24 | Out in the Mountains |January 2001 = milestones : Happy Birtlrday .'l,’,,,';j*"°" ‘W Le - d - ‘ll celebrate their -22“ J°"l'.J.Ti~ sztirziaiiaw 19. A long: ‘l°“‘-l“““‘ arm ride, even with the bumps. Qneerer than a society section. Cheaper than those other papers. (In fact, it’s free.) Write up your announcement in 100 words or less, please. (We reserve the right -to edit for space and clarity.) Then do one of the following: email it to mi|estones@mountainoridemedia.orq mail it to OITM Milestones, PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477-1078 fax it to 802-434-7046 We Buy and Sell Real Antiques cgcrilvb/e5\_/—\ Z ' '5‘ P. 0. Box 1 7 Gary Taylor We otter? fin’; selécfien 9i We<1<1in€ Fitzwiliam, NH 03447 Robert Camara "3 “*1 “‘“°“ ‘“““*‘°“5 and social announcements. Our lznowlecigeahle anti irienciiy stag is ready to assist you with GIS GALLERY eve aspect oi your on Route 12, 3 miles south of junction of 12& 119 wezliling ensemhle. 2 Open seven days a week Scfihhles talze you irorn I my TV‘, Vermont’: premier ng g t t t h th 603-585-6688 G 1i.’§§1Z‘yZ’;‘i?;i‘;§iIZ-ii.“ ° ‘ "V‘:‘“;:f;’jn “ Auctioneer's License No. 2410 n°4°tai11e£ttma**<=n<1e4- W 96 Cburc/J (jfreef Contemporary (Bur/ingfon, (7)917/ION} jewelry d¢5ig"'?’$y (502) <3a3—9oo4- ‘Fax (609) 66349006 fe,,tu,,-ng >2-mar’/.scr17[7/.snf@ao[com , _ designer/goldsmrth Timothy Grannis. \/errnonfs Comprehensive Lodging - Caterers I Florists I Clergy Civil Union Guide Ceremony Sites I Photographers I Musicians “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” —Virginia Woolf For over I0years, Cloud 9 Caterers has been bringing creative, customized menus to the table. Cloud 9 boastx an Your: BUSINESS advantage of produce unique to Vermont. We also -.-.‘-..-u-a.v._',...... ,_.. feature lavis}J custom cakes and desserts created 5y our Pastry Chef Patty Berringer. 802-8463-2300 i Hours: 9:30 21.11:. - 6:00 p.m. Monday — Saturday Whether the event you’re planning is a civil celebration for 300, 350 Dorset Street 0 South Burlington, Va-mom 05403 or dinner for 6...call Sarah Moran at Cloud 9 Caterers: (Tum lg‘? on San Remo Drive) ' CLOUD 9 CATERER5 Phone (802) 6557370 Fax (302) 655-7765 Email salncloud9@aol.com VERMONT