Nathan A. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp Sigle. Winchester. Virginia.Sunday August 24th 1862Dear Sister

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I take this opportunity to wright you a few lines to day to let you know that I am well as usual and enjoying myself first rate. I like camp life very well a good deal better than I expected to at first. It is very dry here there has not been any rain here for nearly 2 months. to day there is a battle up the valley some where I think for we can here cannon

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in that direction and we expect a fight here almost every day. last night our mail was captured by the rebels and burnt it happened about 12 miles from here. I have not heard from Lyman but once since I have been here and I have not heard from you but once and I received one from Martha We expect reinforcements here every day we expect that the 10 and 11 are a coming here but do not know for certain but hope so at least I here that McClellan is a giong to join Pope if he does there will be a big battle here in this valley and I hope he will for then the most of the Vt Soldiers will be togather or very near togather I dont think of any thing of importance to wright to day. I would like it very well if some of you would send

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me a paper once in a while so I could here what is a going on in Vermont. Wright when you get this and let me know whether Father got my letter with the Parchment in it. give my love to all the folks and tell Martha that I answered her letter the next day after I got hers I see James Tyler every little while and he is well and wants to get transfered into the 9th Regt and I hope he will I dont think of any more at present so I will close

From your BrotherSgt Nathan A Williams
Co. F. 9th Regt. Vt. Vol.s
Care of Lieut. Eugene Viele
Washington D.C.

