4 | Out in the Mountains [February 2001 RANNIS GALLER “Fine galo- Vermont's premier showcase for the very best in contemporary jewelrydesigners, featuring designer/goldsmith Timothy Grannis. "' 1L . .-»‘'.;'I:'‘. i J At- l-he onion Rivev Co-op. . . you e\ou'i— have to be 0\ wxewibev i-o Peel like one. Hundreds 0? Polls - members and non- members alike — enjoy the fresh, natural foods and helpful service at the Onion River Co-op. Recently one of our customers said, ”The Co-op employees are all marvelous. You can see they really care about what they're doing. I just get treated beautifully.” Why not visit the Co-op and see for yourself? 274 N. Vtfinooski Avenue 5 Burlington, Vermont 802-863-3659 Open 9-9 every day. -FLOWERS /0?; JIIIJOWJ 802-863-2300 s r FLOWERS fit .’ VALENTINE’S DAY V \_ is Wednesday, February 14th ‘ HOURS ron VAu~:NTrNi-:’s WEEK V _ - MON-FRI: 9:30am-6:00pm ° SAT 9:30am-3:00pm Visit our web site at www.vi.valdiflow;[§,ggm 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy ‘H1 12Iar1d,s ‘Inn 20. Box 113 Bethlehem. NH 03574 603-869-3973 1-877-LES-B—INN (537-2466) A LESBIAN PARADISE ‘ 100 Acres-Pool wwmhighlandsinn-nh. Hot Tub -Trails com vacationOhighlandsinn-nh.com This month, the Vermont Historical Society in Montpelier will begin serving as official archivist of Out in the Mountains. The Vermont Historical Society recognizes the unique role Out in the Mountains has played in recording and facilitating the development of a GLBT move- ment in Vermont, and will be featuring our community newspaper in its extensive 20" Century Collection. The Historical Society’s interest in OITM coincides with the 15th Anniversary of the founding of the paper. In February 1986, OITM was started as a means of dissemi- nating information to GLBT Vermonters, particularly infor- mation on and education about the expanding AIDS pandemic. Since that time, OITM has chronicled the founding and/or development of not just our AIDS Service and related orga- nizations (ACoRN, BAAP, Vermont CARES, Vermont AIDS Consortium, Vermont PWA Coalition), but also the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, Outright Vermont, Lavender Visions Productions, the R.U.l.2.? Community Center, the Samara Foundation, the Freedom to Marry Task Force, the Vermont Pride Committee and many social and activity- oriented groups including the VGSA, the Green Mountain Freedom Band, the Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus, and scores of others. By serving as an essential resource, Out in the Mountains helped bring people together to form the communi- ty from which these groups developed, the very communi- ty that came together to imag- ine and realize historic Civil Union legislation. From the germs of a social movement to Civil Unions - it has been an amazing 15 years. As Vermonters compare our own advances against the struggles in neighboring states, we see demonstrable evidence of the impact of a vibrant statewide paper, chronicling and promoting the develop- ment of GLBT community. As a common touchstone for all those active in our community, Out in the Mountains helps bring GLBT Vermonters together. Mountain Pride Media is proud of the role Out in the Mountains has played in the advancement of GLBT civil rights, and with the help of many dedicated Vermonters, OITM will continue to play a crucial role in social change by being a stable, dependable forum for the exchange of ideas and information. Out in the Mountains was ®9 LETTER FROM THE BOARD founded with high hopes and aspirations, and the original vision of the paper was real- ized and exceeded only because of the incredible devo- tion and perseverance of a number of individuals, espe- cially the Editors of OITM: Terje Anderson, Deb Lashman, Hugh Coyle, Fred Kuhr, Chris Moes, and Barbara Dozetos - each has left a permanent impression. And as we cele- brate OlTM’s 15”‘ Anniversary, Jason Whipple begins his tenure as its 7th Editor. Mountain Pride Media Board of Directors asks you to join us in welcoming Jason to this leadership position. Jason’s promotion to Editor ensures the introduction of new energies and perspectives, and with your help, as writers, vol- unteers, and financial contribu- tors, Jason will keep Out in the Mountains a strong, vital resource for all of us. Out in the Mountains is gearing up for the next 15 years, and given the strength and commitment of the community it serves, it promises to be another 15 years to remember. Bennett Law, President For the Board of Directors Mountain Pride Media Check out our website Mountain Pride Media.Ol’Q cscrihb/ea\/\ We otter a fine selection of wedding and civil union invitations and sociai announcements. Our iznowiedgeahie and trienriiy statt is ready to assist you with eve aspect of your we ' g ensemble. Scrihhies wiii taize you £l.’0lTl engagement announcements to thanie you notes no unattended. 96 Church (5treef (Burlington, ‘Demon! (602) 663-9004 - ‘Tax (509) 663-9006 e-maI'/ .scrbl7lsaI@ aa/. com THAT BOOK STORE... and P THAT ANTIQUE CENTER Used and Antiquarian Books, Antiques and Collectibles Mu|’ri—Dealer Shop Used and Out-of-Print Books, VT and NH Books, Post Cards, Paper Ephemera, Glass, Linens, Vintage Clothing, Coins, Primitives, Pottery and more... Something for Everyone! Usua||y...Mon-Sat 10:00-8:00, Sun 11:00-8:00 Railroad Street, St Johnsbury, VT 05819 V 802.748.1722 - emaiI:tbs@plainfie|d.bypass.corn http://www.a||routes.to/thatbookstore