~.;.;,)'.:.... . v- - 16 | Out in the Mountains |0ctober 2000 # tart therapy VIRACEPT is tough on HIV. In many people, VIRACEPT lowered the 1 amount of HIV in the blood to levels below the limit of detection of the test used and Prescribed substantially increased CD4 cell counts after 48 weeks of triple combination therapy. medication of its kind* ake your medicine VIRACEPT is easy to live with. Take it two or three times a day (according to your doctor's instructions) with your normal meals or light snacks. A Every dose. Every day.TM VIRACEPT works. It is indicated for the treatment of HIV infection when anti-HIV drug therapy is warranted. It is not yet known whether taking VIRACEPT will help you live longer or reduce the number of infections or other illnesses that can occur with HIV. Elan ahead Learn how your treatment plan helps you fight HIV. Take an active role in design- ing your treatment plan along with your healthcare provider. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharma- cist how VIRACEPT can be part of your strategy for long-term management of HIV. Things you should know about VIRACEPT VIRACEPT is generally well tolerated. People treat- ed with VIRACEPT may experience some side effects; the most common is diarrhea. Diarrhea of moderate or severe intensity occurred in about one out of five people in clinical trials. Some common medications and some HlV—reIated medications should not be taken with VIRACEPT. Protease inhibitors, including VIRACEPT, may interact with cholesteroI—Iowering drugs. Talk to your doctor about any prescription or non—prescription drugs you are taking. For some people, protease WHAT YOUR PROTEASE INHIBITOR CAN BE: inhibitors have been associated with the onset or worsening of diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia, changes in the distribution or accumulation of body fat, and increased bleeding in patients with hemophilia. For more information, call toll free I-888-VIRACEPT or visit www.viracept.com. (Refer to the important information on the next page.) FILIVI-COATED TABLETS NOW AVAILABLE neifi vi rhlslae NOW VIRACEPT MAY BE ’ TAKEN TWICE A DAY % *IMS HEALTH National Prescription Audit" data for Pls and NNRTIS. 01/00-03/00. VIRACEPT d A ' ' Copyright © 2000, Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All rights reserved. 1—V00037—AP an goumn are regmered trademarks 0‘ Agouron Pharmaceuhcaki Inc’