3,, -.___...-v v u I. REVIEWED BY NICHOLS JOEL With sections on law and politics as well as coming out and sex, the recently published XY Survival Guide." Everything you need to know about being young and gay by Benjie Nycum provides young gay men with a handbook celebrat- . ing boys attracted to boys. The book is not filled with erotic photographs of teenaged boys like the popular and con- troversial XY magazine from which the Survival Guide orig- inates. Instead, its nine chap- ters, glossary, and list of resources at the end are illus- trated by tongue—in-cheek car- toons that look like a boy-scout manual. My scout manual was never this up-front, though. . The guide has a no-holds-barred approach exemplified by the chapter on sex. After an intro- duction about a promiscuous 15-year old in Toronto, it talks directly about sex feeling good and the guilt sometimes associ- ated with it. The introduction ends with, “Broaden sexual tol- erances, deepen sexual experi- ences, be safe, learn from each other, and promote a general feeling of sex—positivity”. It even includes a section they wanted to call “Buttsex,” but decided to avoid some contro- versy by making the title “Tea with Grandma,” followed by - an explanation from the author. This section is a good example I , of the candid approach the author takes; it has 10 tips for “Exploring your butt,” and it’s i_ only the second chapter. Controversy aside, I found ‘i the coming out section (appro- priately chapter one) to be helpful. Aside from historical background about Gay Liberation and modern legal victories (notably omitted are civil unions), it provides the i 1 closeted with 23 tips for com- ing out, a discussion of possi- ble consequences, and myth- "dispelling facts about queer- ness‘. " My ‘favorite part of this section’ is called’ “What to Tell Be Prepare a Foo—Foo Head,” to help “kewl kids” plan how to respond to their parents’ ques- tions. Typical of the entire book, there are several first- hand accounts of coming out from different perspectives, including tales from a boy who lost a possible boyfriend because he could not come out and another who came out only while recuperating from a sui- cide attempt. Near a listing of gay-themed movies, there is an essay from a boy in Texas who was con- vinced that he was the only queerinv his small and conserv- ative town. By the grace of the I deities, Vermont is “not Texas, but growing up queerin a. rural space is of interestto those of us in the Green Mountains. This essay would have givleri me some hope had I read it when I was 15 years old. The section of the book dealing T with legal issues tells us about Vermont’s hate crime and age of consent legislation, but must have gone to press before civil unions. Also of use to queer teens in the state is the chapter on schools. There are tipson how to build support, start a gay- straight alliance, and handle harassment». . The .-.;i‘='1Ii:st-laand_,i accounts of being out in high school are eye.-opening, and may leadsomgekids to think that it is possible to do so safe- ly. There is also a listing of books that inform on a variety of themes about queers in edu- cation that can be suggested to teachers or parents. M y strongest criticism of the X Y S u r v i v a 1 Guide is that some of it is not realistic for much of its target audience, especially in Vermont, where there is not an underage nightlife facilitating social con- tact. The book is written with a politically queer bent, which is not at all useful for someone struggling to come out. In the section labeled “Networking and Politics”, there are several ._questions analogous to the ‘ ,“What,to Tell a F oo-Foo Head” list,l,in’ which” kids see some questions from the religious right‘ and possible, ways of answering‘ them. ‘One answer strikes , me, ;2arti’cularly ridiculous for,this"target audi- ence of teens. In response to “the church says homosexuali- ty is evil”, ‘the smiiyaz Guide argues that ‘the, church, in want- ing to keep théfeoonomy stable, created the taboo against sexu- al deviance interconnected .with the fall of the status of woman, thereforejithe church is only an “instrument of the patriarchy” thatwants to sup- port the bourgeois family. To us queer-radicals, it is aperfect argument, but for a bunch of “kewl kids” who just got their guide to coming out 70 pages earlier, this section is not entirely useful. I would have loved to have this book when I was 14 or 15, and would recommend it to any RAINBOW CATTLE C0. BRJITTLEBORO, V'I' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ‘ DANCE TO LATEST CLUB MUSIC FRIDAY 8: SATURDAY . LEVI-LEATHER LAST SATURDAY or EACH MONTH open AT 8PM WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY 940 US RT. 5, BETWEEN Exrrs 3&4 o1=1-*1-91' www.together.netl~cattleco 802-254-9830 ‘Ar PL-HNET ROCK/ HDULT WORLD Vermont’: large;-f edulf store *****A'******** * VERMONT ‘S PREMIERE ADIIU ARMDE 1 FAIlTA.$‘Y,BO0Tll.$' coming soon... fill. MHLE REVUE - EVERY SUNDHY * Hdult Movies, Magazines, Toys, Latex, Lingerie, Gag Gifts, Cards and much more!!! ‘Ir ‘k ‘Ir ‘k ‘k ‘Ar ‘Ar ‘Ar ‘Ir ‘k * - _ Open 7 days 10am til closing * Sun 10am-5pm 802.479.0234 127 MHIN ST., BFIRRE (second floor) >l>)l>>(>)1>>1> * January_2001 | Out in the Mountains I23 X Y Survival Guide.- Everyfhing you need to know about being young_and gay Beniie Nycum XY Press, San Francisco young queer boys I know. Unfortunately, there is no mention of girls in this book and there does not seem to be game: §13l:'9II‘l-5.1 IEELIQEIE any guide to being young and a lesbian; this book is boy-spe- cific. Although it is at times unre- alistic, the Survival Guide is the first scout manual for queers that I have ever seen, and itslisting of resources tar- geting gay teenagers is a posi- tive and impressive indication of the improving quality of life for them. Joel studies German and Linguistics at Wesleyan University in Middletown, C T He is originally from Brandon, VT.V It’s about men It’s about hair It’s about time llllllltlll (ll[_W 150 B Church Street o Burlington 0 864 2088 o Across firom City Hall S C m THE MEN’ , full service salon C I‘ Cl foundation oi Vermont Our Mission... The Samara Foundat,_n... . Vermont is a charitable foundation iw ose_mission is to _ _ support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, ‘ bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. ..;-4: