‘iam;¢.a{art1gages:’ ' ‘Atlantic December 2000 | Out in the Mountains |27 Mortgage will gladly contribute T4: j $100 to VT CARES for every loan closed. (01/01) En em wi Q - A - y Robert K1rby _ I - 1 . 1 Living Siiuatmns/Land )i wen. I'M -_rusT so Sollkv I Just /\NYwAY 11: WANTED To MAKE is 4': ‘~-H“ ‘ DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT SURE YQQ wgag OK Vq‘T‘H ME ' Offered 9°” T “W G°'~G OW To~~<=Hr. So....$o.. :§'E«,. _ _ CAN I Gevvou AN‘«(— '5, VTwo lovely rooms in mine? HAVE You ~' Redrock Condo, Burlington: 1) . E"i"'”"3k"‘-? lower level w/ private bath, extra ii closet and entrance, $450 2) upper floor BR for Female, bath- share, $350. Both are good sized. Laundry, view of lake. No smok- ing/pets. Gay friendly. Anne 865- 5042 (12/00) HAVE To HDUC ;'-1. " ovep. Me,i<£vm. ‘» I'M. z°\.L9JGHT.I. A ...DUPuC.TToUS,tN0\$’ _ Me/=w,: Aewmrs Cf{€ET,’i'HOUGHTLe55? ; Fteukeb NATHAN Nam-«ea. Do 1:, AND I wou1.i> END UP w ._ LIKE THIS. B\G DATE WITH RA”‘lr HUH? VLooking for ' a home? Wo1nen’s community looking for one or two fun, mature, commu- K(EAH * Liush * we've nicative, gay friendly, communi— GOT THEATER TICKETS” Drwangfl Flfigl, DREN... * I-£.:‘°::]YI:)Yk.’ 1!§:_<‘>‘,5D:.le°»:_,g.;s:|Eé4‘;E1‘B ty—or1ented women of any age, 1: MAY 36 $rA~(mG Hopg You .1 A5 l_¢-we Guys w,,_L THE DOCK AND GUESS race, sexual orientation orclass to .‘r)<;’h5"gH’;‘rT_‘f"‘5 g;"_¢€ Sgglgggrg gs you fies.‘ . wt-to tT'.5 I-‘Rom ? live in funky splendor at the end Feroouutcg :18, How IKNow Rilxsuirl Y’Ut{ SIAC1-Iii,‘ ofthe road on the side of Camel’s LA‘? ‘T GETS. ._ Gor MIXED THAT’; Au IN: Hump in Huntington. Wrtie: / —=; 3 6" TD SAY‘ HOWL, PO Box 53, Huntington, A //5 v ‘I f/ ii BRIEFLY, VT 05462. Call: 802-434-3953. C ’, ’ “\ B wehowl@juno.com. (“‘ _3* c, "- V Housemate wanted: Share l 1 LT“ i my home located less than 4 i = miles to exit 19 in St Albans. I Private garden paradise on 10 ck (1 , I“ W W‘ _ . conticazeecom The Mostly Unfahuloussocial Life of Ethan Green... ___1,,. an-c one. ' D - - - . . . IT 'e:'u3:“? A lllfICe'Dwl'CflIlVICled"ellleI'Il lflldl dI'IVeI' Guy '5 snuffed ouf lnsfgnflyl ffqg|¢a"y_ S W E E T for) having lunch at an runs a red ham’ ' BEFORE IT ‘TURNEDTOA coucnens _ cl!9T<'H wim Foot. . \ -"- ' W y ' '75.‘-%»-- Encased in cement, there is nothing to do with Actually. Mlle 0i “I01 really lI0PPened- T110, the r Speaking of warm, the sexy guy in the sent him except donate him to a local community “|°"9l'i '5 W“"“l"9 V0"? W“ 1'3"" “l "'9 flex‘ '0 V0" (V°||'f° 0|‘ 0 "391" '0 “OW 0|'l.e€|||5l college's art program. . moment is absolutely pressing his leg against yours. ETHAN soars AVAiLAbt.g vm Www.51'oheWM.llNN.(’oM dc vtuusfovtcam The Mostly llnfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green... ‘ ---bv Eric Omen‘ -Run out of excuses to avoid spending Spend the 30-oclcl hours of transit involved the holidays with your partner's regretting your decision 8. gauging whether family, and finally agree to go. you could pull off emergency illness requiring cancellation. TERRA INCOGNITA -aka» SPENDING 'I'I'lE HOLIDAYS WITH YOUR LOVER’ 5 FAMILY MEAvovI LAST mourn. Now I'M Get dragged off to beloved contest Featuring famous rivals you never BmrrL:sH'w',(.irL~r-einl! .- M ~. hem‘ °l'" llpon arrival experience acute caffeine withdrawal desperation caused by total lack of acceptable coffee. HAIIAMGHVI Sunk Your " You Girls - must’ as Exhevsvsv p.r1'Er rust or-vi! - on Fuveil _ 1 Fares‘! To PI¢K”P son! oF rhosl-' YIIPPIE ¢afFEE anus rev Two l.IKP..H°WZAl1o\J'|’ ‘ . somtsouwx? ' www. E1‘!-IAN (>REEN.(oN\ (coon. News.‘-re) ' ' . us? -7' , ' . i .. v~ 1 ~ 1 ‘fin’ '\ iail'i»'332':i.. so mi * ' . _ 7, M ' . o ‘ ’