\\\\y_,§§§\‘\xg:& .. \~ xsxx \‘q“'\‘:'¥_\ V Make history this N ovemb er! Flanag_2;_ U.S. SE NAT E M y election as the nation’s first openly gay, U.S. Senate nominee of a major political party has already marked a major milestone in human rights. As Ver1nont’s U.S. Senator, I will continue to fight for our community as I have publicly championed the cause of Civil Unions in Vermont. I support the Employment Non—Discrimination Act (ENDA) and I strongly oppose the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). In contrast, Jim Jeffords has endorsed Ruth Dwyer for Governor. And he has voted in favor of DOMA, which withholds federal benefits from same—sex couples. The choice is clear on November 7th. “I strongly support Ed Flanagan. He will be a strong advocate in Washington for all Vermonters. Ed has worked with me in our community's struggle for equal rights and in our broader political fight on behalf of Vermont’: working families and the neediest among us. Facing ofif against Trent Lott and]esse Helms in the US. Senate will require the strength of character and commitment that Ea’ Flanagan has demonstrated as State Auditor. Please join me in voting for Ed Flanagan. ” — Rep. Bill Lippert (D—Hinesburg) Paid for by Flanagan for U.S. Senate PO. Box 209 I Burlington, VT 05402-0209 Itel: 802/862.0769 I fax: 802/865.2046 I email: flanagan@together.net I web: ww flanagan2000.org < ..~:-..».-..-.\< . ---------- - ::.«..-:5.os~. - 3;” .-.~':= : .. -..-.-:-:-:-M.<:o. 4’ .,--. .,-~ 52 AIDS & Solar Sex Inlormolion. 2 I condoms. Be H|V+SunIIorIServices. - llenlollloms. Ironsoender Suooon Brouo. Be Peer flulreuch. . low-lloslfleoolilis Voooines. lols o’ lube. I HIV Ioslino Helonul & Suooon. "V o r m o n t female condoms. BABES 3”""°%‘1L”..'.f.fi”.i':£f"'““"""° 3[][]_ 54g_ 243] Sex Posilive Eduoolion. www.vIooros.om And M“"i--- g Burlinolon. Hullond. Monloelier. SI. lohnshurv. All FREE & CIINFIIJENTIAL HIVI 4. J .—,__m._;,.,~... . ,4 . - "-““'=.".-.*-.1.*'i*1'-ow,»-q‘ 1.x...» x