichmonaE-vr o‘s477-1073 ’ '3 {TEL (802) 4344O|TM_ 5 . ‘ ‘FAX isd'2i‘j434-7o46 ; editorflmountainpridemedia.org . _w’ww.mountainpride_meida.org Inpridemedia.org‘is updated “to” include the current of OITM, generally by the loih of each month. available in alternative‘ formats‘ upon . request.