30 | Out in the Mountains |0ctober 2000 Coming Out review continued from page twenty-nine I won’t spoil the entire plot, but it is both were arrested by 0 both an emotional roller coaster and a the Nazis and sent to ’ tour of gay East Berlin, with real gay a concentration ’ bars, cruising areas, and personalities. camp (remem- ‘ Look for a cameo appearance by Queen of the Desert crossed with Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, East angles?). Cabaret), Philipp drinks himself into a Germany’s answer to Quentin Crisp The plot has one too many turns for stupor to clear up his confusion and (the elder transvestite stars in her own my taste, and some of the twists meets Matthias (remember him?- the film, Rosa von Praunheim’s I am My suicidal teen who now seems to have Own Woman, 1992). There’s an resolved his own problems with being older man at the end who lost probably will be lost on the view- er not steeped in Eastern European life, but it’s most- ly a good ride. There are some very nice touches: Philipp intervenes to help a black man being beaten by neo- fascists, but when he encounters another group bashing a fag, he runs away instead. He pushes his poet- ry students to express their true emotions, but of course can’t do the same himself. Aesthetically, the film cap- tures the gray uniformity of East European urban life, bro- ken only occasionally by the bright window of a gay bar or a visit to the opera. Freihof’s acting is right on. - He reminds me a bit of James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause: alternately brooding and hysteri- the love of his life when ber pink tri- Philipp’s body that is the object of its loving gaze. Though there’s no full frontal nudity, the love scenes between Philipp and Matthias are erotically charged. Even the scenes of cruising, whether in the park, orjust the surrepti- tious look in a diner, are rendered with perfect timing. It’s obvious the director and the actor knew what they were doing — both are gay. Freihof was eager to play the role, since it dealt with issues he had dealt with in his own life. The plot is not as neatly tied up as Hollywood plots, but in spite of occa- sional inconsistencies and lapses info maudlin excess, the film is very much worth seeing —— both as a coming-out story and as a glimpse into the East European gay scene before the fall of the wall. Rent it on one of those cold gray days in November, curl up with a friend under a blanket, have a shot of vodka, and keep the handkerchiefs nearby. Kevin Moss is chair of the Russian department at Middlebury College. V cal, the emotions welling up just under the surface until he cracks. (Freihof is in a new gay film this year: Zuriick auflos, which was in the 2000 Berlin festival.) And the camera loves him — even in the scenes with Tanja, it’s -my -~....,. .—...— '7 V _. .‘..._.,-...........,.... -.._.._....f.——,.—7.7..,_..,.... «UV M Lane Sleriest. octo 631’ events. .42 4-14. .I..~_.....;iz_r_x./.:.:.~.. .v’.:,:<, ,;,,‘,__’¥ , _.__,,,__‘,,,,,,,‘_,,.,,...- .«... - ,7_ra,.v ...... ::.:,.x,:,-.-..-..:..v.,.- .e..v, n¥.:.'..\- .v.a-. October 4, 7:30 pm ,.' J‘ .u Lark String Quartet ‘, UVM Recital Hall October 11, 9 pm 1-HAT BOOK 51-ORE___ Marian McPartland Cmd UVM Recital Hall THAT ANTIQUE CENTER Used and Antiquarian Books, Antiques and Collectibles Multi-Dealer Shop Used and Out-of—Print Books, VT and NH Books, Post Cards, Paper Ephemera, Glass, A Linens, October 27, 7:30 pm Vintage Clothing, Coins, Primitives, Pottery Red priest Baroque Ensemble and more... Something for Everyone! «Nightmare in Venice» Usually..Mon-Sat 1o:oo-a:oo. Sun 11:00-8:00 Recital October 15, 7:30 pm Doc Watson with Rani Arbo and Daisy Mayhem Flynn Theatre * ." '4J,~=- -.'<«‘_. Railroad Street, St Jahmbiry, VT 05819 802.748.1722 - zrnailnbseplainfi ".bypass.aovu htfp://www.a||I-om¢s.?o/tlmatbookstore . ‘ a n e 3 ‘Po ., 0 -‘ LOOKING FOR GREAT ENTERTAINMENT AT A § * PRICE THAT FITS YouR BUDGET? * * 0 ' - WWW.THEENTERTAlNMENTSOLUTlON.COM 3., .“’ Tlckets/Informauon «r,,,,a,\,_,,<~ 802-656-4455 INNOVATIVE ENTERTAINMENT PLANNlNG...MADE EASY! ;. ‘.-g‘=*. -«Ir 'fi\<¢.l'r.:K'-