\ MI‘, ;_‘ acres. Own MB suite w/bath, garage bay & storage, share common areas with myself, 2 dogs & 1 cat (nobody bites). $425/month includes all. ‘Looking for non-smoking, conscientious individual with vegetarian tendencies. Please call Carol @ 524-5946 (01/00) V Housemate wanted to share warm, quirky, largish two-bedroom apartment with a queer woman and her two dogs. The apartment is in a farmhouse in Worcester, eight miles outside of Montpelier, and is near trails and a lot of water. $300/month, everything included except trash removal. No additional pets (besides ‘fish or amphibians), please. Call Allison at 229-4560 (day) and 229-4057 ' (evening). (12/00) VUnfurnished room for rent in my Barre, VT home. $350 per month, includes all utili- ties. Shared bath and kitchen. I am interested in renting to gay female only. Contact Renee at 802-479-7925. (12/00) VPerfect winter retreat/honeymoon cabin in foothills of Camel’s Hump. x- country skiing, hiking, remote. $40/night 2 nights minimum, Crow (802) 655-3766 Looking for peace and quiet away from a busy life? For Sale: 116 acres (more or less) on beautiful hillside overlook- ing Waits River in Bradford, VT. For more information con- tact Peggy Hackett @ 619-296 4185 or Diane Barber @ 802 222 5714. (12/00) Shaftsbury Vermont mini- farm. 10 1/2 acres. Spectacular views. Wrap-around porch, den, master br suite, 2 addi- tional brs, 2 1/2 baths. L.R. with cathedral ceiling and wood stove. Open D.R.-K a cook’s paradise, wonderful for entertaining. Wide board floors. 500-gallon 4-zone oil heat. 2-story heated barn, 3- bay carriageihouse, goat house. “"'Beautiful1y landscaped with thousands of perennials. Located in prime horse coun- try. Professional area. Private, private, private. Amtrak-acces- sible to N.Y.C. soon. Shopping, skiing close by. $249,000. Winters: Oct-May 305-293-1974 (12/00) 1880 one-room schoolhouse overlooks Connecticut River in quaint Vermont town 2 doors down from world famous » “Rabbit Hill Inn. Phone 1-800- 483-8626 for info or e mail taflocks@jps.net (12/O0) Living Situations Wanted V Professional couple in need of 1 or 2 bedroom apart- ment. We are moving from South Carolina to Burlington. Need place by December 1. Have tiny dog and cat. Will consider surrounding areas. We are a very quiet couple. Looking for place long term. Call anytime (843) 669- 6471 (12/00) For Sale For Sale 1990 Toyota Hilux Pickup. White, 4 speed, alarm, cassette deck, bedliner. 1 owner, well-maintained. Was in South for its first 2 years. 170K_. Asking $2500 or best offer: Call Kate at 655-0857. (12/0'0) Persbnals V.'_,White transgender look- ing L ‘to share an apartment together with another transgen- dered, or gay person M/F in Montpelier, Barre or Middlesex area. Color of the skin is no problem and you can be straight. I can afford $350 a month for my share. Contact Carlajat 793-9039 (cell phone). Serioigs replies only. (01/01) 33 ‘ Y.'Male couple, mid-30s — recéfitly transplanted from West§Coast — seeking other couples for social activities. Dinriers, cocktails, card games, mos‘/_;i“e,s, outings/daytrips, or _iUSl;__fpEalIl-Old fashioned con- versiiiion — we’re just interest- ed ififirnaking new friends in our3‘§hosen new home state. Locrated near Jeffersonville, but these former West Coasters are {jrijot afraidiito drive a few milé_"_s’;§Let’s get acquainted via ema"L.2— write us at philnbri- an@p§hift.com. People look- ing;-:§dr.sex need not bother wr1 (12/00) ""3 male couple desires to relocate to Vt. Seeking infor- matioti on employment in the Burl‘ihgton area. He#1 12 years elec‘tjr‘_o°-mechanical technician experience. He #2 currently enroilléd in college level course in computer networking. Can someqne correspond with us ands?