you a r e attract- ed to is not neces- sarily deter- mined by who you are (your sex/gender identity or expression). For all of us, it is the implication that male and female, masculine and feminine, are not the only choices available to us, and that sex/gender and gender expression are far more diverse than we are used to thinking. Some basic definitions, courtesy International Foundation of Gender Education and others: Biological Sex or Biological Gender: categorization as male, female, or other based on the shape of genitalia or other biological features (chromosomes, hor- mones, secondary sex characteristics) Assigned Sex or Assigned Gender: sex recorded at birth, usually on the basis of external genitalia, usually M or F; surgery is sometimes performed in order to make an infant’s body conform to the assigned sex (see lntersex) Intersex: biological sex not immediate- ly identifiable as “male” or “female,” may have combination of genitalia (penis and ovaries), lack “corresponding” organs (penis but no testes, ovaries but no vagi- na), or have genitals cosmetically out of the norm (enlarged clitoris). Surgery is sometimes/often performed in order to make an infant’s body conform to an assigned sex, male or female Sexual Identity: self-identification as male, female, intersex, or other Gender Identity: self-identification as man, woman, both, neither, multi-gen- dered or other; masculine, feminine, androgynous, or other; social or cultural category as opposed to biological Gender Expression: behavior, includ- ing appearance, through which gender ‘identity is communicated to others Transsexual (TS): FTM—female—to-male, transsexual man (assigned female at birth) MTF———male-to-female, transsexual woman (assigned male at birth) person who feels their biological or assigned sex and their sexual identity are not in agreement; may choose gender expressions congruent with self-defined sexual and gender identity, may or may not choose (or have access to) medical inter- vention (hormones, surgery) to bring body into closer alignment with sexual identity Transgender (TG): umbrella tern for persons who challenge rigid, socially con- structed concepts of sex and gender identi- ty and/or expression; can include: cross- dressers, transsexuals, drag queens and kings, bigenders, intersexuals, androgynes, gender benders, and many more Crossdresser: person who, some por- tion of the time, dresses in clothing tradi- tionally of the opposite sex, but is satisfied with biological and/or assigned sex/gender and sex/gender identity (often self-identi- fied heterosexual men) Bigender: person whose self-defined sex/gender identity is both man and woman; may choose gender expressions of either or both Two-Spirit: one of many native American terms for persons who were transsexual, transgendered, bigendered, or non-heterosexual (all of which are modern terms that post-date the original native concept...) Sexual Orientation: categorization based on the sex or gender of the persons one is erotically attracted to; heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, omnisexual, pan- sexual, asexual Sex: (not to be confused with biologi- cal sex/gender) a variety of behaviors or activities in which one or more people engage in (most often) for sexual pleasure January 2001 | Out in the Mountains |15 ,, PHENIX RISING * spirited jewelry at gifts it gallery “ll3’$ Selztezsiltecl ‘Piglet. ‘K favorite clay,” sziicl “Pooh. ) * Open 7day5 34 state street montpelier, vt 05602 802.229.0522 Over 200,000 book, music, video & DVD titles ® Over 2,000 periodicals @ 30% discount on Borders best-sellers; lllonilnv~Smurrluy Borders Best CD titles, $l2.99 and up 9 m_npm Most Extensive Music selection in Burlington! M°"d“V‘50lUrday u 9am- I Sunday ‘tum-9l!l“ Over 500 music listening stations to preview CD5 Sunday 9am~9pm BORDERS’ 29 CHURCH STREET MARKETPLACE ° BURLINGTON ' 802-865-2711 ViDeO EXPress . FREE MEMBERSHIP!!! Adult Movies, Ma azines, Toys, Latex, Lingerie, Gag Gifts, ards and much more!!! SINGLES CONNECTION GAY EVENTS SW|NGERS' CLUB Sign in for single Sign in for gay Sign in for group events, meetings 8; events, meetings 8 meetings, events & newsletters newsletters newsletters MONDFW Buy two movies, get the third free! TUESDAYS Spend $ 200+, get a deluxe vacation for 2 - includes free deluxe hotel accommodation packages for 2! WEDNESDAYS Buy 2 DVDs & get the 3"‘! FREE THUPSDFWS Buy 3 magazine packs & get the 4”‘ FREE 0 Fri., Sat., Sun., - Buy three movies, get the 4”‘ free ViDeO EXPFGSS 215 MAIN ST. WINOOSKI 654-3651 “A FUN PLACE TO SHOP FOR THE DISCRIMINATING ADULT" o Questioning 8:. Coming Out Support Group for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and questioning adults 23 and up! -4 2ND AND 4TH THURSDAYS, 6:30-8PM Peace & justice Center, 21 Church St., Burlington The group is open, ongoing, free-of-charge and co‘-facilitated by supportive health professionals and peers.- communiiy center Railroad Street, St Johnsbury, VT 05819 802-748.1722 - emaiI:tbs@p| http://www.allroutesfro/thatbookstore R.U.1.2?’S NEW OFFICE located on the Burlington Bike Path in the Wing Bldg. adjacent to Main St. Station and King St. Ferry Dock. Please call. 1 LL! l- 2 LIJ U >- O 5 > ' ‘P I k g... g §l§°D‘lt"g§.sA$.‘i'Zt‘.£"u‘t'r1'$’.o."§.§‘$‘M R.U.1.2? Office,,1 Steele St. Suite 113 (Wing Building) S To learn 2 on the bikepath at Burlington's Waterfront more uboul: 2 Cgmefcheck out our new space! Contribute your home cooked (and I — O , .--'§t9r'e-bought) goodies to our monthly Community Potluck. TH A T K S E E . jesfing U C I We'll discuss what's new at R.U.1.2? and talk about upcoming events. . . . Beverages and desserts are welcome in addition to salads casseroles 1 . Benefits of. an and bags ofchips! Free. T TI U E R (D l"'_°,‘!‘l“9'V°"' A ". o Open-Mic Coffeehouse Evening H A T A N Q Q .. "W SNIWS 3! SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 7:30-11 PM . . ’ 3 E . Treatment, 1 Stone Soup Café, 211 College St, Burlington I Used and At‘lTlqUClf‘lCm BOOKS, Antiques and C’) S" on and © R.U.1.2? presents an evening oflocal entertainment at Stone Soup 5° ' lecllb '65 M“ '“ ‘D"'°'e'" 5l‘°l’ ’ l C3 ’ ,.::,,|;n §3:.t°§n§°,l'Z§r§aSsZ'§i§'3r§vi'lLT§§°§gl$§ L225’;Z"§§§ll'lnaliZ5Ziems Used and Oul—°f'PrlnT Books’ VT and Books’ < . 9 C I oflocal poets, comedians and musicians. For $5 (more ifyou can, P05! Cards. POP“ Ephemera: Glass, Llnensl 9 olmons !_ less ifyou can't) refreshments will be Provided. Vintage Clothing, Coins, Primitives, Pottery __ Z and more... Something for Everyone! O www'""2'°'g (o|| Vermont § , Usually...Mon-Sat 10:OO—8:OO, Sun 11:00-8:00 “D5 Hofline U) 802.860.RU12 I I-