4 | out —ifi'fthe~M6unt:iiti*s ?|fo-ciobériéoooli‘ ~ * 4 .- Discussion continued f specifically working on issues, that are important to this com- I munity.” Joint funding and the ten-. sions around a1most-uncom- -fortable competition drew some of the most passionate conversation of the night. “Non-profits in the GLBT infrastructure all have needs; they are all at different stages, and all require supp'ort,”‘said Bennett Law, president of the Mountain—Pride Media board of directors. “Those needs became apparent to me even as a donor.” Problems with finding local resources to ‘assist new or struggling non-profits gar- nered a lot of attention. Frustrated by what she felt was rehashing familiar conversa- tions, Jane Van Buren of the Vermont Alliance of Non Profits said there needs to be operating funds available and concentration on helping our- selves. “We shouldn’t.rely on sparsely attended training from outsiders,” she said. “We have the ability and the talent here in Vermont.” ,- _ ' Although he felt the discus- sion was helpful in identifying Serve as 0 Mountain Pride Media, the non—profit publisher of Out In The Mountains, Vermont’s Forum for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues, is looking for a new OI TM Editor. The preferred candidate have: A degree in Journalism, Communications, English or equivalent experience Knowledge of the GLBT community in Vermont Project Management and/ or supervision experience The OI TM Editor will: Develop and maintain ties to people and organizations within the GLBT community Work with other Mountain Pride Media personnel, volunteer or employee, as needed to, properly execute the duties of Out In The Mountains Editor This full-time paid position has flexible hours, and recluires presence both in our Richmond office and throughout the state. rum page tW0 resources within our own ‘com-’ > ’ niunity, ‘ Keith Elston, execu- ‘ ’tive director‘ ‘of Outright, is tentative about being too excit- ed though until he actually sees some money. The Blueprint Project research continues with more information gathering, and eventually, a final report that Gill hopes will paint a clear picture of what the national GLBT community is, what_ is wants to be, and what it needs to get to that goal. With this I tool, funders, including Gill, , will be able to make educated decisions about how and when to give money to the commu- nity. Palmer said he hopes the Gill Foundation finds a way to work with Vermont to further its national leadership. “In the 50 years that I have been out, it has never been possible to think outside ‘The Box,”’ he said. “To think in such a large context has never been a con- sideration.” Y Editor, Out In The Mountains Significant experience in many of the following areas: publishing industry, news or feature writing, copyediting, proofreading and fact—checking Be responsible for all areas of the production of Out In The Mountains ne of the liaisons between Mountain Pride Media and the public Send resume and requirements to: Mountain Pride Media Personnel PO Box 1078 Richmond, VT 05477-1078 or send via e-mail to personnel@mountainpridemedia.org. Out In The Mountain: is published monthly by Mountain Pride Media, Inc.