Many times during my tenure as editor of OITM peo- ple have told me I have a thankless job. I always tell them I have not found this to be true at all. While I am constantly aware that most people do not realize how much work goes into the paper by so many people for little or no financial remunera- tion, thanks is something I have not found in short supply. In fact, what I will treasure most from my time at OITM is the heartfelt gratitude I’ve heard from so many of its read- ers. A man who lives in a tiny town on the Canadian border part of the small group of peo- ple who had gathered in some- one’s living room in 1986, Exacto knives in hand, to piece together the first issue of our community’s newspaper. He went on to say that he was very proud of what the paper had become, and he included a gen- erous donation in honor of OIT M 3 birthday. To have someone who helped to con- ceive the paper tell me that we were fulfilling his dreams for it was momentous. I’ve kept that letter on the bulletin board in the office ever since. It is a constant reminder of what this paper really is—~both a product of and vital tool for our com- 0/T/1/l lives on because you need it to; you breathe life into it month after month. told me with tears in his eyes that receipt of the paper each month was often his only link to the GLBT community—the only sign he had that he was’ not alone. A teenager from a less-than-liberal community wrote to say that OITM had given her the resources and information she needed as she struggled to come out to her family and friends. Our legisla- tive leaders told me repeatedly that OITM is a constant and important reminder to lawmak- ers that we are hereand paying attention to what is happening" in Montpelier. Mainstream journalists turn to OITM as a window to our community and are often forthcoming in their appreciation of the information it provides. It always seemed that just as I reached the end of my energy, something new would pop up to tell me how important our work was to so many people. Perhaps the most gratifying of all the messages I got came just after OITM celebrated its 13th birthday. Orie morning in a stack of mail, I found a short letter addressed to me. Its author told me that he had been munity. OITM has grown and matured with us, and with your continued support, the sky is the limit. I’m very proud to have led the paper through its early adolescence, but I owe my success to everyone who came before me. Each editor has guided the paper through another stage in its develop- ment, building on what was done before him or her. That’s exactly as it should be. Please, please continue to support Mountain - Pride Media’s work. Subscribe, vol- unteer, donate money——it’s all critical to the continued suc- cess of a publication we would all be much poorer without. My first editorial, 26 issues ago, came outisounding an awful lot like an acceptance speech at the Oscars with all the people I had to thank, and here I go again... The board of Mountain Pride Media is an extraordi- nary group. Each of them holds down a full-time job some- where that actually pays them, and then gives often equal amounts of time to this organi- zation for free. They raise money, make budgets, stuff envelopes, deliver papers, and so much more. I only wish that all of the very important orga- nizations that serve our com- munity were fortunate enough to have such an amazing group of people to support their work. Thank you to all who have served on the board while I’ve been editor. I’ll always be grateful for the faith you had in me. The staff of Out in the Mountains is an ever-changing and always hard-working group. Thank you for humor- ing me and cooperating so beautifully on my sometimes far-fetched ideas. We put out a product every month that could hold its own in most ways against publications with larger staffs that get paid. The fact that all of you do what you do each month istestimo- ny to the necessity of the paper. OITM lives on because you need it to; you breathe life into it month after month. I’ve carefully avoided nam- I ing names here, because I will certainly leave out someone, if I start to get specific. However, there are two that must be named. My preternaturally patient life partner, Tina Giangrande, has served the paper directly as copy editor extraordinaire and associate editor. Perhaps more signifi- cant has been her personal sup- port of me in matters financial, emotional, and creative. For many reasons, I simply could- n’t have done this job without her. I Then there is my daughter, Courtney; though slightly less patient, she was the innocent victim of the schedule we kept during production and time we spent away from home cover- ing events. Not that she really had any choice in the matter of my employment, but she could have made life much more dif- ficult for me. Thanks, Court, for putting up with the crazy life we’ve led. I’m indebted to all of you January 2001 | Out in the Mountains |9 I’m So Glad We've Had This Time Together who have helped make the " past two and half years excit- ing, fruitful, productive, and fun. You are the best! I genuinely look forward to watching the paper grow and mature further under the guidance of Jason Whipple, who, I’m sure, can count on ' the same level of support from the community that I received. He’s got all the drive and passion necessary to do the job well. Please wel- come and assist him as you did me. —BGD V 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy ‘E ‘H1 100 Acres - Pool Hot Tub - Trails elandg ‘Inn P.O. 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