lanaan FOR U.S. SENATE Vermont Pride Parade, jun: 1995 Dear Fellow Vermonter, I am asking for your help in supporting my candidacy for the U.S. Senate. I am the V nation’s only openly gay statewide elected official. In 1992, I was elected Vermont’s State Auditor. In 1994, I was re-elected by a wide margin, even though the Republican tide that year swept many Democrats from office. Ironically, it was the homophobic agenda of the Gingrich Congress that persuaded me to come out to Vermonters. Now I want to go to Washington and fight that homophobia head on. But my candidacy is not just about being openly gay. Right now the Senate is unre- sponsive and out of touch with Americans — even in this time of unprecedented eco- nomic growth there are millions of Americans who are being left behind. Vermont needs a U.S Senator who is prepared to take on the corporate interests in Washington and fight to make the U.S. Senate work for all Americans. I am proud of my eight years of service in Montpelier and my work in transforming the office of State Auditor into an aggressive watchdog for consumers, taxpayers, and those Vermonters who must rely on government services. As Vermont’s State Auditor, I’ve fought for: ° Health care consumers against HMO abuses. - Honest efficient government against no-bid contracts given to political contributors. ° Working parents against insufficient safeguards at child care centers. - Vermont veterans against shameful nursing care. ' Developmentally disabled and mental health clients against inadequate . mental health services. ’ - Women against state contract discrimination, pay inequity, and discrimination in health care coverage. ° Human rights for all Americans against a national trend of intolerance and bigotry. With your help these are the kinds of battles I will continue to fight in Washington. Please help by voting for Ed Flanagan‘ for U.S. Senate in the Democratic primary on September 12. ‘Sincerely, Ed a agan To volunteer or contribute to Ed's campaign contact us at: P.O. Box 209 i Burlington, VT 05402-0209 tel: 802/862.0769 I fax: 802/865.2046 email: I web: Paid for by Flanagan for U.S. Senate. Contributions to Flanagan for US. Senate are not deductible for income tax purposes. He’s fought for you in Montpelier... He'll do the same in Washington! "I strongly support Ed Flanagan for the U.S. Senate in the Democratic Primary on September 12. He will be a strong advocate in Washington for all Vermonters. Ed has worked with me in our community's struggle for equal rights and in our broader political fight on behalf of Vermont's working families and the neediest among us. Facing off against Trent Lott and Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate will require the strength of character and commitment that Ed Flanagan has demonstrated as State Auditor. Please join me in voting for Ed Flanagan." ' --Rep. Bill Lippert (D-Hinesburg) “As State Auditor Ed Flanagan has been a forceful and effective advocate for the rights of all Vermonters. I observed close—up the success of his efforts on behalf of Vermont’s civil union bill. His courage in publicly supporting the bill and his intensive private lobbying of key legislators helped to ensure its passage. In the U.S. Senate, he will represent Verrnont’s best traditions of tolerance and independence.” — Rep. Ann Seibert (D-Norwich) ON HEALTH CARE REFORM . . . I Universal health care for all Americans I Regulate prices of expensive pharmaceuticals I Preserve and expand federal programs for HIV/AIDS I Pass a meaningful Patients’ Bill of Rights ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS . . . I Preserve Roe v. Wade and protect a woman's fundamental right to choose I Fair pay now —— pass strong federal legislation to end gender inequity and close the pay gap I End discrimination by health insurers against coverage for women's health needs ON G/L[B/T ISSUES . . . I Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (EN DA) to give gays and lesbians equal protection I Increase federal funding for HIV/AIDS research, health services and prevention programs I Hold the Republican leadership accountable for blocking future nominations of qualified gay public servants I Extend federal Hate Crimes law to cover hate crimes against gays and lesbians I Be a strong voice in the Senate for civil rights and human rights for all Americans ON PRESERVING VERMONT'S ENVIRONMENT . . . I Full federal enforcement of Superfund laws and federal clean air and water laws I Fight sprawl and reinvest in downtowns and alternative transportation I More federal funding to protect Lake Champlain and Vermont's watenuays from pollution and invasion by foreign species ON PEACE ISSUES . . . I End funding for Star Wars and other wasteful military programs I Sign the International Treaty to Ban Land’Mines ON FIGHTING FOR SENIORS . . . I Include full prescription benefits under Medicare I Protect the pension rights of older workers . I Protect and preserve the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds ON EDUCATION . . . I Increase federal funding for local and state efforts to improve public education I Full federal support for special education mandates I Decrease class size by federal support for 100,000 new teachers across America I Support for safe-school initiatives I Increase federal support for tuition grants to make higher education affordable for middle class and working families ON FAMILIES AND CHILDREN . . . I Increase federal funds to alleviate child care costs for working families I Expand and extend Family and Medical Leave Act ON WORKERS’ RIGHTS . . . I Increase the minimum wage and establish a livable wage I No to Free Trade, Yes to Fair Trade — no more trade agreements like NAI-TA, WTO, and PNTR for China that don't respect the environment, workers’ rights, and human rights