14 | Out in the Mountains |January 2001 ENDING ISOLATION AND SHAME: TRANS 101 3A5ic 1i2AN5c;5Npi5i2 izesouizces 3.23:3;i:;;‘:;‘::.‘;:i::;:‘::;t:::: that question as there are people to ask. Anyone who has spent time thinking KS: about gender has her own way of defining , i gender and transgender. Most people Counseling in Genderland: A Guide for You and A Persistent Desires./I Fem—Butch Reader, edited by begin with what we all learn growing up Your Transgendered Client, by Neila Miller, Different Joan Nestle, Alyson Books, 1992 ' in America. Path Press, 1997 . ' True Selves; Understand,-ng Tmnssexnazism for Most Americans are taught to view Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us, Families, Friends, Coworkers and Helping Sex» genders and Sexual Orlematlo“ 35 3 by Kate Bomstein, Routledge Press, 1994 , Professionals, by Mildred L. Brown and Chloe Ann rigid System Of Opposing categories, With My Gender Workbook, by Kate Bomstein, Routledge R°u“5e1ya J°53eY'B355 Publishers» 1996 “O i“'betwe‘?rf5 and “me Va“a“°“' Press, 1998 _ Body Alchemy: Transexual Portraits, by Loren This iradltlonal m0d_e1 -53)“ that 930“ Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Camemnv Cleis Press’ 1996 person is one Oi iwo iiiisiiiici. bioiogicai Arc to Rupaul, by Leslie Feinberg, Beacon Press, 1996 Gender Shock: Exploding the Myths of Male and 5e’feS= Tlha;a°the.“}Z]ed b.V Celflialn physical Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink and Blue, by Leslie Female» bY Phyllis Burke’ Anchor Books’ 1996 i3i:ci:il