.‘JII=‘.'-=5’-~. .\ ‘“"‘*-Ki"*<-- ..-...,. 18 | Out in the Mountains |January 2001 T Mountain Pride Media Mountain Pride Media is excited about this new year and hope you are, too. We start our year with a goodbye. Barb Dozetos, OIT M editor for more than two years, is leaving to pursue other amazing opportu- nities. This is Barb’s final issue, and board, staff, and vol- unteers extend our heartfelt thanks and bestswishes for the future. OIT M would not be the paper it is today without her hard work and dedication. We will miss her very much. Last month, MPM launched its redesigned Web site at mountainpridemedia.org. Please take some time to check it out if you haven’t done so already. We are extremely excited about our new Shopping Section, which allows you to “give” twice. Every purchase made through one of our. affiliate merchants results in a donation to MPM. So when you need to buy a gift for someone, you automatical- ly give a gift to us at no further charge. We have many other exciting plans for our site in 2001, and look forward to find- ing more ways to connect us. MPM would like to thank Bennett, Carrie, Kevin, Tage, Elizabeth, Denny, Euan, and Jim for stopping in to help with the Nov. stuffing. Our Jan. Stuffing is- scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 25, from 5(ish) to 8(ish) at our office in Richmond (above the Daily Bread). Come out and help get Out In The Mountains out into the community. We still need a .....gen Multiple choices. ...other gendered. community com - ass volunteer to deliver packaged copies of OITM to the Richmond Post Office the day after the stuffing. If you’re interested in helping with the stuffing in any way, email us at distribution@mount'ainpride- media.org. MPM would like to thank everyone who responded to our year-end appeal, renewed a subscription, or gave a gift sub- scription for the holidays. We, like other non-profits serving Vermont’s GLBTQ communi- ty, depend on the financial sup- port of individual community members. If you didn’t give or subscribe, it is never too late. Your investment not only helps us, but helps support our com- munity. NLGJA New England The New England Chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association will be meeting on Jan. 7 in Fayston. We’11 ski and other- wise make use of the snow and beautiful scenery in the after- noon and hold a business meet- ing starting at 4:00 pm. Anyone interested in getting to know more about the organi- zation is _welcome. For more information, contact Barbara Dozetos at bgdoze@aol.com or 388-8298. Information about the national organization is available at www.nlgja.org. Pride Vermont Pride VT will be having two meetings this month for the planning of Pride 2001 on Tuesday, Jan. 9 and Monday, Jan. 22. Both are open to the derqueer...riotgrrl... leatherboy... a. Offset Printing b. High Volume Copying c. Mailing Services community, as we look for- ward to feedback, fresh ideas, and increasing enthusiasm for this year’s upcoming festivi- ties. The meetings are from 7 to 9pm at the McClure Multi- Generational Center, 241 N. Winooski Ave, Burlington. For more information on how to become involved with Pride VT, please call Brian Cina at 859-9238 or Eric Cross at 658- 0061. Samara Foundation of Vermont Samara has established its Year 2001 granting cycle dead- lines. Samara grant applica- tions begin with a Letter of Intent postmarked no later than March 1, 2001. By April 6, the Samara Grants Advisory Committee Following will review letters and ask selected organizations to submit full applications for further compe- tition. Completed applications must be postmarked by May 7. Awards are announced in June. Guidelines, application information, and downloadable grant applications will be available in Jan. at Sama- rafoundation.org. Samara’s Web site will also list and link to past Samara grant recipients. Samara Scholarships for Year 2001 will be processed through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation. Scholarships are listed in VSAC’s Scholarships (for the College Year 2001-2002). (Call (800) 642-3177 forcopies.) Information will be appear at rsamarafoundationorg, along with a link to VSAC’s Web site, vsac.org. Applications must be postmarked by March 25, 2001. Representatives from the growing national network of GLBT community founda- tions gathered in San Diego in Octoberto share best prac- tices and ideas for growing philanthropy within the GLBT communities. Board members Linda Markin, Howard Russell, and Eileen d. Desktop Publishing e. All of the Above Send your submissions to us by check the calendar for deadlines Blackwood and Executive Director Bill Lippert, repre- sented Samara. Through a Chicago Resource Center grant, the net- work will be establishing a national Web site to serve as a central resource for GLBT foundations. The joint site will also include links to the 15 individual GLBT community foundation sites. Bill Lippert recently pre- sented a workshop at OutGiving 2000, Gill Foundation’s annual national donor’s conference. With Nancy Cunningham of the Working Group on Funding Lesbian and Gay Issues and donors from Horizons Foundation San Francisco, he outlined how donors add tangi- ble and intangible benefits to their communities when they use GLBT community founda- tions for their charitable giv- ing. In closing, Lippert encour- aged attendees to find ways to support GLBT communities emerging in small centers across the country. Four new Board members recently joined the Samara Board of Directors: John Crane, White River Junction; Bart Evans, Brattleboro; Nancy -Wasserman, Montpelier; and Richard Wizansky, Guilford. Samara’s board continues its commitment to gender parity and to expand its board throughout the state. Vermont CARES We will be holding volun- teer and peer outreach trainings in the Burlington area in January. For further informa- tion about opportunities and trainings, call Tim Harvey at 800-649-2437. Through training, thought, and compassion, volunteers help Vermont CARES achieve its mission and provide ser- vices that otherwise would not exist. There are many ways to volunteer, and training is an essential step. In the trainings, we cover information about the agency, the basics of HIV transmission, confidentiality, and boundaries. The next Core Volunteer Training will take Community Compass is a service of OITM. GLBT organizations from around the state are invited to provide 200-word descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. email to editor@mountainpridemedia.org place in Burlington, January 29 and 31 from 5:30-8:30pm. Are you good at talking to your friends, family and neigh- bors? Vermont CARES’ Peer Outreach Program uses these natural relationships to educate ..- and pass on prevention infor- mation to your natural commu- nity. The premise of peer out- reach is that most of us learn the difficult, uncomfortable, or private stuff in life best from someone with whom we feel comfortable. To learn about HIV in high school health class is one thing; to have your roommate in college show you exactly how to use a condom or give you a bunch of condoms is a whole other thing. The full training series is 10 hours and helps you (casually and confidentially) educate and support friends and family about HIV. The next Peer Outreach training includes the training dates above, plus February 5 from 4:30-8:30pm. Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force As we look forward to a new year, it also pays to look back to acknowledge the work we . have done and the gains we have made since the Baker decision just one year ago on December 20, 1999. VFMTF wants to express an enormous public thank you to the many volunteers and donors whose collective efforts brought us so far toward equal legal treat- ment for same-gender couples this year. Literally thousands of you contributed your time, energy and money. It’s not over; there is back- lash and still a lot of work to do. But we have_ taken a giant step forward in socialjustice. We offer each and every one of you our most heartfelt thanks. This historical advance could not have happened without you. V §VPM7 VALLEY PRINT 8lWAIL Call Ellen at 802.482.2995 - I-Iinesburg, Vermont