.."~Vl‘F7vvr‘r_vr'r-‘ 8 I Out in the Mountains |January 2001 —-—= letters: IIIIM, I'll list I078, |llI:lIIIIIIlIIl, VT lI5l77-lll7lI or El||lIlF@IIllIIIIIlIln|lI'|llBIlIll|I.III'|| Out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. Although we will with- hold names from printing upon request, the letter must be accom- panied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. we reserve the right to edit for space and clar- ity. the masthead. Letters are also subject to the editorial policy stated in From the ’N\PN\ Board When Barbara Dozetos became editor of Out in the Mountains in the fall of 1998, she brought with her a passion for the paper characterized by discipline, accountability, and above all, consistency. In more than two years of editorship, she applied these principles to the paper, and a good deal more. Barbara committed her- self and others to higher jour- nalistic standards, and in so doing brought to the paper a - journalistic integrity reflective of the ongoing growth and maturation of our community. Barbara was convinced that Out in the Mountains could be a better, more respected paper, and she made it one. The next editor of OITM will step into a very different environment, indeed, a differ- ent job, than Barbara encoun- tered just over two years ago. In conjunction with the board of directors of Mountain Pride Media, Barbara helped to delineate the roles of editor and publisher, and worked hard to separate the editorship from potentially compromising advertising sales responsibili- ties. As the board assumed responsibility for the business aspects of sustaining the paper, Barbara focused on sustaining a balanced representation of perspectives from our commu- ’ nity, in-person coverage of important issues and events in our community, the writers and the writing. Barbara re-assert- ed Out in the Mountains as a newspaper, held to the stan- dards accepted by other news- papers, and tirelessly promoted that informed writers and sharp, skilled writing are the keys to sustaining a vibrant paper. The spotlight that shone on Vennont as civil unions slowly and contentiously became real- ity also directed attention to Vermont’s only GLBT newspa- per and Barbara’s work as edi- tor. Throughout formulation of the civil union legislation and , afterward, as the law went into effect and men and women from around the nation and the world traveled to Vermont to. claim personal recognition as respected members of the broader society, Barbara field- ed calls and interview requests from publications around the country. Contacts forged and nurtured at GLBT journalists’ and writers’ conferences called on Barb to provide the in-per- son perspective their own . Newsday, reports on Vermont lacked, and soon she was contributing under her own byline to Bay Windows, Alternative Family, and other publications and online news services. It is a continuing goal of Mountain Pride Media, ing for the successful tenure of our next editor, by offering him personal encouragement, a commitment of your own vol- unteer time, talents, and energy to OITM, and your financial support of its publisher. It would be unthinkable to We call on all of our readers to join us in providing for the successful tenure of our next editor, by offering him personal encour- agement, a commitment of your own volun- teer time, talents, and energy to O/TM, and your financial support of its publisher. while advancing our mission, to also provide advancement opportunities for the editor through the development of useful skills and important contacts. This only succeeds, however, when an editor is able to rise to the challenges and opportunities presented. Barb did, and we look forward to her continued reports and essays on news services throughout New England and the nation (and, we trust, in Out in the Mountains). As much as the OITM edi- torship continues to evolve, one thing that hasn’t changed is that it is, ultimately, consum- ing. Success in this position represents a huge challenge for anyone, and the Mountain Pride Media board of directors join Barbara in thanking all the community members and allies who contributed content, vol- unteered their expertise, or pro- vided support, both emotional and, through donations to MPM, financially. It has been a struggle for MPM to provide a livable -wage to the editor, but is a goal we remain deeply committed to. We call on all of our readers to join us in provid- thank Barbara without also acknowledging the tireless, even-tempered and profession- al (though completely volun- teer) support provided by her partner, Tina Giangrande. As copy editor, coach, sounding board, and most effective crit- .ic, Tina helped sustain sanity in the office, and surely, in Barb’s life. Out in the Mountains is a stronger paper for Tina’s efforts, too, and we are grateful for her ongoing participation. In thinking about Barbara’s contributions to Out in the Mountains I have been unable to shake the somewhat cheesy refrain from ‘To Sir with Love:’ “How do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume?” Like the students in that ‘60s film, we’ll have to settle for the simple “Thanks, Barbara—for everything.” Bennett Law, President for the Board of Directors Mountain Pride Media /5; Mountain Prirle rt-lcrlia I.-turokillrulicfiisr established, in 198 Jason Whipple i editor@mou ntainpridemed ialorg IPSUPERYISING EDITOR Barbara Dozetos Stephanie Siebert Tina Giangrande’ _ _, _ _ g , Sandy Reeks _ ., classifiedsfimountainpridemedia.org - cAt£NDAR B _ _ V Sandy Reeks calendataimauntainpridemedia.org _ EDITOR _ A Carolyn Ashby sourcetfilmountainpridemedia.org ~ lCrow Cohen, Charles ,Emond, Rev. Christine Les $usan_liIl_urray, Beth Robinson 7 CONT§IBUfOR$Donovatmndrews; Carolyn Ashby, Chuck‘ l Franklin," Ernie McLeod, Joel" Nichols, Patrick Skater a4R_roo~Is‘rs.- Alison Bechdel, Robert Kirby, Eric Orner office VMABNA GER V , _ Aovskrisrwa ‘MA NA are Jim Petrie ads@mountainpridemedia.org (802) 434-5237 NA TIONAI. ADVERT/SING REPRESENTA 7"/VE . Rivendell Marketing Company, Inc 212-242-6563 Carolyn Ashby CDoggteCDagcaite 860.1 144 I 5‘) .7udu.st*u'u[ (lucuuc ‘lUil[i.\ttuz ‘Ut"mumt MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA /5’) BOARD or DIRECTORS lrl nun l.:llIE 3"rl