l e I .5 r , .' ._-.' .v'i""*"sJt‘.* ;J.‘. .. :.»..-: :. 1) What is your age? _ under 18 __ 18-24 _ 25-34 _ 35-4-4- __ 4-5-4-9 _ 50-54 __ 55-59 __ 65 or OVCI’ 2) You identify as: _ Gay Male __ Lesbian __ Transgender __ Bisexual Male __ Bisexual Female __ Straight Male__ Straight Female_ Don’t classify myself 3) You are: __ Single ~ __ Partnered __ Civilly United ‘ _ Married __ Divorced _ widowed __ Other (Please Specify) 4-) What is your approximate annual household income? _ under $l0,000__ S 10,000 — 19,999 __ $20,000 — 29,999 __ $4-0,000 — 49,999 __ $50,000 - $69,999 __ $70,000 - $99,999 _ $30,000 - $39,999 _ $100,000 or more 5) What is your highest-level of education? _ some High School __ High School Graduate/GED _ Vocationalfrechnical '_iraining _ Some College __ College Graduate _ Post graduate work/degree 6) What is your housing situation? _ Own - __ Rent __ Other (Please Specify) 7) Do you plan to buy — or build — a house within the next year? _ Yes _ No __ Considering 8) in the next year do you plan to buy or upgrade any of the following? (check all that apply) _ Furniture _ Other Home Furnishings _ Home Electronics __ Home Appliances . _ Carmucklvehicle __ Car Stereo Equipment __ Cell Phone __ Computer or Computer Related Equipment 9) Does your shopping ever include purchases for children? _ Yes_ No 10) In which of the following activities do you or members of your household engage in regularly? __ Skiing/Snowboarding __ Water Recreation __ Camping/Hiking/Climbing __ Going to the Movies _ Renting DVDsNideos __ Going to the Theatre/Concerts _ Reading__ indoor Fitness Activities __ Bicycling _ Gardening __ Other: 1 1) How often do you eat out? — __ once a month or less __ several times a month __ once a week _ more than once a week 12) Would you travel an hour or so for any of the following? . _ Arts/Cultural Events __ Dining _ Sporting Events _ Festivals _ Shopping __ Other (Please Specify) 13) How often do you attend entertainmentlcultural events per month? _ rarely or never_ 1-2 times _ 3-5 times __ 610 times __ more than 10 times 14-) How often do you travel (overnight away from home) for business or pleasure? _ once a year or less __ 2-4 times a year _ 5-7 times a year _ more than 10 times a year _ 8-10 times a year 15) How many hours a week do you watch television? _ never _ 1-5 hours __ 6-9 hours __ 1019 hours __ 20 or more hours 16) Do you use a computer at home? __ Yes _ N0 17) Do you shop online? _ Never _ Occasionally _ Often 18) What banking/financial services do you use? (check all that apply) ( __ Checking __ Savings _ Money Market __ IRA _ Mortgage _ Home-Equity Loan __ Certificate of Deposit_ investment Services _ Other 19) which of the following do you read/listen to on a regular basis? __ Seven Days __ Daily Paper__T__ (specify) ' _ Sunday Paper (specify) __ Vermont Public Radio _ Other Radio (specify) __ Bay Windows _ lnNewsweekly _ The Advocate__ Other GLBT publications (please list) ' __ Other Magazines (specify)