rp 6 | Out in the Mountains |November 2000 = letters :- IIIIM, I'll Box 1078, Richmond, III 05477-1078 or ElllllII‘@IIllIIllIlI|IIIII'lIleIIIeI|lI.lII'|I Out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. Although we will withhold names from printing upon request, the letter must be accompanied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. space and clarity. policy stated in the masthead. Many people think Anthony Pollina won the debates and would make a wonderful gov- ernor. They say, “I really like Pollina, but I’m afraid to vote for him.” Our Vermont Constitution provides protection against an extremist like Ruth Dwyer, because if no candidate draws a majority of the votes, the election goes to the legislature, which will then select the gov- ernor by secret ballot. Therefore, there is no way Ruth Dwyer can win, since a majority of pro-choice legisla- tors would vote against her. Choosing between the lesser of two evils breeds cynicism and apathy, but having the chance to vote for a candidate who actually supports the free- dom to marry is tremendously exciting. Vermonters who like Anthony Pollina have a consti- tutional obligation to not vote out of fear, and choose the can- didate they think will make the ’ best governor. This year, that candidate is'Anthony Pollina. Justin Francese Waterbury Center all Vermonters is Anthony Pollina. All Vermont women need full preventative and reproductive health care—— regardless of‘ whether they work full-time, part-time, or in their homes. Finally, Anthony Pollina" intends I to make‘ safe and affordable child care available to all Vermont families. He understands that child care workers must be paid properly and receive decent benefits, including health insurance, in order to continue working in a field which has always been underpaid. Working parents, especially single mothers, must have quality affordable child care in order to fully partici- pate in the work force. By instilling the fear that we might lose our reproductive rights, the Democrats are attempting to keep women “in our place”—that is, backing the Democratic Party. This is a scare tactic. We "can best sup- port women’s rights by voting for Anthony Pollina, who will fight to improve the material conditions of women’s lives. Naomi Almeleh Women’s reproductive rights do not rely on the reelec- tion ‘of Howard Dean. The overwhelming majority of Vermonters support a woman’s right to choose, and so do our legislators. All Progressive Party candidates are 100 per- cent pro-choice. Anthony Pollina and the Progressive Party are the real champions of women’s rights. Pollina has been out front fighting for a livable wage for all Vermonters—and women’s wages are the lowest and most in need of an increase. ' The only candidate commit- ted to full health coverage for In January, I called Neil Randal, representative for Bradford VT. ’ I asked politely if we could talk about the Civil Union debate. I explained how and why my husband and I have consid- ered ourselves married. Our marriage is the joining of two souls to one. We believe this is a spiritual, constitutional union, not for debate by our government or neighbors, a private matter. I called to shareiperspec- tives; instead he told methe ’ procedures forthcoming for public comments for the com- We reserve the right to edit for Letters are also subject to the editorial mittee, nothing more. Feeling my voice fall deafly, I wrongly, did not attend the hearings. Today, I returned home to find a foul, inflammatory brochure in my back door from Neil. Among other things, it said the acts of love I perform with my husband are not acts of love, just sexual urges that are controllable, and that because we can’t, there is just cause to not only discriminate against us, but for him to work diligently to make it so. My reply to Neil’s violent words was in kind. The phone message I left was as vulgar, obscene, and raw as is every Take Back Vermont sign I am forced. to see, and though I publicly apologize to Neil for the message I left on his machine, I can’t help but feel- ing, in my defense, while knowing it is no defense, the cowardly way in which this group applauds themselves for the perceived civility of their language- Being from a family at which their rhetoric is directed, I see, hear, and perceive it as grossly uncivil. Rather, it is cruel, aggressive, mean spirit- ed, and constitutionally devoid of merit. Not understanding this is the problem. Neil claims he will listen to the people, but his literature has no way to contact him. More importantly, when given a chance to dialogue with a constituent family directly affected by the law, one willing to dialogue openly, peacefully, empathetically, he chose to ignore those Vermonters’ voices, while choosing to ignore anything save but this debate is really about nothing more then the benefits. Sadly, the fact ignored is equality between rights and if - you had your lreet measured? 0 At Main Street Footworks we still measure feet and fit shoes.‘ We carry only properly designed, well made ‘footwear from the best‘- .European and Americanshoemakers i— shoes and sandals from ‘Ara, Naot, Paul Thornasand Stegmann, to name a .few. We are also thearea's source for orthopedic and orthotic footwear, with shoes and sandals from P.W.i Minor and Drew, Stop by to see our professional shoefitters and feel therdiff-erenciel 245 real §h._oeA'V real comfort ‘real service Main St Monday—$aturday .,Vergen