World Briefs, continued from page one GLBT student center at the school. V David Goodhand and Vincent Griski said they want- ed to help students with a place to meet and get information on things such as career planning and safe sex. 8 “Kids today come out of ‘school very self—aware and very self—confident, but at the same time, their needs are greater,” Goodhand said. “It’s so much different today. These days kids want to know about nondiscrimination policies and whether a company offers ben- efits to same-sex partners. We didn’t worry about those kinds of things back then.” The money donated by Goodhand, 37, and Griski, 36, will be used to renovate a building that will house the university’s 18-year-old Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center. The gift represents the largest single gift to a gay and lesbian campus organization, said Katherine Pease, execu- tive director of the Denver- based ‘Gill Foundation, the largest philanthropic founda- tion in the country for gay issues. Legislative chaplain PHOENIX—The Arizona Legislature’s chaplain says he’s gay. Now the Republicans who run the place say he also may be unemployed. The Rev. Charles Coppinger has served as chap- lain to the House since 1996 and the Senate since 1997. He was appointed, and reappoint- ed, by conservative Republicans who have been some of his strongest support- ers. Some of that support was based on a shared religious view that homosexuality was contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Now that he has acknowl- edged his sexual orientation, it is unclear whether Coppinger will remain chaplain. “He betrayed all of us who have been past supporters,” Sen. Scott Bundgaard, R- Glendale, said. “Charley has ruined his credibility as a teacher on religious issues and as such I believe he’s no longer qualified to be the chaplain at the Legislature. He should resign.” Multiple choices. Gay custody LOS ANGELES—A gay couple is struggling to regain custody of a 10-year-old boy they’ve raised since he was an infant. , ' Paul Washington, Sr., alleges his son, who is the boy’s uncle, and a gay com- panion abused the child and promoted a gay lifestyle. He has refused to reveal the whereabouts of the grandson, "Miguel. . Miguel had been in the cus- tody of Paul Washington, Jr., and his partner, Timothy Forrester, since he was 8 days old. Miguel’s grandfather picked him "up from the cou- ple’s Cathedral City home on Oct. 6 for an overnight fishing trip and never brought him back, the younger Washington said. Instead, the couple received a letter from a Los Angeles law firm Oct. 7 stating that Miguel . had been removed from their home. They were accused of “actively promoting or influ- encing a gay lifestyle for the minor.” The letter cited Miguel’s participation in ballet and “gay art class,” instead of baseball, as one reason for the boy’s removal. Ajudge has ordered the boy returned to the couple. Washington, Sr. complied on a few days later. Buchanan ad ORLANDO, Fla.——Reform Party presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan is borrowing a page from the Take Back Vermont crowd. After visiting the Vermont farm where the Take Back Vermont movement was born, the‘ conservative politician unveiled television commer- cials for his campaign. 8 They declare: “Take Back America.” , “The purpose of this ad is to raise legitimate issues which are great controversies in America today that have been utterly ignored by the other candidates in the other par- ties+that is the assault on America’s culture,” Buchanan said at a news conference._ The «ad ‘opens with a, teacher forcing apart the hands of a schoolgirl who is praying at her desk. “They’ve taken God and the Bible out of our schools,” a narrator says. a It cuts to a tablet of the Ten Commandments being torn from the wall and the narrator saying, “They’ve pulled the Ten Commandments off the classroom walls.” _Pictures of Boy Scouts then flash on the screen. “Now they’re after the Boy Scouts, calling them a hate group because they won’t let homo- sexual men be scout leaders.” “lt’s time to take our coun- try back from those who are tearing it down,” the narrator says. “George W. Bush and Al Gore will do nothing. One can- didate isn’t afraid to fight back: Pat Buchanan.” The ad ends with images of Buchanan and the narrator intoning, “Vote for the third party that puts families first. Vote‘ Buchanan for President.” V . Cypsfairs New Shipment of Antiques For Fall 81 Winter Good stuff at fair prices. We buy antiques! 207 Flynn Ave. Burlington across the street from Whistle Stop Antiques ”Two Great Shops” (802) 859-8966 ’ Store Hours Tue-Sun_ 10am-6pm Op€nMon~So’r too Viiomin Connection offers the Best selections on the Net. 1.800.760.3020 ,.,.,,..,,.,,..,,,,,, lax eog, 862.2459 a. Offset Printing b. High Volume Copying malt order -at .c. Mailing Selivices November 2000 | Out in the Mountains |11 Bena= Fran Klifi owfirve-ggerrmmg 7 0 Monday—Salurday 9-9 Sunday 11-5 518 Shelburne Road Next to MalI1fl9 852-11646 www.benlrank| V got anything to "do withilrames and training, : 1, ,- , g i3,_w,e've—gotjit. , Get disciiiinlsl A if 7 join our Draft Club! ]! 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