,,0ctober 2000 I Out in the Mountains I7 9-: news = \ Primary results continued from page one ination. It was unclear why he was targeted, because he has said he opposes civil unions. Meub was defeated by Dwyer, as expected. Rep. Thomas Little, the the law. Milne, who represents six small towns, was targeted by the loose-knit Take Back Vermont movement, which is based in her area. She was sub- was skeptical of the issue of same-sex unions when the Legislature convened this year but, as a Republican member of the Judiciary Committee, became one of its most impor- chairman of the House jected to a variety of mean-- tant backers. Judiciary Committee and one spirited campaigning and even Edwards said he decided not of the key architects of the civil her grandson was. to run as an independent in unions law, also was targeted by the campaign. He won his primary re-election bid. There also were telephone calls and mailings sent by a group from northern Virginia. Michael McHugh, a former Vermonter who was instru- mental in helping to blockade abortion clinics a decade ago, was an instrumental player in conducting the campaign. McHugh now lives in Virginia but spent a good part of the summer in Vermont working against civil unions supporters. Another ugly and successful campaign was waged in Orange County against Rep. Marion Milne, who said during civil unions debate in the House that she might lose her seat because of her support for Although she was defeated in the Republican primary, Milne decided to give all of the voters of her district an oppor- tunity to judge her six-year tenure as a legislator. She will run in November as an inde- pendent. In the Northeast Kingdom, Republican Rep. Robert Kinsey, a member of the Legislature for more than 30 years, also was defeated in the GOP primary. But he received enough votes in the Democratic primary to win that nomination, and Kinsey decided to accept it. Another defeat came in the northwest corner of the state, where Republican Rep. John Edwards lost. Edwards, a retired state police lieutenant, November and he will retire from the Legislature. In Burlington, Rep. James McNamara suffered a backlash of a different sort. A Democrat from Burlington’s New North End, McNamara voted against civil unions. His challenger seized on that vote and defeat- ed him in the primary. Some others who were tar- geted, however, won their pri- maries.- Democratic Rep. George Cross in Winooski sur- vived a challenge, and will appear on the November bal- lot. In the Morrisville-Stowe district, Republican Reps. Cathy Voyer and Richard Marron also turned aside a challenge from two civil unions opponents. V S O m Cl F C! foundation of vermont The Samara Foundatii Vermont is a charitable foundation Wfiose mission is -to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. H'ow Tovi7Contact Us; . 90 main street p.o. box 1263 ' burlington, vermont 05402-1263 p. 802-860-6236 f. 802-860-6315 ' inf_o@samarafo_undation.org www.samarafoundation,org OPPONENTS OF CIVIL UNIONS ARE USING I FALSE INFORMATION TO ATTACK THE LAW. . TOO MANY VERMONTERS ARE LISTENING. Paid for by VERMONTERS FOR CIVIL UNIONS Between now and the general election on November 7, the homophobic rhetoric will get louder. Vermonters for Civil Unions is working to keep courageous, pro-civil union legislators 1n office — ‘ and we need your help. If you haven’t volunteered, DO IT NOW. If you haven’t sent a check, DO IT NOW. CALL VERMONTERS FOR CIVIL UNIONS: 802.899.2930 IF WE WANT TO KEEPIT CIVIL, WE STILL HAVE WORK TO DO. P.O Box 1574 Montpelier, VT 05601 Vermonters for Civil Unions, Inc. a Vermont Political Action Committee e-mail: info@vtcivi|unionpac.org PO Box 1574 Montpelier Vermont 05601 0 (802) 899-2930 0 email: info@vtcivi|unionpac.org u website: www.vtcivilunionpac.org