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Flanagan will work for all America as he visits with thou- sands of Vermonters at local meeting and parades, fairs and festivals, and various cam- paign events. These grassroots efforts will lead to victory at the polls in the Democratic pri- mary election on Spetember 12, and again in November. The priorities he has articu- lated are universal health care as a matter of right, a prescrip- tion drug benefit under Medicare, and fair and equi- table tax policies as well as the preservation of the Social Security and Medical trust funds. As Vermont’s State Auditor, Ed Flanagan stood up to the establishment when necessary. He fought for more effective ways that work for taxpayers and for those who must rely on government services to sur- vive. He does not depend on special interest PAC money to finance his campaign. That is a vision he wants to bring to the U. S. Senate — a government that works for the common . good, not only for a priviliged ..few'. -. - ... -.. He’s counting on individu- als who share his commitment to issues of fundamental fair- ness and who understand the need to send someone to the U.S. Senate who’s not afraid to take on the extablishment and provide a voice for responsible policy, priorities. Let’s elect Ed Flanagan! Marie Baldwin Middlebury, VT Where's the Support for Outright? . This is a very difficult letter for me to write. As a 21 year old who uses the much needed services of Outright Vermont, I am disgusted and horrified by the various attacks on the orga- nization. However, it is not just the misinformed hate wielding groups that I have to take issue with. Unfortunately I am also forced to take issue with the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, and this upsets me because it seems like a very easily remedied situation. I definitely support the work that VFTMTF has done in_ the past year, but I am deeply dis- turbed by their lack of regard ‘for the repercussions. As a young person still searching for their place in the LGBT community, this situation has been tearing me apart for months. I have seen the enormous media resources that VFTMTF has been able to pull together to support their cause. I have also seen the very few letters to the editors of various newspa- pers written in support of Outright. The young people of this community have written‘ letters to editors in support of VFTMTF. We have stuffed envelopes, talked to people, registered people to vote and given them rides to the poles. All of this has been done for the sake of civil unions. We have given time and energy that we did not necessarily have for the sake of our com- munity. And now that our biggest support network in the state is being attacked, we have been forgotten. Maybe it is just me, but this hardly seems okay. Remember that we are here and that as a whole we will get nowhere if we do not support each other. I am not asking you to give up your causes, but maybe it is time to examine the effect. Name witheld at author’s request New Face at CARES I am writing on behalf of Vermont CARES (Committee for AIDS . Resources, Education and Services) to introduce myself as the new Men’s Health Project coordi- nator for the greater Burlington area. ' My interest in coordinating a men’s health project stems largely from my recent experi- ences in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During my time there, I studied at the University of Amsterdam and participated in a seminar on issues related to sexuality, gen- der and identity. In addition to my academic work, I spent a lot of time in the field getting to know my surroundings. These included the (in)famous Red Light District, the gay bars and baths of Reguliersdwarstraat and Warmoestraat, as well as the once radical Dutch Society for A We reserve the right to edit for Letters are also subject to the editorial Sexual Reform, the Netherlands Institute for Social Sexological Research, and the Cultural and Recreational Center, a leading gay rights institution in Holland. In get- ting to know these organiza- tions, I learned much of the history behind the Dutch gay and lesbian movement. I stud- ied their successes and failures on the political front and their attempts to build a “communi- ty” in what was once a very conservative and religious society. I participated in dis- cussions on creating gay space and learned how the Dutch police became supportive of public sex areas. Although not all discussions were as posi- tive, I gained a sense of empowerment from studying the Dutch. experience and rec- ognized the possibilities for bettering the lives of GLBT Vermonters. In returning to the United States, it was my hope to use some of my Dutch experiences to assist in creating new social and educational opportunities for men who have sex with men in the Burlington area. As I have settled into my new position at CARES, I have talked with various organiza- tions and individuals within the community to see how I can support their efforts, but I would like to hear from more voices. To those of you reading this: What do you need or.want . . from the local GLBT commu- nity that is now absent? What can I do to fill these needs? I would welcome the opportuni- ty to talk with all of you! Please feel free to contact me via e-mail (dechen@vtcares.org) or phone at 800-649-2437 or 863-. 2437. ' ‘ Dechen Albero V /aw./ova ~27aa In d-chi