14| Out in the Mountains |November 2000 = milestones =' Melissa Gamble and Linda Cooper vséere joined in Civil Union on September , 2000, in a ceremony held at the First Unitarian Universalist Society in {Burlington Roddy Q’Neil Cleary certj_ ied the Union. Standing up for the couple were Sharon Duffy and Charlotte Farmer lessica Gamble was the flower girl. . I\lI’ictures were taken by Tracy Myers of ew Hampshire. Following the ceremo- n_y, friends and family gathered at Pzfiuline s Restaurant in South Burlington or a dinner reception. The civil union was a follow-up to the couple’s commit- ment ceremony in September of 1992. Pam Kinniburgh and Sandy Reeks were joined in Civil Union on Saturday, October 14. The ceremo- ny took place at No. 10 Pond in Calais, on the best day of the year, and was offi- celebrat- Anne Coon and Kate Keamans aturday, es: tgiriiier (1:-tiviit SItJ.I1./.:x(iiItlre:i1’s Episcgvgfii Cti)urch in St, JohI1‘(5t.’:11ri=:’1:<,’«errfi)nr(irIilitr’ig the “°V$.‘.‘:’,§‘.,‘f‘{i‘$ti"s§-iii; 5» the courts W3; figlcy 1}{et;II1‘eC§z;1te1’\STlSIl1:£:r.C0llS1Il, Delgtillaoweiiig the service, a reception/buffet Creamery Wstauram in was held athth: an enthusiastic gfoup Of Danville, 3/ eflatives enjoyed a delicious fnenrctrsngiit oifefood and Picture-taking f asso _ t d 21 years 0 ThiS1°Y.°“S eveiit ceiiiiirea iciappy couple partnership roger er. more years of com. looks forward to many panionship in Vermont. Pie-in-the-Sky Farm Bed & Breakfast Come oeiebrate your Civil Union or other special event with us at Pie-in- the-Sky -- a quiet country retreat outside of Montpeiier, Vermont. Suite or room available by reservation for the day, week, or weekend. the wonderful state of ciated by Henrietta Jordan, House Representative and JP. In a non-traditional ceremony éhatlifnclugdtgg waltzing, personal testimony, a spiral dance, 'c1T1_ 53 ‘WU vows, we shared our memorable day with family and many friends. Special thanks to the Dream Team (Patty, E1011)’, Annea Melissa, Janie and Ross), the Wine Goddesses (Carol and Nancyg, the ring-maker (daughter Nisa), the chef -(son Eric), and Da_V1 , Dee, Anneke, Catriona, and Freya for their invaluable contribu- tions. We had a magical day. 20 Charming Rooms A LESBIAN PARADISE Peace & Privacy Dwinett Road Marshfieid, VT 05658 (802) 426~3777 . fax: 1-802426-4090 fl!fi5£?£‘.".*‘-.'@l?£*_3i“_$l‘)!_-£53.75 www. ieins .com .’RicIl[oxd,‘l)zmwut 05476 CivilUnionGuide.com Lodging 0-; Caterers in ' Florists I Clergy Ceremony Sites - Photographers - Musicians “