Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Head Qr’s 6th Vt VolunteersAug 3rd 1864Dear Sister

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I again take my pen in hand to write you a few lines after a long silence. I commenced a letter to you three days ago and intended to finish it the next morning but the next morning my Co. were ordered to the City of Fredrick to do guard duty and we have been there untill to day when the Corps moved to Monocacy and we went with them We were camped about two miles from the City and now we are six or eight

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While I was on duty in the City I could not get time to sit down or write or do anything else but patrol the City and examine passes but now we are here I will try and write a few lines at least to all my Corrispondents as I have neglected all of them since I left City Point Va and came here as the the most of the time when I could write I have been to tiard to attempt to do so. We have not been in so much danger while here as we should have been at Petersburg but we have had a much harder time here as we have been on the move nearly all the while. We arrived in

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Washington from City Point on the 12th of July and had a slight scurmish with the rebs at night 13th Left Washington & and marched all night 14th Went to Poolsville Md. where we remained the 15th. 16th we crossed forded the river at Whites ford where it was about 75 rods wide and from two to four feet deep and went to Leesburg Va. 17th rested all day & wrote to you & Mary. 18th Marched accross the Mt. at Snickers Gap into the Shenandoah Valley. 19th Rested all day. 20th Crossed the River and then recrossed it and marched all night 21st on the march all day. 22nd marched all day. 23rd marched to Washington. passed by Camp Griffin and visited the old grave yard where a No of old Co. I. were buried also visited

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our old camp and found everything as we left it in the spring of 1862. 24th Stayed in Camp all day. the Regt were paid four months pay. 25th I went to the City and got my pay as a Sergt up to the 6th of June but did not get any pay as a Lt. but I shall get the more next time. I went and saw Geo. Brown and had a good long visit with him also saw Ellen for a few moments. I am glad that she is there to take care of him. I also went and saw Alf. Douglas Riley Swan and others. 26th Left Washington and marched to Rockville Md. Went on picket at night. 27th Marched to Hyattsville 28th Marched to Frederick and from there to Jeffersonville

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29th Marched to Harpers Ferry Va Wrote to Mary &c. 30th Lay in Camp untill the Middle of the P.M. when we again crossed into Md. & marched nearly all night

Camped near Petersville. 31st very hot. marched to Frederick City Aug 1st on guard in the City 2nd on duty in the City. 3rd to day came here and camped. now I am writing to you.

I received a letter from you while at Harpers Ferry containing the photographs of yourself & Father & Mother and I was very much pleased with you all of them and I think them real good ones. You say I may send them back to you. Well I will when I

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get tiard of loocking at them but would much rather keep them. have you any more of them. Last night I got a letter from Mary and her picture also I am well and I hope to be able to write to you often in the future. I have given you a slight account of our marches since we came to Md but I am in hopes that we shall not have to be on the move all of the while this month as we were last Give my love to all the folks at home and to all enquiring friend. Give Carrie a kiss for me and tell her she shall have a letter soon Hoping to get a letter soon I remain as ever

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your Aff. Brother Lieut L. S. Williams
Co. “C” 6th Vt

