i. - ‘. ‘[- \~ gé_-«._.~._. ;*_~‘.;: 20| Out in the Mountains [October 2000 Burlington U.U. Society Welcoming Congregation The First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington is _ proud to announce its official status as a Welcoming Congregation, which publicly recognizes the UU as not only a safe place, but an encouraging, accepting, welcoming, and celebratory sanctuary for members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans- gendered, and questioning community. The congregation has journeyed through a two- and-a-half year program of workshops and events designed to promote awareness of, education about, and inter- , action with the lifestyles and lives of its GLBTQ members, both personally and politically. The congregation passed the Resolution for becoming a WC at the June annual meeting, and became only the second in the country to do so by unanimous vote. The UU has long supported the GLBTQ community: from marching in the annual Pride Day parade behind the UU banner to hosting the first pub- lic celebration of the Supreme Court freedom to marry deci- sion to speaking at the legisla- tive hearings and hosting letter writing campaigns before the crucial civil union vote. In celebration of this momentous occasion, the UU ' will hold a special ceremony during the Oct. 8, 2000, Sunday service, which will also acknowledge and recog- nize the beginning of National Coming Out Week. The service begins at 11am at the UU ‘ Society of Burlington (that’s the beautiful building at the head of Church Street), and will be followed at l2:30pm by a regional gathering of the reg- ular Second Sunday Interweave Potluck (the more social arm of the UU GLBTQ organization). Please join us for both events. For further information, please call Alison Hilber, Chair, Welcoming Congregation Committee, 658- 5313. Mountain Pride Media Mountain Pride Media is busy planning new and excit- ing projects for 2001. Thanks to a generous grant from the Samara A Foundation of ‘ Vermont, one of our first pro- jects will be to conduct an Out In The Mountains readership survey. You can find this sur- vey in this month’s issue and we encourage everyone to fill it-’ out and return it to us by the end of the month. Not only can you win great prizes, you also can help us gather infonnation to help us implement new pro- jects and initiatives in 2001. It ' is important that we hear from you, so send your survey in today. We continue to travel the state with our Green Mountain Tour. This tour brings Mountain Pride Media to your neighborhood to talk about what we are working on, to meet board and staff members, to talk about what we could be doing better, and to teach you some great media writing skills. Our thanks to Eric McCann and Chris Sellers for hosting our North Troy tour stop on Sept. 23. Our last stop for 2000 will be in Windsor County on Nov. 5. The Tour will start up again in January, 2001. Thanks to Dan, Jason, Rick, Leroy, Matthew, Vincent, Laura, Jenn, and Richard for helping us get the September issue mailed out on‘ what turned out to be one of the hottest days of the summer. We ' always welcome people to stop by our Richmond office the last Thursday of every I month between 5 and 8pm to help get OITM out into our community; This month’s stuffing will be on Oct. 26, so mark your calen- dars and plan on joining us. We also have a multitude of other “ways you can helplout. To find out about our current volunteer opportunities check out our Volunteers Page online at mountainpridemedia.org/vol- unteer.htm. National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association: New England Chapter Three Vermonters attended the annual convention and 10th anniversary celebration of the National Lesbian _and Gay Journalists Association in San Francisco last month. Ross Sneyd, John Scagliotti, and Barbara Dozetos joined several others from the New England chapter at the event. During the convention,‘ Barbara was appointed to ful- fill the remainder of Fred Kuhr’s term as NE Chapter President. -. The chapter is making plans for events and meetings throughout the five-state region, including a panel dis- cussion featuring authors of books about GLBT topics to be hosted by the Book Rack in Winooski sometime in November. Membership is open to any- one supporting the organiza- tion’s mission of fostering fair and accurate coverage of les- bian and gay issues, and oppos- ing newsroom bias toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans- gender people and all other minorities. For more information, call (802) 388-8298 or