Samara Scholarship continued from page tour group Le Tigre for their women- and queer-positive themes. Although they regular- ly book for over a thousand dollars a night, The Need accepted $100 for the perfor- mance, telling Hannah, “These are the shows we love to do: in a small community that does- n’t get this kind of scene.” Hannah expected a dozen or so kids from 242 and Outright; she was stunned when the show drew over a hundred youth. Hannah recalls when Kathleen of Le Tigre asked the crowd if 242 was a queer teen center. When the kids said no, she reinforced Hannah’s suc- cess, proclaiming, “Well, it is tonight!” Hannah credits queer punk bands such as Team Dresch and Sleater, as well as Ani diFranco, as her inspira- tion to write music, which she performs on acoustic guitar_ and drums. She is particularly fond of artists whose queer- friendly and radical themes she discovered upon coming out. After having female friends “take [her] on” in middle ’ school as a project in feminiza- tion, she was glad to have lyrics about kinds of people and intimacy she could relate to. Hannah’s other love — and talent — is writing. She is art editor for Secrets Between Girls, a literary ‘zine for writ- ing and artwork by young queer women. She also pub- lishes short stories and essays on her own in Caught in the Act and Wallflower Rebellion. She describes one piece she wrote on falling in love with a book: “I could read it over and over for hours. I would look at the words like some people would look at pictures of someone they liked.” Hannah also explains her inspiration for Wallflower Rebellion: “I wrote a piece in which I said I wanted all of the people who are kind of shy to come out. and show themselves.” Coming from Hannah, this is a perfect description of the path she started on four years ago. Hannah explains that she only found her own confidence when she began coming out the summer before high school. At the time, her parents told her they would “accept whatever you do as long as you are true to yourself and are coming from a place of love.” From there, Hannah found her own voice and began making real friends as she realized, “I didn’t need to fit in or mold myself to the mainstream. I make a space that fits who I am.” For Hannah Hafter, com- ing out has made all the differ- ence. Matt Webb teaches 11th and 12th grade English. He lives in Barre. V PHOENIX RISING spirited jewelry 1 gifts )\' gallery When a Woman loves a Woman her Wing span breaks through the tight chrysalis of society's opinion. I ‘A’ 34 state street montpelier,vt 05602 802.229.0522 - Victoria Santiago September 2000 I out in the Mountains |7 New at the Flynn Center Classes in Theater, Music, and Dance for Children, Teens, and Adults ‘A’ Professional Arts Faculty ‘A’ Small, Creative Classes ‘A’ Process and Performance Experiences ‘k Connections to Flynn Mainstage Performances and Visiting Artists Fall Semester Classes Begin Monday, September 18 in the Flynn Center's New Hoehl Studio Lab and Chase Dance Studio Call 652-4548 today for a course catalog or send e-mail to ‘ panderson@f| Flynn Center for the Performing Arts I53 Main Street, Burlington , Attention CivilUnion Supporters Vermont's Primary is Tuesday, September 12, 2000. The following Civil Union supporters face anti-Civil Union challengers and need your vote in the primary. You can vote in either primary; YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DECLARE YOUR PARTY TO VOTE! _ Democratic Primary Chittenden-1-3 (Winooski, Colchester) Chittenden-7-5 (Burlington) F ranklin-2 (Bakersfield, Berkshire, Enosburg, Richford) Windsor—Windham-l (Grafton, Rockingham, Springfield, Windham) Windsor-Windham-1 (Grafton, Rockingham, Springfield, Windham) \/ George Cross (D) \/ Mark Larson (D) \/ Albert Perry (D) \/ Carolyn Partridge (D) 7 Michael Obuchowski (D) Republican Primary V Malcolm Severance (R) Chittenden-1-1 (Colchester) / Thomas Little (R) Chittenden-5-4 (Shelbume) F ranklin-Grand Isle-1 - Lamoille-2-2 Lamoille-2-2 Orange—2 Orleans—2 Orleans-Caledonia- 1 \’ John Edwards (R) \’ Cathy Voyer (R) \/ Richard Marron (R) \’ Marion Milne (R) \/ William Fyfe (R) \/ Robert Kinsey (R) Wheelock) (Alburg, Swanton) (Morristown/Morrisville, Stowe) (Morristown/Morrisville, Stowe) (Chelsea, Orange, Tunbridge, Vershire, Washington, Williamstown) (Coventry, Irasburg, NewportCity, NewportTown) (Albany, Barton, Craftsbury, Glover, Greensboro, Sheffield, Westmore, . If you are not registered to vote or you need an absentee ballot, contact us and we will assist you. IMPORTANT: You do not have to be out of town to cast your vote with an absentee ballot! You can vote with an absentee ballot anytime between August 8"‘ and September 11"‘ at your Town Clerk's office, from home, from work...wherever! All you have to do is visit, write or call your Town Clerk and request an absentee ballot. Contact us if you have questions. Vermonters for Civil Unions, Inc. a Vermont Political Action Committee P.O. Box 1574, Montpelier, Vermont 05601 O (802) 899-2930 9 email: 9 website: