responsibilities must be in har- mony to be just, as is constitu- tionally guaranteed. When lamenting the phone message I left, Neil should remember he knocked uninvit- ed on our door, with a message that said we are not worthy, in my reply, I apologize for my insensitivity; wanting him to hurt as badly as I do is equally vile. However, I will no longer wait to have my home invaded, nor allow the continued decline of the quality of my family’s life, nor tolerate the indignity of neighbors publicly debating the righteousness of the love our family shares, while the raping of our freedoms contin- ues unabated. Don’t let them think for you. Education can stop them. Read the Constitution. Come with us. From this point forward, with a firm adherence to jus- tice, moderation and temper- ance, and in accordance to the dictates of my conscience, I do so Declare A War of Love. Lou Phinney Bradford I was upset by 01'.TMs lack of acknowledgement of the most significant holiday in the Jewish tradition in last month’s newspaper. I didn’t write my column because I was busy cel- ebrating, but asked to have some sort of Jewish New Year’s greeting to the readers from me. Nothing appeared, neither by me nor anyone else, and the paper came out smack dab in the middle of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. There were, of course, solicita- tions for Christmas contribu- tions announced in the October issue. Typical. I’m sure Chanukah will be acknowledged in the paper in December—one of the minor holidays in Judaism——but that’s because non—Jews remember it since it comes so close to Christmas. That way‘- they can think of it as “the Jewish Christmas” and give themselves “diversity” points. It’s not as if there are only a smattering of GLBT Jews in the movement. There are dozens of us in Vermont and thousands nationwide. We are everywhere! Anyway, Happy (belated) New Year and may you all be inscribed in the Book of Life in the coming year. B’Shalom. Crow Cohen Winooski Editors note: We apologize for the misunderstanding that led to the non-publication of Crows Yom Kippur greeting. No slight was intended. Greater inclusivity is one of our goals; we hope Crow and all of our contributorseand readers will continue to make their ideas and voices heard and help us fill coverage gaps. Although the holiday feature planned for the December issue will coincide with the Christian holidays among oth- ers, it is not meant to focus on Christmas alone. We strongly encourage submissions of all varieties. Please share your stories with our community!» women who don’t stay at home, agd equal rights-were reactionaries to the pace of sci- entific advances, the Industrial Revolution and the free-market economy consequentials. There are allegations that this religious elite invented the Cold War and “secular human- ism” solely to create the sensa- tional enemies as a means of keeping the “faith” alive. This faith, exposed in the current battle for governmental con? trol, is merely a cult character- ized by irrational fear. Followers are taught to despise insight and open-ended ques- tions, not entirely different than the former Soviet control techniques. We have witnessed the extremist views of Randall Terry and Nancy Sheltra, Waco’s David Koresh and Aryan Nation’s Richard Butler. Our rights and freedoms can- not be guaranteed if we can allow ourselves to be fooled by purveyors of neuroses. Satan lurks in the form of oppression under their fantasies, and this religious elite would prefer that you don’t know how to think for yourself. Rev. J. William Tucker Rutland A distasteful example of the religious elite is responsible for this year’s political upheaval. This deviant faction boasts directors of several supposed- Christian colleges and organi- zations, philosophers, and the- ologians who strive for social control by denouncing, under the guise of religious freedom, intellect and critical thinking as “Satan’s playground.” They are not disciples of Jesus Christ and have more in common with the creators of an Islamic jihad (Holy War) than Christianity. Selective reading of Scripture is pure corruption of religion. Earlier, this faction-now bat- tling non-heterosexual peoples, I will cast my vote for Anthony Pollina. He is the best candidate running. He is 100 percent supportive of gays and lesbians and is comfortable with the idea of marriage. We have had, and will have, the unparalleled support of Progressives. (This support began with Burlington Progressive Dean Corren years before the plaintiffs even brought the case. He stood on the House floor and voted for civil unions with the reserva- tion that it didn’t go far enough.) It’s something to remember in November. We complain that people’s opposition to homosexuals is born out of fear. It’s fear that subscribe now. Subscribe to Out in the Mountains, Vermont’s forum , for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues, and stay connected. Enjoy the convenience of delivery to your door (in an envelope), and also have-this informative monthly sent as a gift. _ SUpp_O|"t y0l.ll' community newspaper today! U UT IN THE November 2000 | Out in the Mountains |7 = opinion = keeps many of us from voting for whom we really want. If everyone who said they liked Anthony voted for Anthony, he would win in a landslide. Vote your hopes and not your fears and the door to the Govemor’s office will be open like never before. ' Ross Laffan Rochester ' V 802-453-6677 ‘fax 802-453-6685 PO Box 42 42 Trillium Lane Starksboro, VT 05487 %a Investment Adviser Representative of, and securities offered through Member'NASD/SIPC ‘Not affiliated with Choice Financial Services ' Tower Square Securltle-.i,lnc.‘ . ' Re-Elect Senator ]ean Anlzeney Democratic Candidate for Senate Invest in Early Childhood Care and Education Please VOTE N or 7”’ (802) 482-3178 784 Willow Brook Lane St. George, VT05495 your name address city state zip email phone CI 2 years ($35) CI l year ($20) CI low income ($l0) 4*::—:—::13:13:1:3::1::::::1:::$:::::::$: send gift to address city state zip email phone El 2 years ($35) D I year ($20) C] low income ($l0) Rates arefor domestic bulk delivery. Contact us for other mailing rates. CI Payment enclosed CI Please bill me later E] Additional Contribution $ _j (Thank you!) Make checks payable to Mountain Pride Media P.O. Box I078 Richmond, VT 05477 p. (802) 434-6486 f. 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