email bgdoze@aol.com Outright Vermont The Training Announced in last month’s Compass for Sept. 30 has been moved to Oct. 7. With the new school year upon us, Outright Vermont is seeking volunteers to become youth group facilitators for our on-going Friday night mixed gender support ~ ‘group. - If resources and volunteers are available, we will seek to add additional support groups to our calendar this year. Priorities include develop- ing more supportprograrns for transgendered and trans-ques- tioning youth and adding facil- itators to our roster with specif- ic experience dealing with racism and issues affecting youth of color. We are also seeking volunteers to join our speakers bureau. Training for both opportuni- ties will take place on Oct. 7. All are welcome to attend and meet current facilitators and staff. Of course, we are always open to visitors and would be happy to give you a tour and discuss volunteer opportunities at any time. For more information or an application form contact Christopher at (802) 865- 9677 or by e-mail at Christopher@outrightvt.org. People of color, bisexual and transgendered people are encouraged to volunteer. Pride Vermont Come out and show your pride! We invite you to attend an open community. needs and assessment meet- ing for Pride VT. The meet- ing will take place on . at the Send your submissions to us by check the calendar for deadlines Tuesday,‘Oct. 24 from 7-9pm McClure Multi- Generational Center, 0241 N. Winooski Ave, Burlington, VT. This is an opportunity for everyone to speak their minds and contribute to the future of Pride VT. Refreshments will be served. For more info contact Brian Cina or Eric Cross @ 859-9238. Vermont Coalition For Lesbian and Gay Rights The Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights will host , the 2000 Conference/Town Meeting: Leading the Way to Equality on Saturday Oct. 21, 2000 at Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT. Registration begins at Sam; the activities begin at 9am and will conclude by 6pm. We will gather together for a day of reflection upon our glbtq community and talk about needs, opportunities, and plans for moving forward. Begin the day with dynamic speakeirs, /‘enticing workshops and an exceptional cross-gen- erational panel. Complete the day with a Town Meeting, fol- lowed by great music! Workshops will include his- tory of -the gay and lesbian movement, Civil Unions, shar- 2 ing stories about our lives, Gill Foundation: Fix Your oQ?<<’Ueg" \ MQNT RNNBOW CON / Community compass is a service of OITM. GLBT organizations from around the state are invited to provide 200-word descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. email to editortlmountainpridemedia.org Fundraising Events, RUIZ? Community Center community participation, sexuality/gender identity, safe sex, and youth issues. We are looking forward to a great turnout. For a registration brochure, please contact Virginia Renfrew at ren- frew@sover.net 496-4333. Umoja Men's Health Project The Umoja Men’s Health Project has been established by the IMANI Health Institute to provide a forum for social and health issues for MSM men. We are a cross cultural group open to all ethnic heritages. Through social events and gatherings a safe, enjoyable space to meet and share ideas). We hope to have a group that can be together in a happy, confidential way so that we can share and nurture our spirits. For more information, please call IMANI at 864-2631. Ask for James. V THE T.V. SHOW BY, FOR AND ABOUT VERMONT'$ L/G/B/T COMMUNITY ANDOUR SUPPORTERSI Sit back and enjoy our October program filled with news, resources and an informative interview by co-anchors Sharon Randall and Michael James FOCUS ON SEGMENT: Interview with VC LGR Representative. We will discuss upcoming 9/|/b/t conference on 10/21 as well as upcoming elections...don’t miss it! Adelphia (CH. 13) (Ludlow, Plymouth, Woodstock) Fri 9pm— Adelphia (CH. 15) (Greater Burlington area) Fri 9pm Adelphia (CH. 15) (Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd & 4th Fri 7:30pm Lake Champlain (CH. 2) Call for times and dates 802-862-5724 Helicon (CH. 7) (Barre) 2nd & 4th Mon 8:30pm BCTV (CH. 8) (Brattleboro) call 257-0888 for air days/time MCTV (Middlebury, E. Middlebury, Weybridge) 388-3062 for airtimes MMCTV (CH. 3)(Richmond, Jericho, Underhill) call 434-2550 for air days/time WENO (CH.i5) (Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford) 1st & 3rd Sun at 8pm CA-TV (Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls) call 442-8868 for air days/time . \__ ,,._____,_|,_. .. , .