Paid Advertisment VERMONTERS FOR CANDIDATE Below is a list of the candidates VC U endorses in the November 7 election. Here ’s how we arrived at the endorsement list. First and fore- most, Vermonters for Civil Unions favors incumbent legislators who voted for the Civil Union law last spring. They were there and took the heat. No slight is intended to pro-civil union challengers in those districts. With respect to open seats, or seats held by anti—civil union incumbents, we are endorsing pro-civil union challengers. In some cases, we have endorsed a challenger whose views on civil unions are not entirely consistent with our own, but who is nonetheless the most likely, given the alternatives, to be supportive of our position. For ~ iGo‘\iélrnorg}_— HOWGTU . We have made multiple endorsements in multi—seat districts where possible. In cases in which we endorse fewer candidates than available seats, we urge you to vote only for the endorsed candi- date(s). In some races there are more pro-civil union candidates than available seats. In some such cases we have not endorsed all pro-civil union candidates because we urge voters to support the most viable candidates to avoid splitting the pro-civil union vote. In other such districts, we have endorsed more candidates than available seats, and you should choose among the endorsed can- didates. Please note that this list was prepared nearly two weeks ago in order to meet a print deadline. We have tried to be as accurate as possible; but it is possible that we have made mistakes, or that this list includes mistakes that have been called to our attention since October I 7. Please go to our website for the most up-to-date information.‘ Addison County 0 Gerry Gossens 0 Glynda McKinnon Bennington County 0 Dick Sears Caledonia County 0 James Hughes 0 Dinah Yessne Chittenden County ° Jean Ankeney 0 Karen Lafayette 0 James Leddy 0 Janet Munt Also vote for two of the following: 0 Virginia Lyons 0 Jim Condos 0 Barbara Snelling For Vermont Senate Essex-Orleans County 0 Brendan Hadash Washington County 0 Ann Cummings ° Paul Poirier Franklin County - Warren Kitzmiller 0 Sara Branon Kittell Windham County 0 Nancy Chard 0 Peter Shumlin Grand Isle County ° Richard Mazza Lamoille County 0 Susan Bartlett Windsor County 0 Richard Mccormack ' Cheryl P. Rivers Orange County - John Campbell 0 Mark A. MacDonald Rutland County 0 Peter Berg 0 Jonathan Gibson 0 Randolph Kniffen For Vermont House of Representatives District (# of representatives) - towns Addison I (2) -Addison, Bridport, Ferrisburgh, Panton, Vergennes, Waltham . . - Tracy Holzapfel - April Jin Addison 2 (1) - Lincoln. Monkton. Starksboro - Tony Dominick Addison3(1)-Bristol A . ’-Bill"Wi‘sell ' Addison 4-1 (1) - Cornwall,‘ Middlebury, New Haven, Weybridge .~ _ - 3 » v_ .. , ’ . - Spencer Putnam Addison’4—2 (2) -Middlebury‘ , - Anne‘ Ginevan -' Betty Nuovo Addison-Rutland 1 (1) --‘Orwell, shoioham, Bensen, I Hubbardlon . . . ‘ V -‘John Fedor‘ Addison—Rutlan_d.2 (1) - Goshen, Hancock, Leicester. A Ripton, Salisbury. Whiting, Sudbury ' - _- Judith Lashof Bennington I (1) -Arlington, Sandgate, Sunderland _. No Candidates endorsed- Bennington 2-’1i(2l)l Bennington - Jim Colvin Chittenden 1-1 (2) - Colchester - Malcolm Severance - Michael Vinton Bennington 2-2 (1) - Bennington, Stamford, Readsboro, Woodford - No Candidates endorsed Bennington 2-3 (2) - Bennington A , - Judy Murphy Chittenden 1-2 (2) - Colchester - Maureen Dakin Bennington 2-4 (1) - Bennington, G|astenbury,.: A ’ V Chittenden 1-3 (2) - Colchester, Winooski . Shaflsbury _ . -. George Cross H _- Alice Miller . ’ » ' ~ Chittenden 2-1(2) - Essex v ' - Debbie Evans .. -' No Candidates endorsed BennilI,gtt)ni:3'=:(:1‘E)_‘-. Pownal 1 * ‘ ' Z . ~ .1 ii . » .. _. f Chittenden 2-2 (2) — Milton I '39m'lifl9t0|'l 4 (1).-f'ManCh6Si8|.';. ’ " - No Candidatesendorsed ‘ . _ . _ quay Livingston ‘ . ' ~ ‘ V Chittenden 2-3 (1) - Essex Town, Milton, Westford Benmngton—Rutland l‘(1) - Dorset, Peru, Vlfinhall, . Martha Heath Danby, Landgrove . . ” ‘ - ._ ._ , _ ’ V ' ’ _ - - No Candidates endorsed . ‘ Chittenden 2-4 (2) - Essex Junction ’ - , ‘ - Bernard Couture V Caledonia 1 (1) - Hardwick. Stannard, Walden . 33"-y Nelson - No Candidates endorsed Chittenden 3 (25 - Bolton, Jericho, Underhill ' - Margaret Hummel - Gaye Symington Caledonia 2 (2) -‘ st. Johnsbury _ . - No Candidates endorsed Caledonia 3 (1) - _Bamel, Rygale, Waterford ~ _. - Robert Larabee Chittenden 4 (1) - Richmond - V . - P t ' ' D I Caledonia 4 (2) — Burke, Lyndon, Sutton a “ma 0y e _ ‘ . - No Candidates endorsed Chittenden 5-1 (1) - St George, Shelburne,Wi|lislon - - Elizabeth Skarie Caledonia-Washington I (1) - Cabot, Danville, ‘ Peacham - No Candidates endorsed IF YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS MATTER To YOU,