FAITH MATTERS In: the reverend eliristine Ieslie Faith Matters and Rest Matters Since resting makes it possible for all the other aspects of our lives to matter at all, I am going to practice what I preach and rest from writing a full—length column this month. Between now and when the fall begins I am going to finish building my new deck on the back of my house and then sit in the sun and read the books I have selected for my summer reading. (Yes, reading is restful to me and some- thing I don’t do for myself as much as I would like!) My reading list includes Stealing Jesus: How F undamenlalism Betrays Christianity by Bruce Bawer, Coming Out Through F ire: Surviving the Trauma of Homophobia by Leanne McCall Tigert, C oming Out Within: Stages of Spiritual Awakening for Lesbians and Gay Men — The Journey from Loss to Transformation by Craig O’Neill and Kathleen Ritter, and last but not least, SQ: Connecting with Our Spiritual Intelligence by Danah Zohar and Dr. Ian Marshall. (I am planning to let you know what I think about these books in my September col- umn and call it “Reading Matters.” I can already highly recommend Bawer’s book to you!) The other reason I need to rest from writing a full-length column this month has to do with how much has happened in my life since last summer, These 12 months have been personally and professionally delicious but I am full to the brim from feasting at this great meal of life experiences. Like a baggage carrier on a safari made to walk too far too fast the first 3 days, I’m telling the “boss lady” in me that I need to stop and rest so my soul can catch up with the rest of me. When I take the time to digest all that’s hap- pened in the last 12 months, when I let my soul catch up to the rest of me then I can figure out, with The Holy Spirit’s help, what really matters in my life and what doesn’t. And when I know what really matters to me then perhaps I can keep writing monthly columns that matter to you. See you in September! Rev. Christine Leslie is Campus Minister for ' Cooperative Christian Ministry @ U VM and pastoral counselor in private practice. Reach Chris at 802-860-7106 or V Montpelier Bufllfigmfi 229-5220 860-6360 E _ JOSIE JUHASZ, MA Lic. Psychologist - Master LYNN GOYETTE, MS, MA Lic. Clinical Mental Health Counselof BILL MCBROOM, MSW To leum Lic. Clinical‘ Social Worker more about: . I insurance accepted’ Sliding fee 5C3 9 - HIV testing We , Benems 0, COUNSELING CENTER or NORTHERN VERMONT knowing your HIV status __j_______ ‘ KAISER PERMANENTE - Treatment, nx: 802/524-2867 support and counseling “lions Carol Thayer, M.D. Call Vermont ?l:;oH':£';°A|DS -0- PO Box 1160, RD2 - Fairfax, in 05454 August 2000 I Out in the Mountains |25 —-= health & welIbeing= (802) 254-8032 yMz'chael Gigante, Ph.D. "’ Psyclzasynthesis Counseling, Psychotherapy, 6' Consultation 53 Myrtle St., Brattleboro, VT 05301 email Janet Langdon, M. Div. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Pastoral Counseling River Road, Putney, VT 05346 802-387-5547 (802) 586-7793 Maryanne Southam ~ .1 Doctor of,Oriental“Med’ecine Licensed Acupuncturist (NM #496) Chinese Herbalist Licensed Massage Therapist (NM #384) P.O. Box 52 Craftsbury, VT 05826 =8 Feminist Therapy ' Leah Wittenberg 2 Church Street Licensed Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy for individuals and couples sliding fee scale (802) 658-9590 ext 4 Experienced therapist specializing in the individual and relationship issues of Lesbian Women and Gay Men Susan McKenzie MS. Licensed Psychologist—Master Quechec 8 0 2 2 9 5 - 5 5 3 3 Insurance Accepted-Sliding Fee Scale LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR South Burlington Individuals and Couples BOB GREEN M.A. (302) 658-2390 (soo) 330-5025 .11“ Individuals & Couples