Lyman S. Williams to Parents

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Camp Near Harrison’s Landing Va.on the James RiverJuly 6th/62Dear Parents,

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I take this opportun ity to write a few words to you this morning to let you know that I am well and still in the land of the living. I presume that you have heard of our retreat across the paninsula to the James River. The rebels followed us very closley so that there was a fight every day along some portion of our lines yet our brigade was in only one fight and that was on Sunday night the 29th of June near Savage Station and I tell you the bullets and grape shot flew thick and fast around us some of them passed very close to me yet I was not hurt

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In that fight we drove the rebels back in confusion as we have in every engagement since we left our old camp. The rebels have shelled us out of our camp twice since we commenced our retreat but we formed each time under cover of the woods and our batteries soon silenced the rebels Our retreat has been in the night mostley we holding the enemy in check during the day Our Division has occupied the front all of the time since we came into the field untill since the retreat when we have been placed as rear guard to cover our retreat and now we are in the front again I think we have retreated for the last time. We have got the enemy out of his entrenc- hments and now I think we

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will soon give them a good thrashing. The fourth of July we were reviewed by Gen McClellan and staff. All has been quiet in front of our lines since the 3rd inst.

In the fight Sunday night which I spoke off Cor. H. T. Moseley was wounded and left behind at the Hospital at the mercy of the enemy also privates G. Martin, J. Boyl are known to be wounded. privates F. Story C. Wickware, G. Starks and E. McGlauflen have not been seen since the fight and what has become of them is not known. Those are all that are missing from our Co. I think Our brigade has all been paid off except our Regt and we were to be paid the day we were shelled out of our old camp on the Chickahomina and he skedadled and has not been heard from

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since whether he stoped before he got to Vt I know not. I am sorry to say that Mr R. B. Mellen of Essex is dead. He died the night of the 28th of June so the doctor of this regiment informed me this morning so it is undoubtably correct. He had been in the hospital for a number of days previous and was not expected to live. I pity his folks and the good people of Essex ought to see that they do not suffer for anything. I have nothing more to write at present.

As ever your Aff. SonLyman S. Williams
D. C.

