Moumazn Pride Media is OUT... in Hue moumains, and in Hie vallevs and coming -to see you! The next stop on the 1999-2000 Green Mountain Tour: ( FRANKLIN COUNTY ) a Sunday, August 6 at Hummingbird Hill Hosted by Joy Griffith 1 - 3 PM WORKSHOP (“Writing for print media" Hone your press release and letter-to-the-editor writ- ing skills. This is a hands-on workshop designed to help you and your organization get what you have to say in print. 4 - 6 PM RECEPTION Meet members of the Mountain Pride Media Board and the staff of Out in the Mountains and mountain- We'll be there to chat vvith you about the services we offer, ask for your input, and answer your questions. We need volunteers in each area to make food, help us with local contacts and invitations, assist with set up and break down. Please Contact us at: or 802-434-6486 to RSVP, volunteer, or get more information about the tour. GREEN MOUNTAIN TOUR STOPS STILL TO COME NEAR : Bennington Grand Isle Newport Royalton Springfield Fronri Burlington: Take l89 to Exit 1k).I.St. Albans) At the 4-way stop, turn right onto Rt HM. Stay on Rt. 104 until itjunc— tions with Rt. l0S.'l"urn right toward Enosburg. Stay on Rt. l()5 until you come into the town of Enosburg. (About I3 miles) Turn left. You are still on Rt. 105. Go through the village. As you come out of the village, you will see a NAPA Auto Parts store on the left. On your right is new construction for a MacDonalds and Grand Union. Turn left on the road just beyond the NAPA store. (As you turn there will be a Lyndonville Savings Bank on your right).You will eventually come to a four corners and a stop sign.(about 5 miles) The Berkshire Elementary School will be on your right. Go straight ahead past the Berkshire Quick Stop. (You are now on Richford Rd.) We are one mile from the four corners on the righthand side ofthe road - 956 Richford Rd. -— DIRECTIONS TO HURIIIMINGBIRD HILL, RICHFORD AUGUST 6 EVENT We're already planning the rest of the tour. Please contact us if you can help in your area. The Green Mountain Tour is made possible by a generous grant from the Green Mountain Fund for Popular Struggle. Froin Morrisville: ‘lake Rt.l()() North to Rt. 118. Take Rt. 118 toMontgomer_v. Stay on Rt. Il8 to East Berkshire. (Rt.ll8 runs into Rt.1()S.) Turn left on Rt. 105 and then take an immediate right back onto Rt.ll8. Go approximately 4 miles. You will come to a four cornersfrhe Berkshire Elementary School will be on your left.Turn right ontoRichford Road and go exactlyl mile. Our house is on the right hand side ofthe road. (956 Richford Rd.) There will be bal- loons on the mailbox, on the lefthand side of the road directly across from our drive- way. The mailbox will have balloons. 7 Announcing the creation of VERMONTERS FOR CIVIL UNIONS, INC. Avermont Political Action Committee Despite the passage of the Civil Union law, our struggle continues. Opponents of the new law have vowed to elect a legislature that will repeal this groundbreaking civil rights legislation. We must do all we can to protect the Civil Union Law! Vermonters for Civil Unions, lnc., is a polit- ical action committee whose only goal is to elect a pro-civil union legislature, gover- nor and lieutenant governor. For those incumbents who voted for the bill we will providing: v financial backing v volunteer help v media support We will also work hardto elect pro-civil union candidates who have not served in the legislature before. We urgently need your help! Please volunteer to help us in your area or send us a donation (running a campaign is very expensive!). And please give a copy of this ad to 5 of your friends. Thank you, Susan Murray Chair Vermonters for Civil Unions, Inc. » Yes!-1:»: wantto ‘volunteer vtolhellp. :Verm:onters for Civil V 7 law! Ple:as‘e”l c__all met at *f**‘f Enclos_ed? i . o$2oo -mast tupoooooooooooooo V g_Your.,donation is greatly appreciated, but it is not tax deductible. 0. .-. I”. ,.v. 3. ,. I C .. .. C U I O couooooocococoaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooOI" on0In-cocoIQ-00.00::lodcol0loco:oII00coloncocoaoouooooooooooi_l_'9’l"P Unions, lnc.v:e,le'ot:canpdgidategs who-‘s'uplport-»thecivil uniori;-ff ' O I I O I C C I O I O .‘.. I O I C I I I I C U