/f,t‘2ike us under your wing” (notféfinancially) and help us becorfije part of your communi- ty. Send e-mail to bill_lind- ley‘@_'g‘-"‘§;1hoo.com. Any help and good? vibes appreciated. (03/O9 2?’C_3?als who want to move to ‘ V'l‘.§We are a Lesbian couple Ts- livirf'g?ln CA and are interested in king to VT (most likely the Eurlington area.) We have famijiy/Q nearby and are hoping. to esfafolish a few connections befobfiézg we move. We would lovéefio hear from anyone in VT.§‘l-"§l‘§:ase email us at tristen- heit-'g@yahoo.com (12/00) DTCIE: Thanks for the mem- orieus-,7—;‘t:he love, and the sharing oveifilie last 12+ years. May yourépgith take you to new and worfd-rifius places. I will always rem’érTr:i1>er. With love, RFP .'?*j 3% ‘ '~s n aa- 53'. ii‘ 11+! ‘.5.’ i N\e-‘gel-S1’-Yle.gO,h .o0‘“ N\B~\5e\-S CyIs_ Com .009‘ M31591-3tYle_ com .c°‘“ \\AB'\5e\-S EYIE. go”, .009‘ Me\5e\—5 '5Yle_ Com “AB-\5e\—S tyle. C0/77 Meisel-5 El/le-_ CD/77 N\e\5e\—5 tYlE. Q0/77 weisel-5tYle, Corn --t cor“ ’l4eI'sei-sW\e cor“ Meisepsi-,y|e cor“ /We-iSe,_Sw\e pear“ N\e‘\5e\-5 Evie. Com M’~‘I'sei-seyié.c°‘“ Meisel-Style .c0“‘ N\e'\5e\-S tyle_ Com Meis_e:.sty|e . cor“ /l4s,‘se,_Sw|e _go\‘\" N\B-‘.591-StyIe_COn_I ’WE.'ise[.sg-,y\e.c‘.0V“ Me,'Se,_SW‘e _cor\" we-‘gel-5 tVle_ com ~°°m . l—St'. I Me'8e"S“"‘a Com - l—Style MESS’-Stv\e~°°m N\e\5e y 3- C0,,” N\a\9e ~ Cam ‘com - \—s: I MeiSe"5tV‘e‘°°m . \-St I MeiSe'~Stvl9A°°m M3159 Y 3-00,” Melee V 9420,” . ‘com < el-Style Me’Se'~S'=\/‘B °°m . el-Style Meisel-Stv\9~“°m N\a\5 -00,77 N\3\‘5 ~Co,77 .c0‘° M'5"seI—sty\e.r-°‘“ N\e~\5el-S tyle_ Com ’V/sis-e,_Sw\e pot“ ... ael-Style .G°m community center R.U;12? Community Center (Are You One Too?) is a charitable organization with the purpose of providing venues for the social, cultural, artistic, and educational endeavors of_our gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and allied communities through visibility, awareness, and community building. Currently there is no permanent, substance free, safe place where GLBT people can go and learn about their history, participate in cultural events, and hold group meetings. At the future center we hope to provide small offices for new groups, internet access, and multipurpose social space where people can meet informally. spanish - yoga - drumming - politics - storytelling 0 A‘ Decent Proposal R.U.1.2? Community Center is currently accepting informal proposals for winter-oriented (or conducive) classes or activites that will be offered during a six—week semester in February and March. SHARE YOUR FLAIR We need a handful of dedicated and talented individuals who are interested in sharing their knowledge about a particular topic, art form, sport, or musical interest. As a volunteer instructor, you will work with R.U.1.2? to design a class that meets the needs and interests of les/gay/bi/trans people and allies in our community looking for social outlets to chase away the winter woes! IT'S FOR A GOOD CAUSE Students in your class will pay a sliding—scale tuition that benefits the R.U.1.2? Community Center project. car maintenance . FEBBIIAIIV 5 - Mflliell 15. 2001 Proposal rleatlIine:IIecemher15 , contact: 802.860.3012 or thecenter@ru12.org u_ia.wnr:’«"fr.. . .. _ 'r?.s.¢‘."‘