221 Out in the Mountains |0ctober 2000 -= milestones —s Out in the Mountains editor, Barbara Dozetos, was recently named President of the New England Chapter of the Slational Lesbian and Gay ~ R an Reyes and George Decario of ournalists Association. She - Bgrkeley Heights NH were joined in own :$§§e:3:,f°,;,r::risgfvefézzg union on August 1%, 2000. We were licensed . ,’ _ - ited on a hilltop in gcgtfig e";.IVet";§Weekly' Tms |lZr)1urr|:rLrl1t:r:,}t/onaowic/jerlgroking the river valley to outside ihefioslme Someone Brattleboro as a backdrop with Justice of the b i ‘ on area “E3 A Peace Alan Blood ofiiciating.After our stay in eer! Se ected as the Chapters P t e we celebrated in Provincetown. Our president. The NLGJA was think;/‘to the peome of Vermont for their founded in 1990 to work within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of les- bian and gay issues, and oppose newsroom bias toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and all other minorities. struggle and our ability to join in. 11 y.>...... A FLOWERS flit all aczmo//1.4 cscribb/e_a\/x We offer a {ine selection ct wedding and civil union invitations and social announcements. t ‘3:.2l::::iiff::"::,;f:i:3:::‘i’ 0 .0/7L0\X/ERS * every aspect o{ your , ‘ weclcling ensemble. _ g my Mm“?/&_ 3' Scribbles will take you {tom ‘ ‘ ‘ t engagimeixt annoutncernflrnts to F V not&etai1y1e{t uonattentlecl. ~ ‘c (509) 663-9004 - ‘Tax (509) 503-9006 ' e—ma1'/ .scrl7l7/.svf@ ao/. com I J V V '1‘ ‘(Bud/ngfon, (vermonl 802-863-2300 350 Dorset Street ' South Burlington ° Vermont 05403 , ' _ (Turn lefl an San Remo Driut) Hours: ‘Mon—Fri 9:30 a.m.—6:00 p.m. ' Sat 9:30 a.m.-3:00 -t V. . i, , .. .......«...__,..g.‘_~ ,. Vermont's Comprehensive Civil Union Guide civiiunionc.uide.com Lodging in, Caterers up Florists I C|e|'9Y Ceremony Sites - Photographers - Musicians