classifieds October/‘2'000 |'0Vut in the Mauntaanse 13? A 9eayityew=" HELP WANTED V The AlDService of SWV is offering a 29-hour position to ' coordinate their Men’s Program. Hours may include some evening and weekend time. Applications will _be received through 09/27. Contact Alice Mazur, AlDService Coordinator (802) 447 8007. (10/00) VWeb Editing Assistant Sought. Volunteer sought to assist Mountain Pride Media's Web Editor & Designer with getting Out in the Mountains ' on the Web each month. Work can be done from home or at our office in Richmond, Vermont. Volunteer responsi- ble for converting OITM's Quark files to text files and proofing prior to posting to Web. No knowledge of HTML or Quark required. Having Quark on your home computer is also not required. Position requires approximately a 10- hour commitment each month beginning with the l a s t Thursday of each month. Work must be complet- ed within 3-4 days. For more information contact: Carrie Rampp, Technology Committee Chair, Mountain Pride Media, rampp@middle—, (802) 388-8281. (10/O0) VThe American Cancer Society seeks a Breast Cancer Outreach Specialist for new 3- year, grant-funded position to implement program designed to increase numbers of breast cancer screenings by women in Vermont and Western NH. Specialist will recruit and train volunteer coordinators. Previous outreach experience and knowledge of women's health issues required. Position based in Rutland, VT. Travel required. Interested candidates should forward resumes to Ann D'Elia, Staff Recruiter Dykes Towatch Outfor byA1ison Bechclcl American Cancer Society, 30 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 01701 .or by fax (508) 270- 4699 or e-mail ann.d'elia@can- (10/00) ' Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individuals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a difference! FMI: email us volunteer@mountainpride— or check our Volunteer Opportunities Page a - t www.mountainpridemedia.orgl volunteer.htm (12/00) SERVICES OFFERED VLooking for creative designs for your corporate logo, print ads, or product packaging? Looking to update or create a web site? Looking for one place where you can get all your design needs fulfilled? OBSERVE ©2oooB)’AL\$oyJ Becupzl. 1!-as Ncxr WE'RE Qur3rIoNINcrrHe We (IN- c WHOLE CONCEPT <°/lworm-:R SCKODLVEAR HAS amuw. I13 oueor '1 .. H5122! CREEP. /w9.£1‘a»l, uuozr. A COMFORT SERVES w A WHIRL- WND. ALL/Ll FE DEATH DOES END, M>E/CH DA DIES wn'H S1559. " -. PM |3u1A ...wA;-{,1 HAD rm MINUTE T, I'M so courusan, omos. one EA . I'M SoRR)’. I I'VE JUST HAP IT. AGO... OH.‘/EAH. A GENDERQUEER ' MINUTE -nan) AND I ARE TALKING UH HuH.._. FORGOT Gluecrz. P£PUBuCAN5 aoypyxg GEEK wlm AN OXFORD ABOUT HAVING A om UNIorJ,AMl> so wueaas we I WAS‘ 1'HAr/Miazmee AND TlUlN\':TbLg>l< LIKE cwm rmsu, HE Fbl.J.owED Lois TALKING 10 HUMAN NA1U1z£ ARE DEMOCRA15‘, BWOCRAT5 ' THAT Ms A POEM ENTITLED "No WoR3‘T.THERE 15' None. Prrcusn PAST MuruAu.y BCLUSIVE?‘ LAicnus LlK£ REPUB- M5.’ 1. ’ $°»5yE:°»2§’§'- : , _IrNas wuew I . -' HINGS seem, . l. - A;0l‘—zEAST ' ’ ' _ , ‘THE _ ’ 7 347 MOMENT; ,._ "7 III'r9zD/ AND _., _ IRREDEEMABLY HOPELESS. J ' - 5 r‘-§".'fi‘l C/W >01) 17aKeHIM’?I HAVE UH UH. CAN'T DOIT. I'VE SILLY ME. I l‘oF60T.' >“Kr~/ow. >00 JUST CAN 'T 10 Flmsu A Rzpokr GOTAN 8-'30 ‘TEL£CON' yous: CoMI1'MENTS Assume I'M some 10 351115 5)’£,PDRKCHoP. TE , 5Efi>R£ JOAN ears IN. FL-RENEE wrm Tu: NRDC AUTl>MATlCAl-LY on: To TAKE UP-me smear Qu|ERo Muwo, H--.—_:._.» AND I CAN'T BE LATE. OUTRANK MINE. ARDUND HERE. M7 wear I5 " r" i _, . _ _ K- . |MPOK1‘ANT‘lm.’M)’&‘.HEDULE ‘; ' -—- ' IS PACKED! ' 7 You oowr 1FlArlKYoU, DANIEL. I I DON'T mow APBARENTLY! THAT’$ ms SPlRlT,ToN|. MMM.’ IS -mAT1HE NO,‘1’HAT’5 ‘ma s1uAI_1T,VM0'$ 33”‘; new FEEL A PM my PEOPLEMAKE warn you'll: n"_s M-ruimma Pu1'oN A MOUTH-WATERING MOUTH-WATEPJNG L015 5 NEW 1,, Own; FEh)&%):'T:l;uFoUNDS WHEN GIRLFRIEND? 0 O A CO C]l'\1t1Ve LITTLE ' } F ' . ; . dxssonance To ~ RAFFl,Mov£I‘r! we're: LATE.’ / is a full ser- vice design company that offers services from graphic design to cutting-edge multi- media. We provide creative design solutions for companies small and large. Our design and development teams offer a wide range of services, includ- ing print, illustration, logos, product packaging, Web site design, e-commerce solutions, multimedia, and hosting. Check out our online portfolio at or call us to set up a free initial con- sultation at 802-383-7679. (10/00) YGet your TAKE VERMONT FORWARD bumper sticker. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to TVF, 516 Mill Rd, White River Jct, VT 05001. See the sticker at www. If you're inclined, help out with y HILL... .~._‘~~1.r C0 O'CLO¢K IN THE MORNING SHOULD BE STRAPPEPWDA RUTATING WINNMLL F0 7 row. come? 1 . 0"“ ‘. ‘ !'\§u.‘_