18 | 0ut“in the All,/lofiintains |September 2000 --= milestones = generous Support in making ""5 do)’ so wonderful. N _ June Farkas were united as Rosalie Ann Barnes and Betty . Th were hon_ . . . . My 7, 2000, In Stowe, VT. 91' partners in civil union ‘ _ t as she and her hUs_ ored to have Justice Joy A. Fagan officia e. st 27, Gfiel man on Sunday AUQU ived a mutes, Tina Giangrande rece Internet StrategY Manager:/‘T The commencement W05 b I ' Marlboro Ccmegel 3/(‘:2 Scrazetos daughler C°Um ed by partner ar _ ds famiiy and cats in cousin Steve Kaeser, file" I ttended virtualltl Vic‘ NYC’ and Toronto a _ ' b‘rthdCIY 05 W . dl““er' m honor of -Bafgifidlebuw. Tina plans to begl“ w° had 0‘ Woocltiil Sbflhroducer and strate9l5‘ ‘N5 ML e Y months Of Weekednd :::‘.l;‘ Master of Science 69 t Center of ' th ' relation- em from The Gmdua e attend- Rose and BettYJUl1e hod ‘he °PP°”U“"Y "° have elf ey Dozetos, Grad NeM°U“d‘°n ’ - f'1 onsibilities, and obli90' a Webcast. A celeD_"°l°'Y OCC€PTl“9 C1“ the ”9hts’ bene ' 5' resp - as _ - e“ as ‘he grodumrfdsvzn Rose and Betty June met in the United Slates Army in 1975, . - ty . . b friends with Rose and Be band, Dr. Williag F090: 2:1: Weoesnbom in Montpelier, lived in June for over Ye°' - Barnes - f Converse and MOVY - woterburv Ond '5 ‘he d°”gh'er 0 nt State - kkeeper at the Ve|'m° Converse Barnes retired as boo th Times- . . ‘ d as news reporter for e Hospital in 1971. Mary Tellre . 1979 Befly . 51 e Reporter in . Argus, Burlington F|r.ee ;ndCA 0;/:‘d is the daughter of Bi“ June was born in OS I ' and Jean Farkas. . d J onne . of Montpelier an 0 Surrounded si:ter;.:2en:V::: great nieces, and friends, Salvino of Was in9 0” ' ’ . b te their 25 years of love, ship recognized |Verrirct)<;nt,T'L<:ele