Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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No. 3Camp of the 6th Regt. Vt Inft Brandy Station Va. Saturday P.M. March 5th 1864 Dearly Remembered Sister Lois

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Last night I received a kind Letter from you. It was No. 3. and I will now try to answer it I do care to hear from you now as much as ever and your Letters will always receive a warm welcome from me as they always have and if nothing hapens I shall write to you as often as ever. I am well as usual and hope these few lines will find all of the folks at home enjoying good health and happiness. I should have written to you last Sunday but on the morning of the 27th of February

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we were ordered to march immediatly to support the Cavalry who were about to make a raid into the rebel lines. We went as far as Madison Court House and remained there untill the morning of the 2nd when having accomplished our object we returned to Camp where we arrive that night tiard and sleepy having marched about 26 miles that day in the mud The next day I wrote to Mary and would have written to you but was to tiard to attempt it and yesterday I was to busy but to day I will try and write to you hoping that you will get it in good time. It would please me very much to have you write me a history of your doings every week or anything else that you choose to

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write to me. I think of you often and long to be with you and Mary and the rest of the folks at home You wanted to know of me if I thought that anyone could help loving Mary. Well perhaps I should not be a good judge as I am somewhat partial to her but I could not help loving her at least. I should think that you folks at home would all be sick or crazy to have so many in the house and I hope by the time that I get home from the army that my room as I always called it will be empty at least so that Mary and I can occupy it if we want to but perhaps we shall not want it for who knows what may happen

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in the new year or so. We are now quietly in Camp but how long we shall remain so I cannot tell at present. Inclosed I shall send you one dollar for which I want you to send me four or five ten cent postage Stamps and the rest in two and three cent Stamps I send it to you for you are so near the P.O. that I thought you could do it with less trouble than Mary could. Give my love to all the folks and a kiss for Carrie I have no news to write at present so I will close with much love for you and all the rest of our folks. Hoping to hear from you soon I remain as ever your aff. brother,

Lyman S. Williams
Co. I. 6th Regt Vt Inft. Washington

