6 I‘ Out in the Mountains |0cto‘ber 2000 Senate race continued from page one paign for either candidate. Not as surprising were endorsements from the partisan National Stonewall Democrats and the Log Cabin Republicans, who are support- ing Flanagan and Jeffords respectively. The Democratic GLBT group didn’t comment on the dual HRC endorsement, but political director Daniel McGlinchey , said “We would- n’t support a candidate from Vermont who didn’t strongly support gay relationships.” Jeffords voted in favor of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that was introduced by the- Republican leadership to pro- hibit any federal recognition of marriage for same sex couples. “Not only is Flanagan better on the issues,” said McGlinchey, “but if Jeffords wins, he’ll be part of a Republican effort to keep homophobic Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott in charge of the US Senate.” The Stonewall Democrats are asking members of their organization from neighboring states to come to Vermont to help with the Flanagan campaign when pos- sible. Log Cabin Republican exec- utive director Rich Tafel criti- cized the HRC for its endorse- ment of Flanagan, calling the dual endorsement “no endorse- ment at all.” Jeflbrds, he said, is unrivaled amongst Republicans in what he has accomplished for the gay and lesbian community in the U.S. Senate. “You cannot compare 26 years of service in Congress, and the caliber of leadership of Jim Jeffords,” said Tafel, “with the record of Ed Flanagan.” The LCR lists sponsorship of the Ryan White CARE Act, AENDA, and the Hate Crimes Statistics Act amongst the highlights of Jeffords’ record. Also noted is his “support of Vermont’s civil union law,” although the senator’s only public comments on the sub- ject have been to express confi- dence in the Vermont Supreme Court and to say that the legis- lature did the best it could have done with a difficult situation. The Republican group has two staff members working in Vermont on the Jeffords cam- paign. Jeffords made an endorse- ment of his own last month. After a week of indecision fol- lowing the primary, he announced his support for all Republican candidates, not excluding the vocal anti-civil- union gubernatorial candidate Ruth Dwyer. Jeffords’ cam- paign press secretary Heidi Mohlman said that there are definitely no plans for any active campaigning on Dwyer’s behalf by the Senator. “He will be supporting all GOP candidates, just as they support him,” she said. - Flanagan said the Dwyer endorsement marks a signifi- cant difference between he and Jeffords. “I deeply regret that he stepped out in support of Ruth Dwyer,” said Flanagan. “I was hoping he would exer- cise his considerable leader- ship and repudiate her bigoted candidacy and exploitation of the very evil undercurrent she is encouraging.” V Democratic nominee for US Sentate, Edward Flanagan (right) with supporters for the results of the primary on September 12. hugs his mother, Marty lFiana“glan. while they wait 5”!- Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare. Comedic classic battle of the sexes. st: m¢u_aTT]mwTn ‘ by William ' SEPTEMBER 28-OCTOBER 1, OCTOBER 5-8, 12-15 - Discover Lost Nation Theater Montpelier’: Resident Professional Theater Qompany foe wn ca/I 0317.2. www.montainpridemediacrg -ll.ll.l.TT l‘.illiiiiliil'TY IITNTTB TRTTTNTT Join us alter the verse Town Meeting! [I “Tiiii SATURDAY, llliTllllTllTl, ll-llPIil llllili TTBTTT YllliTil IITNTTIT >i< TT l«iNllTflli $'a‘lllllliiTlilN * illlllllll, llilili Tllilll Y 3! <9“ f°r ° 4 m0“ g°‘\\\'€\un f,’ 860-RU 12. . thecenter@ru i 2 .org www.rul2.org Come on down and swing ger"€artner" at °l)ermont's first official /es/sag/5i/trans/al/g A fie-(Town to iienefit RU.‘i.E2.? Gomrnunitg enter. (be contra experience necessary. Bring a friend, erjjog the 60nd, and /earn. the ropes from the contra-3ancin' reguiarsi ~ Co-sponsored by: The National Coming Out Committee at UVM Photo: Barbara Dozetos